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Posts posted by ndreamer

  1. im glad the console doesn't have a high price. i only normaly get one or two titles at launch i like how we get a secound wave of games before the end of the year im defintly getting call of duty 3 as well.


    Zelda Tp

    metroid 3


    the 3rd one is between




    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

    Trauma Center: Second Opinion

  2. Come on Shiny.... you're more original than this.


    back in the day maybe but what have the created since the original EWJ ? a unreal killer & 2 matrix games while the later sold realy well both games where not all that good.

  3. it can turn out beater at least now we get something designed for the wii.


    The poster has a point but hopefully it wont turnout like that. I hoping they dont add a new character to the game and let us play with an exsisting character such as Barry.

    yeah give us back leon & the hot chick from 4. they can have the new re5 dude.

  4. it's defintly a major bump over the xbox version actualy i think the wii version of the Thing looks beater looking at those shots and the diffrence in total is very remote.


    but then again the wii,ps3 & psp version gets the beater developer

    this is what i pulled out of the fact sheet



    Raven Software (Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox, PS2)

    Vicarious Visions (PS3, Revolution, PSP)

    Beenox Studios (PC)

    TBA (GBA - NOTE: gameplay/content may vary)


    Release Date: Fall 2006


    $59.99 (Xbox 360, PS3)

    $49.99 (Revolution, PSP)

    $39.99 (Xbox, PS2, PC)

    $29.99 (GBA)

  5. Alot of games so far.Expect more over E3.

    has capcom said anything yet?


    dam i absolutly love some of the games some of them are mature titles. that monolith on is sweet even though it was just a trailer.



    Day of Crisis

    Medal of Honour - hope it shares some similarity with the PC version.


    medal of honour theres anouther game i havent seen yet. hammer looks cool. Mario looks fantastic.
