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Posts posted by Mr_Master_X2

  1. This is less than £20 at ShopTo... so I finally bought it, onto the backlog it goes. :indeed:


    Being that I've got most of the Final Fantasy games either to play for the first time or experience again, would anyone say that this would be a good title to play first in order to get into the "spirit" of playing FF games, even though it's structurally different from most of the titles?


    What WAS the last one you played may affect the experience. It's been a looooong time for me, though. Don't know how to get back I'm that far behind...(and I REEEEEEALLY want to play FFXV). When it was still running mainline releases, the last one was IX. Of course I've played remakes/spinoffs since then (I think my ACTUAL last one I played was Final Fantasy I&II Advance). i rememer when my entire life used to revolve around RPGs, when I finished one it was always "right, onto the next one!"

  2. N


    I've definitely posted about this before, but with NX I'd love for Wu-Hu Island to basically be the hub of the new console :hehe:



    Yes, I've posted about this dozens of times before EVERYWHERE basically since the Wii U launched, too. (Every wish list topic ends up with a huge post on it me rambling on about it...LOL)


    It's such a good idea, but it's also a "Nintendo Magic Idea" too. Huge open-world island exploration with volcano, ruins, caves, indoor houses, hidden town, mini islands, lush valleys etc., Miis running around, bikes/planes/karts/boats etc. to ride around in, main town hub with updates/posts from Nintendo, also being a hub for a huuuuuge selection of online multiplayer mini games/good sized games etc. with other players roaming, Disneyland style mascot visits from classic Nintendo characters like Mario/Link etc. Your own little Mii house in the town that you can decorate and change Mii clothes/outfits/keep pets etc. A console achievement system for ALL games that you get coins/red coins/blue coins/star coins, which you can use to buy stuff in the town with (you buy more real world games, you get more achievement coins, you expand your Wu-Hu Island items/house etc....crafty but addictive money grab!) Nintendo holding competitions/tournaments/treasure hunts etc. for prizes every so often. A real interactive online community!


    WHY haven't they done it yet...?

  3. Does anyone's else's interest in a game wane about 3/4 through, then you start another game to halt disinterest with the intention of finishing the previous one at a slower pace, then end up completely forgetting due to getting engrossed in the new game, then end up with a backlog of "almost finished" games? :(


    MH4U (About halfway through single hi-rank, maybe near end of game...)

    Before that RF4 (Got to postgame but not started ACT 3 yet)

    Before that Diablo 3 Special Edition (probably not halfway done...)

    Before that Fantasy Life (I think I have like one quest out of the hundreds and just levelling skills up, basically 100% complete!)


    ...and so on and on.



    I put this on hold because I was getting too far ahead of my bro and wanted to play stuff through multi, but my interest for the game has just disintegrated even though I was thoroughly enjoying it. He was "supposed" to be catching up yet has simply been playing PS4 games one after the other for months now. Not sure I can be bothered playing through with the prospect of no future multiplayer, and don't want to inflict my internet connection on anyone online.

  4. Nintendo needs another second party with a work ethic like RARE used to have. Unseen64 gives a selection of cancelled for Nintendo, and altered for XBOX port games that would have been on Nintendo (don't be put off by the XBOX versions, if they didn't waste developement time having to essentially start those games again for porting, they would have been excellent) It's a list that's massive and probably only a fraction of what was coming for GBC/GBA/CUBE. It's heartbreaking as a Nintendo gamer... When they lost all those IPs and strong/fast developement Nintendo got fucked. I know staff left, but it's not like they were all gone/incompetant, and have to wonder WHY Nintendo let it happen.

  5. God, this industry is so obsessed with graphics. It makes me sad.


    Yes, I agree BUT you're missing a point here; why release essentially a Wii U2? It failed for a reason, then failed more due to correctible reasons (slow release, lack of games, no advertising or customer focus). If they ARE going underpowered (likely, at least compared to PS4/XO) then they clearly have some sort of "other" appeal going on, which Iwata quotes in this very topic hint there's some "other" feature, gimmick if you like.


    Then we have quotes hinting they've not just shown third parties BUT HIRED THEM OUT, too.


    There's plenty of hints of a shared OS, wouldn't surprise me if we get a new handheld AND home console announced in quick succession (though not out at the same time) with shared OS on handheld/home unit, and an account across those two AND mobile/tablet/PC (third party ones, just so someone doesn't think I'm saying they're getting into those hardware businesses LOL) I think it will be almost/same power as PS4, too weak and we're back in the same position as Wii U with third parties.


    I think they'll have a cross-buy/cross-play similar to Vita/PS3, in which there's a cutdown version of the home game on the handheld. Nintendo has to know they simply cannot support two full separate catalogues anymore, right? Think about it, extra incentive for third parties to make Nintendo games as there's super quick same OS game ports for two consoles, MORE MONEY for them. Of course, there'll be "only on" titles for either handheld or home unit, but I foresee Nintendo pushing "for both" feature heavily, with their own games being 100% for both. As to whether you have to fully pay for both versions, get a discount for both, get one free...no idea, probably the middle answer.


    I see the mobile offering the F2P games Nintendo has started making, and also offering "snippets" of console games to entice people over to the main consoles. It's VERY good advertising since it'll allow a huuuuuge casual crowd to see the games, free advertising basically.


    Fusion. It WILL come eventually, and we know they've thought about it. I've gone from almost definitely this gen to atleast a gen off, maybe two. I feel Sony may use the idea when they get to next gen or after, too, but with more of a all-media focus than Nintendo's "almost" pure gaming angle. Microsoft...no, they'll keep going in the full-on super PC multimedia way and ignore the fusion idea. A clear split in gaming we will see, which we'll only see them all angle back together when multiple VRs are perfected.

  6. Yes, thank you. The days of 3Dfx and Quake are exactly what I was referring to, I just couldn't remember all the terms from back then.




    That ties in with a mysterious comment by Square-Enix from before much was known about "Revolution". They said something like "Not just a console, not just a portable..." Then the Wii was released and it didn't make sense.


    That's a good bit of tidbit.


    It's old tech but decent enough for a handheld in my eyes. There's nothing wrong with the WiiU's power but it's architecture is so different than the other consoles it'll never get 3rd Party support and Nintendo aren't putting out big games at a high enough rate to support it well enough.

    Then there's the fact it lacks any decent social features like creating parties with your friends and party chat. It's too lacking as a home console.


    I think Ronnie is sort of right. The resolution is too low compared to the graphics they're trying to pull off, it makes some games look mega dodgy, especially if you own an XL where they become bleh. There must be SOMETHING that can be done, though, as Majora's Mask 3D PQ is super crisp and beatiful...even on an XL! I'm not sure what they did for it.


    It doesn't make things unplayable, of course, still a million times better looking than a Wii upscaled on a LCD HDTV. But the good thing about portables with small screens is resolution doesn't have to be increased much at all to get the PQ all crisp/smooth and beatiful. As long as Nintendo increases it a decent fraction (full HD isn't even neccessary) we should get an excellent PQ next handheld.


    @Ronnie, A link Between Worlds was amazing, they can still make great Zelda's on the handheld. Also, given how it's put out OoT & MM remakes, they could still easily do a proper 3D Zelda game too.


    I want a new Nintendo R&D team that's fully focused on new VC games. Games built with SNES/NES etc. engines but upscaled to HD. Like we got with Megaman 9/10. We'd have to get both 3DS/Wii U release to maximise sales, though.

  7. Thing is, while I agree it is a sound strategy, it didn't work out for the Cube. That thing launched at £130 and still struggled to keep up with the competition. Even when it got dropped by retailers and they were selling it for £40-50 it didn't help.


    If they do the cheap route then they need another hook/gimmick that will get the general public on board. If it's something only Nintendo fans will buy then they are going to struggle again.


    Enjoyed the CUBE. Many third, second and first party titles. If it was multiplat I got the CUBE version despite having PS2/XB. Hmm...actually I think I got the XB last on the REAL cheap and pretty much played the exclusive games (Halo, Buffy, D&D Heroes plus other Diable esques etc.) So at the time what multiplat I got was a toss up between CUBE and PS2. CUBE games looked sooooo good. Not just the graphics, I'm talking about PQ. It was ahead of the others PQ wise, at least to my eyes (yes, PS2 had semi HD for some games, I'm aware). There was just something about it that made PQ "extra crisp", which made the Wii PQ exceptionally dissappointing. You can actually put certain CUBE games in the Wii and see the PQ quality compared to many Wii games. It's sad, and to be honest, I can't work out WHY this happens? Actually now that I think about it, I "think" it had something to do with it not being true widesreen and instead "stretched resolution" when in widescreen, as playing in 4: 3 makes Wii games crisp and gorgeous...though some still not as good as certain CUBE games.


    Fun fact: after playing all the XB games my family wanted to we sold all our joypad/games, EXCEPT the actual console and maybe the plug/standard TV connector due to low selling costs and the astronomical P&P involved to send the console we would have been in minus money fees...the console box is now used as a doorstop. A VERY good one, too. LOL


    I think Wii U should have been the console of the Wii generation. If you listen to Nintendo they'd been working on the gamepad a looooong time. Wii should have been HD with almost Wii U power, and the gamepad released as a life extender and a "play away from TV gimmick" for main games and VC. Ironically, the gamepad may have sold MORE this way as a Wii extension just from the sheer userbase of Wii. With the upcoming NX being whatever it will be.


    I take it you didn't look at the previous page. :heh:




    Who's to say that they won't announce it at the start of next year and have it ready for the Summer/Fall?


    Iwata was hardly gonna come out and say that they are launching a new console in 2016 when he first mentioned the NX. It would kill are potential Wii U buyers interest and they are trying to get every penny out of that thing before shelving it.


    Comparing what they done in the past and using that as a way of predicting what they will do with NX isn't a great way to try and see how things will play out. This isn't like launching a console because the thing has had it's time. They are having to launch in the middle of a generation.




    That's the way i'm seeing it.


    If it is indeed Wii U based, then any projects that were being made for the Wii U will probably be an easy switch to the new platform, so having the software ready shouldn't be an issue.


    Of course, this is all speculation.


    I get it from a business point of view, but as a fan I'm not sure I could support it. Right slap in the face it would be.




    Not sure about this. Firstly launching in July? When has a platform ever been released in July?


    20 mil in a year seems extremely high but that number suggests the NX will be a handheld rather than a console.


    The article is mostly BS. While it MAY release in 2016 Nintendo has NEVER said it is, just that they'll discuss it in 2016. So outright lie straight off.


    Official translated NX questions from Shareholder meeting







    Ahh, people were worried about third parties promising games but then not bohering, but the "joint initiatives" brings extra hope as it seems to imply they've bought rights to games/hired out.


    Ahh, I figured they'd be worried about other companies pilfering ideas if they announced info too early (they USUALLY do afterall) which implies some new hardware/software feature, for definite. So it's NOT just a PS4/XO style power bump.


    So, despite the "no info" they've actually given us info. LOL

  8. I do use Serebii for Pokemon info A LOT, and you're certainly the guy who knows the most about Pokemon that I know, but I have my doubts as to whether he's the guy that knows the most about Pokemon ever. You certainly have a very comprehensive site. There's going to be people out there who know BY MEMORY every Pokemon location of every game, every line of dialogue off by heart etc. who due to their freak genetics/biology would make you look small in comparison.


    I think though, due to your closeness to the series, you fail to see it should have advanced more by now. Do I think it's sales will drop? Nah, any dropping the series is outnumbered by those that join it. People buy no matter what; they're in the series for life. I think the ideas I posted on the Pokemon topic are just and the game needs to advance, at least to an "alternate" series for the home console, which you could call a spinoff if you like. It wasn't really feasable until now, and any home console version would have just ended up "handheld version with prettier graphics and less portable features", but we're at the point now where EVERYONE is asking "where's our open-world adventure, living and breathing Pokemon world?" The Nintendo home console tech is now here for the creation of a truly new mainline but alternate Pokemon experience. The handheld versions can still continue, still be the beacon of new additions, but we should have an alternate home console series by now. Each one an adventure world based on each third version Pokemon Adventure Yellow? It'd never catch upto the handheld series, so it would NEVER lose its relevance.

  9. Getting one was simply my upgrade to an XL. I think there's actually at least another two NEW only in developement (I forget what). Mine's been great so far, though I didn't buy it for the intention of loads of exclusive games, but for the above to get a bigger screen. I think I was thinking of getting a normal XL then they announced this before I could buy one, then it was "just wait for this".


    Plus my silver MH one is cool looking.


    I'd like to see two things to upgrade. A non XL varient. Having used both original sizes, I think I prefer the smaller design.


    Secondly, more software. The 3D improvement doesn't concern me and the speed of loading doesn't bother me currently.


    The screens on the normal NEW one are 20% bigger than than the old 3DS, I believe.

  10. Excellent, glad I'm not alone. My OCD usually leads me to "get everything OR ELSE" *fists shaking* to the point I'm the last guy still playing stuff here. That or I jack the game in from playing fatigue.


    I'd LIKE to say I've spent no money, but very early on I did. Due to reasons it was the ONLY game I was enjoying so I pumped some money in just to keep going past annoying limits. Boy do I wish the reserve hearts thing was there since the beginning, though. I'd probably have a helluva lot of reserves still, at the moment I have 8 (due to a new heart every 10 passes. I think I can boost this by free DL to me/bro's old consoles) Of course this was before learning of ingame coin making schemes, and I no longer spend money. It wasn't THAT much, though. Not as much as I spent on Rumble.


    Really still enjoy this game too, Serebii. I wish Nintendo had more constant upgrade games. Probably why I like Streetpass games, too. Sad they didn't announce more at E3.


    I do NOT like Safari mode, though. Interesting at first, but when you've played for the billionth time and still don't get the last Mon you need, it frustrates. Should you finally see it, it's just begging for coin wastage since you may not see it ever again.


    In fact, what I wrote up there; remember if you have old consoles, if like others you have a NEW 3DS, you can use those old versions for streetpassing, too. I get three every day just for starters, that can be altered for preference, auch as hobbies/bdays/shirt colour/country etc. whatever the game's need.

  11. Not if its going to constantly derail topics and cause arguments. You just have to look at Ronnie and the voice chat stuff for that. He was complaining about people talking about that so much that he started bringing it up elsewhere when it wasn't even being talked about.


    Yes, but was it in a topic about a game that should have/would have benefitted from voice chat? (I don't know, the moment people start arguing on forums I started skipping huge swathes of posts...)


    Oh absolutely. I think its just that unfortunately Nintendo are in a bad situation so people have more to complain about these days so these things will pop up.


    I doubt you will find any of the people complaining shouting down those being positive. Its the defensive ones that cause the issues, not the positive ones.


    Sorry dude, it's BOTH. Positive ones deliberately get shot down and hassled becoming the "defensive ones". It's become a grating norm across the web that you can't be positive about Nintendo without being labelled a fanboy and every derogative word under the sun.


    We've already proved about four hundred times you're wrong on that front.


    I can understand why people feel the WiiU games are more samey than other platforms. They've less third party games and less of an indie scene whilst also having a lot of sequels. There are a few fresh experience, such as Splatoon and ZombiU but, for me anyway, it all feels a little "been there, done that".


    Obviously I'm not saying the games aren't good. I think MK8 is probably the best game in the series since MK64.


    Isn't it like that across the board, though on all consoles? It's just like you said; less noticable on other consoles because of third party support.


    One of my critiisms with Nintendo is what they've done to Mario. Are they still good/enjoyable? YES. But remember when ever new Mario game truly innovated in gamplay, characters/enemies, music etc? Since the end of the Wii every Mario game (including spinoffs) have featured this weird NEW Mario style that spreads across all mario games, same design, same enemies, same music, same/same/same. It's become so booooooooring it hurts. Surely others have noticed this?


    Nope you haven't in the slightest. In no world will anyone convince me that this is a more diverse range of games than on Wii U:




    Now I absolutely will admit that the Wii U has a 'been there done it' feel. Not as much as other consoles obviously, but given Nintendo's reliance on established franchises it is there and I'll freely admit it. But genre wise it's major titles span a far greater range.


    Most of that link won't load up. *shrugs*


    Both sides are exagerating here. Not all PS4 games are alike just like not all Wii U games are alike. Do they both have "a type" that you might presume is overdone if giving a very narow look at each console? Sure. But this group of "samey" games isn't that big on EITHER console. But each console DOES have a slightly bigger warehouse of certain game genres...because of fanboys (good kind) who buy the consoles for those types of games. Wii U = platformers, PS4 = third person action/adventure (no idea on XO, though it USED to be FPS) but like I said nowhere near as exagerated as people are griping about.


    Why not have a drivel ban? If someone is talking drivel, delete their comments and anyone who replies to it.


    Then we end up with "all-knowing, all-judging mods", do we REALLY want that? Lots more deleted posts. Mods that delete your post just because they disagree? Or rules so tight that reported posts just get deleted without mods even checking the "offending" posts?


    Hmm...maybe some sort of "hide" feature for offensive/derailing posts? By vote. If the post is bad for the topic and derails/is offensive there's a good/bad button for each post like with thanks etc. if a certain many people think the post is bad it ends up auto-hidden but can be unhidden, but if good maybe the...something...? LOL


    Good thread. Important that an open, honest discussion takes place sometimes to clear the air.


    Look I'm a 32yr old guy with a passion for Nintendo. But the Nintendo I grew up on has changed. I feel the frustration but when I look at my games collection it still offers joy. You see, at the heart of everything are still those games that have the Nintendo magic.


    I come here to talk about that, revel in Nintendo and feel part of a community. During the GC years I needed a place like this to lurk. It made me feel I wasn't alone as a Nintendo fan. People forget how bad that generation was for European Nintendo console owners. Point is, it is the games we come to talk about, the games keep us together. (Bind us, surround us etc lol).


    Unfortunately, the games seem to be driving some folk mad. Many seem to be here with a form of psychosis - perpetually telling everyone what Nintendo should be doing - against what is actually happening in reality. In such circumstances many a thread has been ruined by discussions on what games DON'T have. Sure, state your grievances - that's fine and welcome. But when it becomes all encompassing and de-rails threads, I'd rather spend my time somewhere else.


    I would just ask folk to think before posting.

    'We' are N-Europe after all.

    What it is, is a reflection of who we are.


    Totally get this. But the "elsewhere" is a bit out there. Most of the forums out there are like this. I'm not just talking about normal Nintendo critics, but *cough* certain snakes in woolly Nintendo clothing. It's annoying sometimes here...but it's HELL out there. I did wonder when this board would get infected...


    Genuine critissm is OBVIOUSLY fine, but people luuuuurve shitting on Nintendo. Even certain developers, which has become common. I'd like to say western devs will come back at NX, but GBA/DS/3DS and their lack of western content from DELIBERATE shunning, despite being usually one of the best selling consoles each gen, is blindingly obvious.


    To be fair, your initial post was pretty provocative and insulting, calling people's mental age into it and referring to it all as pathetic.


    Not saying you were wrong, just pointing out a bit of double standards and how easy it is to get wrapped up in it all.


    Yes, MV. I was insulted, too. Not in a "I MUST HAVE RAGEZ" way, but what double standards, eh? Tut-tut.


    I've said it a couple of times now in this thread but never get a response from those doing it. If you stop "defending" Nintendo and just try to "discuss" Nintendo then 90% of these problems we talk about would just go away. Stop viewing every negative post as an attack or a troll post because if thats your default view then of course the conversation will go straight to crap every time.


    Believe me, it doesn't. It gets worse. Youd think it WOULD get better, but that's only from those with genuine critisisms, from which it gets better. Those deliberately trolling get worse. At least that's what experience tells me.


    Because the discussion was about the Wii U screenshots. All it does it once again make you look defensive. Posting a reply immediately comparing them to PS4 screenshots means nothing because even if it was true and all PS4 games did look alike, so what? Would that make my observation about the Wii U screenshots any different?


    Im not saying dont post your opinion that all PS4 games look the same. I'm saying do it in the relevant place and context.


    It may not have been specific to the exact part of the topic, but it was specific to the back-n-forth Ronnie has been having about the topic of the blandness/saminess of PS4/XO games with certain other posters so technically was relevant to that. It depends if personal retorts between users on specific themes is allowed to spread between topics...?

  13. I feel the main issue I've had with the last few gens of handheld games is that I haven't been watching the anime to put the Pokemon into context. For example, with the Kanto/Johto era, I'd be playing the games and watching the show so when new Pokemon turned up, I knew a little bit more about them and that information and imagination could transfer over into the games. I'd know that an Oddish would be wandering around the woods, all small and timid or that you might find a Slowpoke chilling out on a beach in the sunshine. When I grew tired of watching the show, I had no real way of placing the next gen's of Pokemon outside of the limited information the Pokedex would give us or based of the basic 2D/3D sprites. It always surprises me how I can go back and play G/S and it feels much more like a full and living world even compared to X/Y.


    Sorry if that makes no sense, it feels a little rambling. Basically I'm saying that a console version would have the power to make the world feel like Pokemon are real by giving them some depth.


    Imagine walking outside and seeing a flock of Spearow flying overhead and deciding to run after them. They're heading towards the woods and once you catch up with them you see they're attacking a Caterpie. You now have to decide if you want to defend the Caterpie, maybe fighting away the Spearow would make it feel attached to you and even if not, it would be already weakened making it easier to catch.


    Imagine using a weather pokedex app that tells you tomorrows forcast. Maybe if it's windy there is more chance of seeing Hoppip floating past in the breeze, or if it rains then there is a better chance of Poliwag's playing in the nearby lake. Maybe there can always be areas with a more fixed climate but come the winter months, I'd expect grass pokemon to become much rarer while water/ice ones would become more frequent.


    Yes, totally agree. The home console version should all be about the living, interactive world of Pokemon. Running across a huge open grassy plaing as wind blows flower petals/pollen far and wide, flock of spearows flying by as sunflora frolic across the meadow...


    Pokemon should be HARDER to catch in the game, but have boostable catch rates by interactivity on the openworld as you see them, like maybe feeding a Rhydom some berries to friendship it, or defending Pikatchu from a flock of spearow! Basically like the idea I already put...but the stuff you can do should be soooooooo vast you don't get bored.


    Like the anime, you'd get missions to go help people on the field, like helping a farmer herd his Miltanks, raid a Team Rocket hidden base to rescue someone's Mon, locate a runaway Pokemon.


    One thing about this though is; you'd have to confine it to one huuuuge region with maybe only a quarter of the mon. It'd be an awesome game, but be clear and different from the latest handheld version. Start off with it maybe being Pokemon Yellow, trusty Pikachu by your side, handy Pokedex acting as a Snap camera. Sequel be third person Pokemon Crystal.


    The games are 3D already. It can be done on a handheld. It's not a justification for jumping to home console. Graphics do not make a game and don't justify the removal of a key aspect of the series. Having a "handheld app" for that is a bit ridiculous in concept. It's adding more steps to the entire thing and separates the game into two. It wouldn't work as well as just being handheld.


    If Pokémon is to be on a home console with a main game, there HAS to be something that justifies it and "oh look, pretty graphics" is not a valid one.


    INTERACTIVITY. It's a good enough reason. More adventure than RPG. A literal living and breathing Pokemon world. Giant open world areas where Pokemon physically show up. Intricate day/night/weather/swarm system. Shake trees, climb trees, dig for diglets... Go on quests to help others. Loads of dfferent real world ways to befriend/capture Pokemon. The overall feel of walking/flying/swimming through such a Pokemon world would be a Mario 64 style rebirth to the series. Add a picture function and it becomes a new Snap, too. Just add the varying ideas together seen in this topic. It's not just a "graphic upgrade", it's a whole change to the feel, the pure adventure of Pokemon. No one's saying get rid of the usual, but the potential is huge, and if we DO get Fusion or some sort of crossbuy/play for the game and DON'T see something like this next gen there'll be a LOT of dissappointed people. (With Fusion or crossplay, all the usual Pokemon multiplayer etc. could be kept because of the portability, as well as expanding the "adventure world" mechanics due to massive power boost).

  14. While obvious and extremely simplistic, this is what Nintendo needs to offer; powerful and unique and price comparable to other home consoles. BUT if it is also Fusion they need to take into account mobile/tabs and give us something that holds enough sway that a "casual gamer" (who HAVE been buying Nintendo handhelds) chooses it over a tab/mobile or "as well as" for GAMING PURPOSES. Theme is nostalgia but new, is the way I describe it. Something that hooks Nintendo fans back, even those who were just around when the NES became a worldwide phenomena.


    Do I think Nintendo's announced strategy of bite-sized games on mobile to temp people to get the full games on their main consoles will work? Actually yes, I think it will be moderately succesful. It'll definitely get some converts. So anyway...




    1) Either needs to be powerful Fusion handheld/home console or have cross-platform OS.


    2) Cross-platform unified consoles account.


    3) Keep Miis but update. Customisability maaaaassive. Usual gender/size/colour etc. Hats/tops/bottoms/shoes/accessories plus items/pets. Wuhu Island giant Mii land (just look up my username and similar posts for more detail).


    4) Achievment system. I don't care what Miyamoto says IT DOES ADD TO A GAME. Especially if you're a creative fun lot like Ninty and can create many fun tasks. Various coins are the trophies gold/red/blue/star. Streetpass kept with many, many more games.


    5) Cross-platform VC. NES/GB/SNES/GBC/GBA/N64/GC/DS/WII plus Nintendo Arcade. I am not shitting around on this, too many broken promises with Nintendo and VC. I get license issues...but that doesn't excuse missing first party, does it? The money that people WANT to spend on VC is massive but...well you KNOW what. Cross-platform buy.


    6) BC if possible, though if not maybe some sort of shop for 3DS/Wii U.


    7) BC controller box. A box that communicates with console with the standard wifi or whatever it is, that has plugs for...ALL past wired controllers. Nintendo then commision someone to make older controllers such as NES/SNES/N64/CUBE. Obviously you can use your old ones, too. Obviously for VC use. Maybe offer a multipack with one of each.


    8) Packs to start. Solo pack. Mario pack...that comes with the new Mario NX game! Plus codes for money off the VC Mario games. Retro pack, that comes with retro joypad multipack and four VC games, one each of NES/SNES/N64/GC.


    9) Sometime during its lifetime for first party; Mario 2D, Mario 3D, Zelda topdown, Zelda 3D, Metroid first person, Metroid sidescroller, Mario Kart, Nintendo Kart DLC expansion for Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Starfox, Kirby, Wario World (theme involves him going to all other Ninty game worlds an collecting/stealing their various treasures such a Hyrule and rupees/treasures, AC and their minable gems/coins etc. Such a good idea I want them to do...), F-Zero, Wave Race, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi etc. You get the picture. Seem implausible? With them concentrating on ONE console their output doubles. So...


    10) Get more second parties. Expand their own R&Ds more. Hire out third parties to make new games in series for "cheaper" that other companies aren't using like Megaman, Bomberman, Zombies Ate My Neighbours, Goemon, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts etc.


    11) Third parties. Find some way to entice them for ports/exclusives. I won't hold my breath here. But unless Nintendo do a Fusion they CAN'T do this "two consoles" stuff on their own, without one of them suffering.


    12) Keep Amiibos (money), but y'know GET BIGGER STOCKS. The only ones profiting from shortages are ebay bulk stock buyers. At least ensure YOU are the ones profiting from your OWN bloody product. Gives us more card Amiibos, too. Nintendo a card company, remember? From now on the toys should come with their card version, too. Do the big one...POKEMON!! Animal Crossing cards will be big, but Pokemon cards? DEAR GOD!! On top if that chuck Yo-Kai Watch cards THEN Monster Hunter cards and holy profits...


    13) More online games. Monster Hunter. Phantasy Star Online. Mario Kart. Smash. Starfox. F-Zero. Wave Race etc. all should gave standard local/online multiplayer. Get SE to do a MMO World of Mana.


    14) If it's Fusion, fine it will 100% get a Pokemon game, but if it isn't it STILL NEEDS a Pokemon game. Nobody's even asking for the main version to appear on it, but SOMETHING. Imagine a third person adventure remake of Pokemon Yellow with the sort of interactivity I mentioned in the Pokemon topic here? Dribbling yet? Sling a few "sneak preview" versions of upcoming Pokemon from the main series and you have a console that shifts off shelves at the speed of light.

  15. Many, many huge openworld linked areas. With lots and lots of environment interactivity looking for Pokemon, such as climbing trees, chucking rocks in ponds, tree shaking, digging etc. Also retain weather features, with full-on weather system dicatating where Pokemon go. You actually SEE the Pokemon in the third person world you explore. I guess, a camera to take photos of Mon/environment you explore like Snap.

  16. I think Nintendo definitely need more second parties. I can only imagine what the last few gens would have been like with more. I know people like to say Nintendo got rid of Rare and it didn't matter because talent had left, but I've just been to unseen64.net and holy shit...the amount of Rare games GOOD RARE GAMES they had in developement for GC is insane. Quite a few got quick changes and released as passable 360 games, though would have been MUCH better on GC with time spent on the games rather that "porting/upgrading" thus wasting developement time. They were basically the British Nintendo.

  17. When it comes to Yoshi, I just think that they know that it will sell well, especially with the amiibo, so they are not trying to advertise it, but they are happy with the numbers they will get anyway (I think that they could increase it with more advertising, but.....).


    I don't know why they are not doing it with Devils Third, but maybe it's to violent for them and they don't want to advertise it a lot.


    I can't help but think advertising Yoshi could catch the "awww, so cute" female/male crowd that may not know about it. ESPECIALLY with the knitted Amiibos. Missed opportunity. Right now it has Nintendo/Yoshi fans, which may be enough for profit, but look at the expanded audience certain DS/3DS games have gotten over the years...FROM ADVERTISING.

  18. I'm pretty sure the single player is exactly the same as the three player, with you co trolling all 3 links. Swapping through them. Like lost Vikings.


    Still disappointed when I found out no 2-player. Will still be getting it, but it's going to be like CUBE days with Four Swords for me; no two player unless you had two GBAs and link cables (only had one). Like then, there are clear ways around it. It'll still be great, but just another multiplayer game I won't get to experience fully.

  19. It's Animal Crossing...


    What do you expect it to look like!? :laughing:


    Even on GCN, 3DS and Wii it's a series that has never tried to push the limits of graphical prowess.


    Anyway, I actually think that this game looks like it could be good fun. Gives me a strong Boom Street vibe (those turnip prices have the potential for some epic mind games!)


    I'm way more interested in this than I would be for another standard console AC. Who needs another Let's Go to the City anyway?


    Just watched IGN's Rewind Theatre, it seems that Star Fox Zero isn't the only game that would look at home on the Gamecube. Is this really the best they can do?




    I think the graphics look great/just right for what it's supposed to be. I know they could have gone a laser sharp super-detailed picture (wasn't AC Plaza on Wii U like this?) It seems to be just updated 3DS style. If a true Wii U version is in the works (likely is), they'll be using something more closer to Plaza, I'd bet. BUT since this isn't the town simulator they went with this style to represent game better (and for the mainline to be more unique when it comes out).


    I do hope no main Amiibos are needed for the game, just the card versions. I have no money nor interest in collecting the hard copy versions. Paper copies for me, please. 100% DL for me if it's 100% playable with cards.

  20. It's spilled over from other boards (other sites). People have been conditioned to respond in a certain way (Nintendo fan and others), and believe me; Nintendo fans got it bad out there in the widerness outside N-E. Nearly everywhere is filled with hate for the big N, some is correct critisism, but a huuuuuuge chunk is overzealous outright hate and trolls. Some places you can't even say a good game is good without a hoarde of trolls leaping on you with every insult under the sun (because Nintendo don't get good games, so you must be a Nintendrone, right?) You can't hype ANY game, or even mention when Nintendo as a company gets a sales boost or does well without the topic becoming a sewer of trolls, doom, and treating Nintendo fans as if they're delusional. These trolls who, to be honest aren't even trolls anymore, they're essentially bullies, who like all bullies get worse and fly off the handle whenever confronted back. You can imagine what that does to posters after a while, then, like any good internet meme...it spreads. Because those posters go elsewhere, people jump on bandwagons etc. Now, I hear you; every company/console gets this; they indeed do, but it seems to have ramped to around x1000 and has been this way esentially non-stop for ages now. It is sooooo draining and corruptive to a community. A community that extends beyond the boundaries of any one forum.


    I think what people need to remember HERE though is; this is a Nintendo site first and foremost. Critisism is fine, but any post that is downright unreasonably hostile should go bye-bye. This ain't a site to let all your redirected angst out on, it's for Nintendo fans to get together and celebrate THE GOOD of Nintendo games. If this place ever gets as bad as any other site did over the MPFF issue...I'm gone. The game doesn't even look bad, but you're not allowed to say that anywhere else without getting a hatred dump on your very soul. Sure, we all like drama, and the MPFF drama was hilarious for a while, but soon it turned into...something just utter nasty. What's annoying is, if you listen to what has been said; there's clearly ANOTHER Metroid in the worst if you read between the lines, but the hate's so bad it's not even being discussed.
