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Everything posted by The-Ironflame

  1. Super Mario Galaxy

    GAME is processing my order they must have their copies in today. Actually it's being picked and packed.
  2. Medal of Honor Heroes 2

    I might pick this up since Zack and Wiki is delayed and my Wii needs more games. It's fantastic how it's surpassed Metroid Prime 3, after playing that I'm having problems with the sluggishness of dual analog with FPS's on the 360 now. I can't imagine what it'll be like after playing MoH: Heroes 2 now.
  3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    I'm having a bit of trouble with the controls after playing Metroid Prime 3 for a while and the fact that the controls don't allow proper customization. I've also been playing Orange box so I keep on pressing the wrong button such as mixing up the sprint button with LB which is the special grenades button.
  4. Endless Ocean

    My game has been dispatched by GAME today suprisingly as they normally process it a day earlier and then they actually dispatch it a day later.
  5. Zack & Wiki

    I am not saying Nintendo are doomed what I want is a bit more effort this side of the year especially from NoE we should be seeing better quality titles at this time and Zack and Wiki is one of them. Especially with many titles so far this year lacking real quality, the end of this year looked more promising earlier this year. We've already Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy is out next week and Zack and Wiki would of made a awesome trio this christmas.
  6. Zack & Wiki

    I think it's published by Nintendo for Europe not 100% sure yet. A quick google and I got this: http://www.pro-g.co.uk/ds/apollo_justice/news-6285.html
  7. HDTV Thread

    If you watch any sport like Football for example especially on SD than the 100hz I think is worth the extra price, I also think with the more expensive models they use slightly better panels too.
  8. Zack & Wiki

    But now early 2008 is piled up I was going to get this for Christmas too.
  9. Zack & Wiki

    Zack and Wiki has been delayed: http://wii.nintendo.co.uk/18542.html It's not just a another title down the pan this year it's a AAA title. What we're left with now is Super Mario Galaxy and mediocre titles for the rest of the year. It's been such a mess this year from Excite Truck to Elebits, Trauma Center to Super Paper Mario and now a pile of titles that would have given the Wii a couple more quality titles this year (most are probably better than most titles already out!) are now piled up for early 2008 along with No more heroes and Smash Brothers which were originally 2008 titles anyway. For the rest of this year mos of them are impulse buys for me apart from Super Mario Galaxy now.
  10. HDTV Thread

    100hz processing is used to reduce motion blur during fast moving scenes. It appears that with the S3000 cloudy images are less likely on that than the D3000.
  11. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

    8.0 seems fair for it I expected them to put a bit more effort into it compared to the first game but it seems it was already "gone gold" for the Gamecube in mind before being ported to the Wii quickly without much time to use the Wii's new features I.E. the additional power and disc storage size the wii has. I enjoyed Path of Radiance but the presentation wasn't too great. Fans of the game will enjoy as usual and SRPG fans but they should of done more with it for a console game and for a Wii game.
  12. Football Season 2007/2008

    That game was a anticlimax if anything 1-1 would of been a fair result. Adebayor was very poor I thought we were hardly threatening going forward. The sooner Van Persie is back fit the better it is for the team.
  13. Super Mario Galaxy

    1up review just gave it a 9.5, I need to read it in detail but what I noticed is they put down the limitations of the Wii hardware as a negative... Okay it seems it has minor flaws which suggests it should have got a bit higher IMO.
  14. Football Season 2007/2008

    Traore was on youth international duty. Gilberto didn't play Centre back because he pretty much had to play as a third centre back, his positioning is as good as ever.
  15. Football Season 2007/2008

    Did no one watch Arsenal play Sheffield United last night? It was a easy game and I almost felt like falling asleep but we were played well, Gilberto was a big influence he helped make the makeshift back four more comfortable with the like of Song and Justin Hoyte at Centre back,Eduardo looks more clinical than Adebayor and Bendtner did well too but I'm not sure he'll get many goals.
  16. Football Season 2007/2008

    I disagree about Gilberto, although he started off slowly because he needed to get into the pace of the game he was WAY more assured than Flamini who was clumsy today when he came on into central midfield.
  17. Football Season 2007/2008

    I wish Van Persie wasn't injured I don't think we have clinical enough players only Eduardo is still adapting.
  18. Eternal Sonata

    I've enjoyed it so far but the dialogue and storyline is the worst I've ever read of all the RPG's I've played. The Graphics are very good maybe not great because it's not quite that sharp but the art work is stunning and so is the music, it's alot like Baten Kaitos in those departments. The Battle system is fun but can get a tad repetitive because it's not very deep and the game is very linear, sometimes it's tolerable sometimes it's not. Overall I think it's worth playing but it's not as well developed as Blue Dragon. Mistwalker did a better job with that than Tri-Crescendo did with Eternal Sonata.
  19. Football Season 2007/2008

    Lucky scousers didn't deserve a point there we outplayed them. As the Arsenal fans sang "LIVERPOOL HOOF THE BALL" and they were right they couldnt string a pass. Both had chances but Arsenal had most of the ball and the best chances. We really should have three points today.
  20. Pro Evolution 2008

    The only problem is this year it's not a hell of a lot better because next gen Fifa has taken a step forward and PES has gone a step back. Konami needs to make MAJOR changes from next year onwards and add features not cut them out.
  21. Football Season 2007/2008

    There' still a long way till the end of the season, we have started well but I won't be jumping to conclusions yet at least until February just because we trashed Slavia Prague. December and January are crucial, we have 9 games in December with a couple of tough away fixtures against Villa Everton, Newcastle and Portsmouth and then Chelsea and Spuds at home. In January/February Toure and Eboue go on African nations cup duty.
  22. Eternal Sonata

    I've started it and it seems alright. The world art seems alot better than Blue Dragon but it doesn't seem as sharp in Eternal Sonata and I really want to be able to move the camera so I can see where I'm going and so I can look more closely at the graphics. The battle system is quite fun although it's very simplistic and easy because you have no magic points you can use magic and special moves unlimited times and the dialogue seems to drag on alot which is a tad annoying but the storyline seems very unique if not epic. It's also very linear but quite well designed I'll see if it gets tiring later and the music gives me the Baten Kaitos vibes.
  23. The Orange Box.

    Finally some Orange Box goodness! Man that boxart is ugly though..
  24. Pro Evolution 2008

    The next gen version has been butchered, they've cut out features from the PS2 version and given us a more limited editing mode. If I were you go for the PS2 version or PC version for it's multiple modding capabilities.
  25. The Orange Box.

    4 posting days later still no Orange Box, is it lost or is it sitting in the sorting office? I received Eternal Sonata this morning which was ordered on Thursday. Does Recorded delivery have priority? I'm tempted to order off shopto.. /needs Grav Gun fun.