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Everything posted by david_royy

  1. We are now at 50 signatures!!! It's not much, but it's a good start to prove to Capcom we really want it! Thank you for signing! You will be happy when you will see Okami on Revolution, all because of us. David Roy "Some call that a great run," - for an online petition "We call it a great beginning." (Quotes from Reggie Fils-Aime at E3 2005)
  2. Here's the comments we have so far: "Let's Okami be a part of the Revolution!" "It doesn't take a genius to realize this. Beeing a gamer for around 15 years, I do know a bit about the video game market. This kind of game, with proof of popularity at the E3, would definetly be a big seller in the Nintendo market. This is one of the games where you can truly see how Nintendo's new controller will be used in the new brands of games. Clover Studio, bring Okami to Nintendo's arsenal and I guarantee you will need to make a sequel due to popular demand. Thank you in advance!" "I LOVE the art style of the game, and would definately purchase it if it took advantage of the new Revolution control style!" "Okami is the perfect game for DS or Revolution. Please bring it over! Thanks." "This game shold really be on the Revolution. DS would be great for it as well. But if Capcom doesn't make it for those systems, they should at least port it to GameCube." "This game looks amazing" "Okami deserves the revolution controller!!" "I was most surprised to see this game in action ( in the movies ) and i always feared it's gameplay would never be at it's fullest with current-gen controllers, but the idea of playing this game on the revolution controller is all the more exciting!! Please, bring Okami to the Revolution!!!" "Nintendo's next-generation console, code-named Revolution, is all about innovation. Okami is an innovative game and, in my mind, matches perfectly with the controller Nintendo has crafted for Revolution. A note to Capcom: Resident Evil 4 sold best on GameCube, but was brought to PS2, where it did worse. Viewitful Joe was made on GameCube, but then put on PS2, where it did worse. It's apparent that Nintendo gamers are quick to gobble up creative and innovative games from Capcom, so why not add Okami to that list?" "Whether or not this first Okami gets released on any non-PS2 platform, i'm going to keep my fingers crossed that it follows Viewtiful Joe's lead and becomes a franchise. If it does, then this petition won't even matter as I can't imagine anybody not being able to realize that Revolution's controller would be absolutely perfect for Okami's gameplay mechanics. So whether it's this one or the next one, Okami must come to the Revolution" "Yeah, start a revolution." "Bring this one to Revolution, Capcom. You know we want it." "I think Okami Revolution would sell like HOTT-CAKES!! great possibilities, would be fun just to make!" "Do it Capcom. We're looking at an amazing game that just begs to be released onto the Nintendo Revolution." "This would be perfect, doesnt take a genious to figure it out!" "This would make perfect sense" "i absolutely am in love with this game, even forgetting about everything else the artistic style absolutely blows me away please bring it to a good home with the revolution it would not only be breathtaking but a perfect fit for the controller!Paul" "Everything about Okami is wonderful, and the idea of having it on the Revolution is nothing short of the most perfect port ever. the idea of 'painting' is something the revolution screams out for." "okami on revolution, seem like a perfect it to meclover+nintendo=love" "capcom is my favorite game company and they need to bring not only Okami but also RE5 to the Revolution" "Please don't let this petition go by without notice." "Sounds great! I would love to see it on Revolution! It just makes sense." "This game looks amazing, and would be PERFECT as a Revolution game." "This would be a sweet game for Revolution." "This is exactly the kind of originality and gameplay that Nintendo fans clamour for. I gaurantee poor sales for PS2. Hey, at the least port it over to DS!" "Okami is the perfect fit for Revolution." Thank you for signing!
  3. Capcom, We Want Okami on Nintendo Revolution Here's my petition for Okami Revolution! Thanks to sign! I will constantly tell you how many people have sign. http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/okami_revolution/
  4. Capcom, We Want Okami on Nintendo Revolution Here's my petition for Okami Revolution! Thanks to sign! I will constantly tell you how many people have sign. http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/okami_revolution/
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