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Posts posted by triforcemario

  1. Well originally it looked amazing, I was impressed. It wasn't even worth renting from blockbusters on a whim! :shakehead
    Mind you, on the other hand so did another one of his films, "Day After Tomorrow". That looks freaking amazing in the trailers, but turned out to be a steaming load of s***.

  2. 10,000 BC


    To be honest I thought it was abit well, shit. I was hoping for abit more, but I never really got into the story much.


    It seemed to be a rushed film, one minute girl gets taken, next minute army, next army kills huge city.





    Well, what else did you expect from a Roland Emmerich film? :indeed:

  3. I fucking hate the little bastards. One day while driving home from school on my scooter (pro-tip: In Spain, scooters aren't driving only by fracking chavs), a wasp flew into my helmet, and stung me a load of times. Suprised I didn't crash :heh:

  4. My dreams are... abnormally normal. For example, one of them consisted of going for a perfectly normal haircut. Another was logging onto MSN.


    Although, I did have a rather odd one recently, which consisted of being in Monty Python and The Holy Grail and running away from the French firing farm animals at me.

  5. Godzilla VS Megalon


    WTF... Seriously, just WTF?! This easily the best "bad" movie I've ever seen. It has almost everything you need to make a bad movie. Rip-offs (Jet Jaguar is an obvious rip-off of Ultraman), bad special effects (the costumes were the worst I've seen in any Godzilla movie, it used tones of bad stock footage from previous Godzilla movies, etc), god awful acting, even worse music, it broke the laws of science in every given moment (an incredibly intelligent robot... that runs on Punch-cards?!), etc... Yet somehow it was awesome. Very awesome.



  6. Okay, I've watched a load of movies recently, so I'll do a brief review of all of them.


    Monty Python "And Now For Something Completly Different"

    Although it was very funny, the films consisted of only re-filmed sketches.




    Monty Python And The Holy Grail


    Easily one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen, absolutly fecking brilliant.




    Monty Python and The Life of Brian


    Also very funny, but at times it lacks a little bit, and tries a bit too hard. Nevertheless, very funny, and the second best Monty Python movie.




    Monty Python and The Meaning of Life


    Out of the "original" movies (not counting And Now For Something Completly Different), it's probably the weakest, although when I say I'm not suggesting it's bad. It's still funny, just not as good as the previous two.




    Blade Runner - The Final Cut


    An absolute masterpiece of a film, and will hopefully never be forgotten.




    John Carpenter's The Thing


    Good horror movie, and the characters are well developed, unlike most movies these days. However, I couldn't help but feel a touch bored in certain scenes.






    HOLY FUCKING TEABAG! I had heard legends about this movie and how the ending was incredibly fucked up and amazing. I thought "it can't be that bad"... How wrong I was. God, it was just amazing, simply astounding. Of course, the rest of the movie was spectacular too.



  7. Does anyone know where I can find a soundboard with "GET TO DA CHOPPA" and such? I've been to the one on the Ventrilo Harrasment website, but for some reason it was missing that, alongside a few others.

  8. Okay. Disappointment aside. Hopefully there's a LOT we don't know about.

    Lets list this things we would like to REALISTICALLY see in the game:


    - I hear theres a theatre to watch shows. I would love it if there was a movie edit feature where you coudl use the animals and characters from your personal town, create a little scene with typed in dialgue and these are ths hows we see when we go to the theatre. Randomly selected from around the world, but we see the name of the person, their town etc.


    - I would like our designs to be randomly sent to other peoples villages, and if they buy the designs, the money gets sent to us and we get told who bought them.


    - The auction room sounds like it has amazing potential. Please don't limit it to friends only. OR.....once a month have a wordwide auction


    - MUCH more of a farming side to the game, I love the trees, but its very simple and basic, after a week or two, you have the whole set and thats that. Lots more trees, lots more veg etc. On top of this I wouldn't mind seeing a cooking aspect to the game, create meals....but I think this is a bit much


    - The comic store again holds great potential. It would be great if you could buy comics and trading cards and then obviously actually trade them with each other to try and get the whole set


    - The ability to REALLY transform the town. Add remove buildings bridges, raise and lower land etc. Even if it took AGES of in game days, would be great.


    - The multiplayer to have proper competitions. and loads more to do. Would it be that hard to create a little football pitch and have a game of footy? Or lots of sports? Would be amazing to have lots of minigame type things to do, and obviously play them in mulitplayer


    - For the things you buy to be more interactive. Buy an arcade machine? Play it. Get a basketball ring on the outisde of your house, be able to go for shots in it etc etc.



    What do you guys think?

    Although you ideas are incredibly awesome, about the first one... Chances are that a load of /b/tards will make porn theatre productions somehow or another... Just imagine if that happened to you, over and over? :heh:

  9. You can use a lawnmower in an interesting way in this game (never played it but seen said activity) and it was inspired by a b-movie film, I think it was one of Jack Thompson's (LOTR director if I have got the name right) first movies but the name escapes me. Also had a priest who knew 'kung-fu' and 'kicked ass/butt for the lord'.
    Oh, I lol'd so fucking hard.


    Jack Thompson = Batshit insane lawyer who has tried (and failed) to ban every videogame on earth, ever.


    Peter Jackson = Awesome film director who made the LOTR trilogy,

  10. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. These days, e3 basically exists to keep stockholders happy with their powerpoint presentations and games for an amplified audience. The more hardcore games tend to be announced out of the blue, for example, Fatal Frame 4, The Conduit, Rune Factory Frontier, Dead Rising and more, or at Japanese gaming conventions, for example, Monster Hunter 3 and Tenchu 4.


    Sure, the games this year weren't exactly brilliant, but ffs there's no need to lose faith in Nintendo. I'd only lose faith in them if they started making only casual titles, and stopped publishers and developers from making hardcore titles. Only then would I sell my soul to Microsoft.
