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About sam999

  • Birthday 02/26/1991

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Nintendo,Football,Art, athletics
  • Occupation
    Skhool woo


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gamecube,gameboy,poket,advnce,advancesp,nintendods, lite
  • Other Systems Owned
    a computer
  • Favourite Game?
    super mario 64
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender
  • Google Talk ID

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    mario kart
    369429 228054

    metroid hunters

sam999's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. they need a pod, after all at e3 they said playing=beliving, and barly anyone these days buys somthing over £100 without at least trying it first or finding stuff out about it!!
  2. i want a dslite!!!!!!!!!!!! cmon goto to wait till the end of the month then ill send one in hheheheeh...hmmm black or white....
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AND THIS IS SPOSE TO APPEAL TO OLDER PEOPLE... hay can i go and play with ur WII lol mah im still getting but i am disapointed....thogh a video on nintendos site is cool and it is confirmed....it has a good resom for the name but...WII.........REVOLUTION...... ookk ....Nintendo WII i just cant wait to tell my mates.....there gonna laugh at me....
  4. i like the rumour nintendo bluewave or maybe nintendo blueshift...somthing blue...uselly the names are to do with somthing of the console...gamecube...cube...plays games!!! n64 64 bit and the other 2 where just entertainment systems wooo
  5. i never herd of it and im dislistice so nah...!!!
  6. Rumers have quckly spread that nintendo revolurions final name could be Nintendo Bluewave, as for the blue disk thing at the front, and u wave your arms plus the controller sends waves to the controller, also it goes in with nintendos blue oshion stratagy.... i personally like:heart: and it is growing on me fast "hay u wanna go play on the bluewave?" think its just as good as revolution and it sopunds pretty refreshing, not kiddy and appeling to non gamers...what do you think???? google search nintendo bluewave and you come up with quit a few rumours about it plus one of ubisoft apparantly talking about it in french...who knows ...wait untill E3 dammit!!!!!..........is it E3 yet...
  7. Right here we goooo this is not going to be easy.. sorry to all this rejected games out there and the oune that came 6th...super mario world......... 1:Super Mario 64: When i first herd mario go "itsa me mario" i new i was in for a treat, i remember turning my n64 on for the first time and i was blown away from seeing mario in 3d, the controlls where amazing, the gamplay smooth....GAMING PERFECTION AT ITS BEST! 2:Smash Bros melle:first game on my cube and im still playing like crasy, it never gets old. 3:Mario Kart ds:i have not got this yet, but i can not wait, i have played my mates so much and i know it is amazing, i have to forse myself away as i do not want to find everything out about it 4:Pokemon yellow:it bought a tear to my eye, pikachue followed me around!!! amaing!!..... 5:Banjoo kazooe: the closest game platform game ever to be as good as mario 64! sure super amrio world and stuff where amazing but this was magical, i rushed to the stores to get banjoo tooey!
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