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  1. Meh, in the last month, Game have completely removed the entire Gamecube shelf - And I do mean "shelf" A rough percentage of shelf space reads as: 70% PS2 10% PSP 10% Xbox 5% DS 5% Xbox 360 Every now and then I speak to the manager there, and he seems ok - Has never tried to give me a biased opinion (unlike his staff). God I miss the days of EB. The Gamestation near me is a LOT better though - Staff have always been cool to me, get I get more value on my trade ins, and they've never given me any griefs when returning a game because I didn't like it (unlike Game)
  2. So tough to choose, so here goes!... 1) Super Mario Bros. (NES) - The daddy of 'em all!! 2) Zelda III - A Link To The Past (SNES) 3) GoldenEye 007 (N64) 4) Secret Of Mana (SNES) 5) Wario-Ware (GBA)
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