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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. Velocity Stream

    Hey, people! I've got some very exciting news! Firstly, the game has advanced a fair bit, and I've got a video to show for it: Our company is now officially working to release the game for the Wii U. Lastly, to further fund development of Velocity Stream, we are planning on starting an IndieGoGo-campaign. If you want to see this game for the Wii U or PC, please spread the info!
  2. Well, around the time Mass Effect 3 came out, I was talking on the Bioware forums of the possibilities of Mass Effect 1 being remade for the Wii U, and how great that could be. The word back then was that it would never happen, because Microsoft own the rights to the first ME game. And then we got the ME Trilogy being released for the PS3. If Sega would've had any interrest to make an HD-remake or even port of Shenmue, they would've done it by now. But if Sega were to make an HD remake or even port, then Shenmue III would be likely anyhow. Sega have no reason to sit on the SM IP. I'm sure that they could make some agreement, where Suzuki gets the IP if Sega get the distribution rights. After all, the Carmageddon guys got their IP back before making their Kickstarter.
  3. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    That hood over his head is starting to look more and more out of place. I haven't really been interrested in this franchise, mainly due to how poor the first game was.
  4. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    I'd be fine with DLC, if it'd be done properly. We only get one Smash Bros per generation, so I'd like to receive some new content, like new levels and new fighters. Even if they'd cost money. Just as long as they're not over-powered. Or characters that were in the first three games.
  5. Just saw the PS4 showing. Surprisingly, Sony didn't shoot themselves in the foot. Apart from the controller, which is a lazy, ugly improvement. What are Nintendo going to do now? The demos on the PS4 have just CRUSHED anything shown on the Wii U, atless Nintendo bring out a graphical monster on a scale we haven't seen yet, what are Nintendo going to do to win over the core?
  6. I completely adore the Wii U, and as a game designer, I have like a million trillion ideas on how to use the gamepad to create cool game experiences. I think that the PS4 controller is conservatively designed, the left analogue stick is still in the wrong place and both of them still look like a cheaply glued on after-thought... which is exactly what it was 15 years ago. The "touch pad" is a completely moronic idea and the slight tweak in ergonomics is still too small. Also, the camera isn't a Kinect clone, as it to my understanding only tracks the controller, making it a c**p version of the PS Move, which in turn is a C**Ptastic version of the Wiimote. Hence Sony are copying Nintendo again. All in all, my opinion on the DS4 is: My point is not that the PS4 is better than the Wii U, IMO it's not. But Nintendo announced the Wii U a year and a half before the PS4. Heck, they even launched the console four months before Sony announced their system! That's the ammount of time Nintendo had to show off something... ANYTHING impressive. Then, at least for a little while, Nintendo could've stolen the lime light. Nintendo should've had that Wii U third party Nintendo Direct we thought we were going to get. Why? Because that Need For Speed port looks really good, and the devs themselves say it's the best looking version, even outshining the PC edition. You know, something that would crush all claims that the Wii U is under-powered.
  7. Destiny

    Bungie have just shown a video of their upcoming FPS called Destiny. It looks like a brilliant game, but noone knows what formats it'll be for. In this video I saw something that perhaps might indicate that the game may come for the Wii U, or perhaps even be exclusive. That is when the video zooms in on someone's cellphone and he writes the text "my body is ready", which may or may not be a reference to Reggies infamous quote.
  8. Need For Speed Most Wanted U

    Great looking game. I however do find the father-son mode to be rather stupid. Hope that they've got some better use of the tablet in there as well.
  9. Donkey Kong Country Returns... Returns!

    I might buy this game... If Nintendo change DK's voice. Seriously, he sounded perfect in the N64 era, why the fork did they make him sound like... well, I can't put this any more plainly: a retarded Scooby Doo.
  10. Mass Effect 3

    Your woman! Give her to me now!
  11. The 90′s Arcade Racer

    I emailed the developer and while he wants to, he says it'd be too much work to incorporate off road sections in to his levels. But the game will have some unlockables.
  12. I agreed with you up until the point you mentioned that Wii Sports and Excitetruck made the Wiis launch lineup any good. However, when the Wii came out, we were looking forward to buy lots of different games. The Dreamcast however had LOTS of great games. Shenmue , Shenmue 2, Sega Rally, Sega GT, Metropolis Street Racing, Daytona USA 2001, Jet Set Radio, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive 2 are the ones coming off the top of my head.
  13. I'm sorry, but I don't recall this being the case at all with for example the Gamecube. Rogue Squadron II, Burnout and Waverace on launch and Smash Bros a month and a half or so later=bliss. I did get my N64 during Xmas 1997, rather than during launch, but I never ever experienced a drought of software. In fact, there's at least ten games for that system that I regret not getting back in the day. Excitebike 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Jet Force Gemeni are just a few.
  14. Saints Row IV

    Hope there'll be a Wii U version.
  15. ZombiU That is all. But I'm going to buy Pikmin and potentially everything shown in the last Nintendo Direct.
  16. I'd actually like the next Nintendo handheld and home console to be the same, or at least come in the same package. Imagine carrying around on your portable console, playing it on the go. Then you come home, put it in the charging cradle, and it magically becomes your home console, punching out glorious HD graphics on to your TV and giving you the chance to connect your more ergonomical controller. This would be a treat for me, as I quite rarely get to use my 3DS. I just don't feel like watching the tiny screen when I can play on my 32 inch TV. Plus that I think that it's dumb to buy one set of games to have at home and a second to have on the move. This is why the UMD movie and music idea failed: who in their right mind will buy a movie that you only can watch on your portable console? So, if you follow that logic, wouldn't it be insanely successful to buy a system that fills both roles? Another solution could be that they are two different consoles, and that you slot the entire portable console in to your home console, like a cartridge. The idea being that the "home console" has a bigger hard drive and some extra chips that enable some graphical enhancements (higher resolution, real time shadows etc). The idea behind this being that the portable console can have a better battery life and be a bit lighter. Solutions like this already exist, just look at the Asus Padphone:
  17. What HD remakes do you want on Wii U?

    I want an HD remake of Pilotwings 64. And Excitebike 64. Mario 64! Sorry to say, if Nintendo would bring it out, I'd buy Ocarina of Time. For the third time (not counting that free GC version) I'd also like to see Perfect Dark remastered as heavily as Wind Waker. Because the Xbox version just doesen't look as stunning as it could. And of course, Goldeneye. You know what? F-Zero X!
  18. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

    Well, I think that I'm 100% right when I say that the CDI games were the worst
  19. Which series' are you bored of?

    Lolwut? Have you even seen anyone playing MGS4? The gameplay has been completely and utterly revamped. The jump from MGS3 to MGS4 is kinda like the leap from Resident Evil 3 to Resident Evil 4. I don't think that Zelda is repetitive either. But I think it's got lots of flaws. I completely disagree with the notion that the lack of voice acting is a part of the experience. Skyrim takes place in a nordic-inspired setting, yet the characters speak english, not ancient Norwegian. Same goes for Dragon Age. You don't hear anyone complaining, do you? In many ways, I think that Nintendo just need to make Zelda more modern in many ways. No, I think that New Mario Bros should take a break. The name itself implies that it's supposed to be a novelty. But when you've had the novelty four times over in the last few years, it's not so novel anymore. Everything with "Wii" in its name (except for Mario Kart). Seriously, the ammount of times me and my mates have watched E3, waiting for Pikmin, Zelda, Starfox, F-Zero, new IP's... and then going "dafuq" when they proudly reveal complete stinkers like Wii Music or Wii Fit, showing absolutely nothing a gamer will appreciate. Call of Duty. Sorry, no, just no. You can't imply that you're realistic and then have players fire high caliber machine guns from your shoulder while standing up. You can't claim to be balanced and then enable players to quickscope with sniper rifles. And to be honest, the story is pure s**t.
  20. General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

    Yes, I sure want a new IP. But to be honest, I want Nintendo to start up a bunch of new studios and spoil us for choice. Or cancel everything casual and spoil us. Promise us that the Wii U will have a new entry in ALL their franchises (that's right, EVERYTHING, including Stunt Race FX and Wild Gunman), plus a new franchise every year. Yeah, I know, wishful thinking, but still.
  21. Perfect Dark Wii U (Wanted)

    Yes, agreed. I however agree that it's not impossible that Microsoft will sell the IP. I have also heard that Microsoft had exclusive distribution rights for the original ME. My guess is that they must've sold it to EA.
  22. Rename the WiiU

    The Nintendo "This has absolutely nothing in common with the Wii" On a more serious note: the "Nintendo Core" First of all, it'd say straight in the name that it's aimed at core gamers, which core gamers will understand, while casuals won't, and hence won't be scared off. It sounds cool and technological, and it could be the core of your home so to speak.
  23. Velocity Stream

    Brand new video at IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/velocity-stream Plus another, more current image:
  24. Perfect Dark Wii U (Wanted)

    Oh yes! Bring in a much smarter AI, even opener levels, keep Jo's looks from the original promo posters, and I'll buy it sight unseen! And if you preorder, you get a tin case and a statue that I can have on my office desk next to Tali and Garrus (and someday Varia Suit Samus).
  25. If you haven't seen/heard it yet, check this out: http://www.terriblefate.com/ Looks quite professional IMO. Great art and interresting music. Although I find it highly unlikely, wouldn't it be cool if this was a teaser to a remake of/ sequel to Majoras Mask?