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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Mr Game & watch Multi screen, N64, Gameboy pocket, DS, Wii
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    Sega Saturn, PC
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MarioKart:33507483264 tetris DS:377554279580
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  1. i don't want to search that...
  2. reminder of my search request
  3. well we might as well, its easier that way
  4. so what are we searching for?
  5. well i did say IF it was
  6. IF it is now find a storm tropper in a house
  7. is this it
  8. get me a monkey playing arcade machine
  9. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=clown+line/v=2/SID=w/l=IVI/;_ylt=AgP6KpHrUQSjKEIZkcC5ezajzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBsMjIzNjZkBHNlYwNwcm9mBHZ0aWQDWVM2NF84MQ--/SIG=12ktb67ec/EXP=1137382329/*-http%3A//www.yellowpages.co.il/PROOF/003114070000000000/clown8.jpg soory for the link again it still won't work, find a dancing storm tropper
  10. eerrr...i forgot what a drag queen is...
  11. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=queen+on+a+unicycle/v=2/SID=w/l=IVI/;_ylt=AgP6KpHrUQSjKEIZkcC5ezajzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBsMjIzNjZkBHNlYwNwcm9mBHZ0aWQDWVM2NF84MQ--/SIG=137tom8dv/EXP=1137380496/*-http%3A//www.nevadastatefair.org/images/gallery_Unicycle_Man_State_Fair_Queen_500.jpg sorry about the link it doesn't always work, is this it? now find a bear lying down
  12. its just that it sometimes doesn't work
  13. are we still trying to find that Top Gun one, i don't know what we are looking for
  14. me cant find...
  15. Dan Dare what do we seach for?
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