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Posts posted by triforcemario

  1. I generally find it hard to get to sleep. Therefore, I usually stay on the internet late at night to make myself feel more tired. That, and I also read a few pages from a book before nodding off. Although, recently, a certain lass I've got to known has been in my head too much to allow me to sleep.

  2. Christ, talk about a fucking waste of gold. I mean, what's she done to deserve a fracking gold statue of herself. Chuck Norris deserves one more. And if a future civilization does find the Chuck Norris gold statue, at least they'd think we had the most fucking awesome god ever. Period.


    I'm a bit of a Planet of the Apes geek. :) Fucking love the films. I've got a particular fondness for Conquest, haha.

    If I must confess, Planet of The Apes is the first one I've seen (the crappy remake doesn't count, ever), I've yet to see any of the sequels, although after reading about them, it's definatly sparked some interest for me.

  4. I hope you hugged your Mum afterwards! Nobody was there to hug me, and I needed it daaammit!




    Good man. If I had a cool list, you'd be on there. Planet of the Apees is one of my favourite films of all time. :)


    "Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn..."


    The way they open Beneath the Planet of the Apes with this quote and starting it where the first film ended is great. :)


    I fracking love you. Can I have your babies? :bowdown:

  5. You are an Indie Kid! There’s nothing like the twang of a guitar to get your Converse tapping. Indie Kids are part of a mass – whether that means swaying with their friends at a gig, commenting on Drowned in Sound’s message board or trawling through band profiles on MySpace for the next exciting sound. It’s amazing what can still be done with a guitar, you know.
    Lolwut. What the fuck is Drowned in Sound?


    Edit: That's the last thing I'd use to describe myself. I'm more of a computer geek tech thingy than an indie boy!

  6. Planet of The Ape (1968 version, not the trashy 2001 remake)

    Brilliant. Just absolutly fucking brilliant. I can easily say it's one of the few sci-fi movies from that era that has actually aged well.


    "Get your stinking claws off me, you damn dirty ape!"



  7. Today I am happy!!!




    From this next week on, I GO BACK TO PART TIME WORK!!! ^______________________________________________________________^


    Also, I got all 1,000 gamerscore on LOST :D

    Bricks. I just shat a load.

  8. I was doing some DIY in the loft - replacing insulation. It was a dirty job and the filth seeped through three layers of clothes to my flesh. Check out my man chest. :heh:



    Oh god, my poor virgin eyes weren't meant to peer upon such a ghasty sight. HELP ME!


    I jest, I jest.

  9. First it's the Daily Mail, now It's The Sun... :shakehead

    AN ultra-violent new computer game should be banned in the UK, watchdogs urged yesterday.



    MadWorld lets players impale enemies on road signs, rip out their hearts and execute them with chainsaws and daggers.



    It is made exclusively for the Nintendo Wii — and looks set to wreck the popular console’s family-friendly image.



    John Beyer, of Mediawatch-uk, said: “This sounds very unsavoury. I hope it is not granted a classification to be marketed in Britain.”



    Makers Sega say the game only has cartoon-style fantasy violence.

  10. Godzilla 2000

    Freaking awesome. However, since I could only get my grubby hands on a copy of the english dub, which wasn't all that wonderful, I'll have to lower the final score by a point. However, it did allow for some awesomely cheesey moments which made me almost piss myself out of laughter. In general, t'was good, the special effects were good, and the storyline was half decent.


