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  1. Nah.. 1. The bosses and/or enemies' damage was probably toned down for the E3 demo so as to be more easily playable. 2. That was the very first dungeon boss in the game.
  2. I thought the NGC rumor stated a delay for TP until November though?
  3. Yeah but delaying TP isn't going to help. They need to just work on Zelda REV rather than focus on putting the same stuff in a GC game. And don't worry, TP will hold its own just fine either way..
  4. Yeah but it would be suffering another very long delay just to add something that will already be in Zelda Revolution. Well Nintendo just delayed it to April. The only possible reason they would delay it again to November (as the rumor states) would be to add the controls. In my opinion Rev controls in TP just aren't logically worth another long delay, when they will already be implemented in the next Zelda. We'll see, I would still definitely treat this as a rumor.
  5. After reading up more on this rumor, I've decided that it must be fake. TP delayed until November? That would be completely illogical since Nintendo already stated that TP would be the last "conventional" Zelda and a new Zelda for Revolution would be totally different. TP is a GC title, the whole idea behind the new Zelda Revolution title will be the Revolution controls. TP with Rev controls would ruin that idea. I just highly doubt Nintendo will screw GC owners to put in Rev controls, when they already have a seperate Rev Zelda planned.
  6. I say.. 1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) I love my other top 4 favorites but they don't come close to OOT. 2. Chrono Trigger (SNES) The only RPG I've really, really liked. Great story, gameplay, music. 3. Pikmin (GC) Very close to Chrono in my top 5. A very different game but very well done. 4. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) Lots of sidequests, very good game. 5. Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) One of my favorites, took the first SMB and added lots of great additions -- powerups, worlds, music, story, etc.
  7. Yeah that's a good point. I still treat this just as a rumor, the scans do make it seem more likely though.
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