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Everything posted by Fizz

  1. Hey Serebii! ^_^


    How are you? ^_^

  2. I love this game! Yes, it does get a bit boring after a while, but setting different challenges for yourself while playing a match can make it a bit more...not..boring. ^^'
  3. Thanks for the welcome! ^_^

  4. I hope that I get mine soon! I can't wait much longer. >.< Thanks. ^_^
  5. Great, thanks! ^_^

  6. God I can't wait for this game! Are partners returning? I haven't heard any news or seen any images related to partners.
  7. Hey, where can I post an introduction thread?

  8. Hey, you won a limited edition Mario 3DS too, right?

    Have you received yours yet? =/

  9. Has anyone received their one yet?
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