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Posts posted by ndreamer

  1. gamecube memory latency is 6.2 ns for both the frame buffers and 10ns for 24meg of main ram. the 16meg of A-Ram however is much much slower.

    xbox is 25-40ns and the ps2 is 50-70ns for the main memory.


    NEC are actualy making the main flipper part (broadway) which has the graphics, some memory and most of the other components on board.

  2. you could do independent gun control im sure the looking arround problem could be addressed some how, you could for example have the looking arround tied to both hands so to look up you move both hands up, to look right move both hands right ect.


    or you could just strap anouther controler to your head and problem solved lol.

  3. So what does that mean for 360 and PS3 owners that lack HD ready Tv's???

    exacly and theres not going to be a very high percentage for awile yet epecialy when most people keep there tv's until they die and the averge persons not going to pay a few K to get a new tv with a higher resolution.


    One of the reasons Battle for Middle Earth II works so well on the [Xbox] 360 is the controller

    now that alone tell's me his talking shit, controlers are absolutly hopeless at RTS games they are way to slow and not very accurate and just becouse it's the 360 controler doesnt make it any beater.


    but i do agree the DS is defintly the best current/nextgen console to do rts games regarless of the resolution or 3d hardware.

  4. dvd roalyties where some thing like $20(usd) thats when the ps2 came out it may have lowered a small bit since then. when you consider you can get a cheap dvd player for $60(aud) and some times less it whould not add much value to the revolution if it was standed.


    they could include drivers for dvd playback on an sd card, dvd or even downloadable of the nintendo virtual console. since the revolution has internal storage.

  5. dc had diffrent arcatecture to most consoles it only renders what it see's wheres a ps2 rendereds everything regardless if it's there or not, the dc is probley more powerful at handling bigger worlds as long as you don't see it all on screen at once.

    i was expecting some gc/ps2/xbox ports to the revolution and i think thats okay as long as they where good games to being with and they don't sell them for marked up prices.

  6. lol based on the rumors theres going to be like 10+ nintendo published games for the revolution at e3 dam i hope it's true a icarus, mario title, metroid, nights, smash brothers all they need in there booth is some floating clouds and every ones going to think it's heaven.

  7. i hope so, i like the freedom to buy games where ever you want and epecialy get games that are no longer or never avaliable in your country. the gamecube however was a good import console a free loader is not that expansive and i ended up saving more then the freeloader was worth anyway.


    it whould be great if it was like the ds but it whould be okay for me if datel or someone released a freeloader like disk for the console early on.

  8. re4 was the first resident evil game i enjoyed i didn't like 1, 2 was average i didn't play 3.


    from what i heard re5 is going back to be more like resident evil 1 im hoping if capcom makes one for the revolution it will be more action/adventure type like re4.

  9. I think Nintendo underestimates the power of blood and gore. Or at least, making things scary.


    blood & gore doesn't do much for me, but i do like scary games and you don't nessery need blood splating every where to do it. i like games that really get your hard going like aliens vs predator on the pc hearing the rader start to beep then beep faster and faster and faster while your looking arround emptying rounds trying to hit something then the alien pops out of nowhere.

  10. i have tried a few headsets the ones at sega world i tried like 5+ years ago where shit you could beraly see anything and your eyes where under so much strain. maybe the new oled headsets might be beater but im not spending a few hundread to try them out.

    but if some one did make a cheap & good headset im sure allot of people whould snap it up.

  11. - smash brothers update, i loved both melee and the original 64 version, with online this whould be sweeet.

    - metroid prime 3, not just new levels some npc's (like elvis in perfect dark) and a good multiplayer component.

    - super mario brothers, like the 64 version except maybe with co-op play.

    - nights from sega whould also be a mush have. (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95771)

    - a good third person shooter like a max payne sequel using duel weld for independ gun control for each hand..

  12. zeldafreak i don't know what your problem is your basicly getting the best of both worlds from the revolution your getting standed games and your getting new and improved games. the revolution control is a welcome change and i think it was nessery to help the industry move forward.

    some developers don't create games like they use to anymore but games cost millions to create sometimes tens of millions if just one fails it can bring down a developer and in some cases the publisher as well.

  13. yeah i don't think they will give out specs at e3, but they may give out some of the features of the of hollywood and broadway.

    i carn't see oblivion heading to the revolution but it doesnt really bother me much since i allready have it for the pc and if it did come out on the revolution most people that wanted it probley whould of had it by then.
