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Posts posted by somme

  1. A great result for Farpoint in this weeks UK charts. It managed to grab second place, with Injustice 2 taking the top spot.


    Anyone on here played Farpoint yet?


    Not yet. Haven't had time for any gaming recently. Soon though, soooooooon!

  2. Just a question. Why do gay people [males] like this so much?


    Bit of a generalisation there.



    Not calling any of you guys gay,


    You make it sound as if being called gay is an insult.

    but i have a couple of gay friends who are super into this. They watch the ESC like i watch a Formula 1 race...


    Why do you like F1 so much?

  3. Thumper is awesome, but it should definitely be played on a big screen with a nice sound system.


    Thumper should be played in VR! Totally out of this world experience, and rather frightening.

  4. "You have to like games to be happy with a release schedule" surely not.


    Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon, Xenoblade etc all in the space of ten months, so yes, decent is putting it mildly.


    You misquoted him.


    If you only like Zelda then it's a shit release schedule.

  5. The "PSVR has been sent to die" rhetoric is pretty lame and not even true. The hardware launched with about 40 games and has well over 100 in development and 1-5 games out a week. Sure, a lot have been terrible, but there have been some amazing gaming experiences on PSVR, some I could crown as my favourite gaming experiences ever.

  6. Fallout 4 was my first jaunt into the franchise.


    I played it before Witcher 3 and Horizon and really enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the settlement building which is a lot better now they've improved it via patches. The story was interesting too, especially considering I hadn't played a Fallout game before.


    It looks pretty hideous compared to most other games this generation, but that didn't bother me too much.


    I was also pretty impressed when I named my character and the robot butler started calling me by actual name!


    Anyway, I don't think it'll blow your socks off, but well worth it at sale price.

  7. How do those who've played previously feel about the latest update; is it adding enough to bring you back or make it feel fresher again?


    I enjoyed it from the beginning but they have certainly added a lot of content.


    Building bases, owning freighters and now driving over planets in rovers is really fun


    EDIT: And on the PS4 Pro the framerate seems to be 60fps now. Though it does dip on planets with tons of fauna.

  8. What do people make of the TV show atm? I still think that there are too many episodes and it's killing the pace of the show.


    I stopped watching. Characters are bland and as you said too many episodes.

  9. i mean i never expected so much over two updates........well they are far apart


    They were only three months apart. Foundation dropped in December if I recall correctly. Maybe late November. I'd expect another big update around July/August.

  10. So I'm about 50% of the way through now (according to the game anyway) and although I was quietly optimistic at the beginning, it's now really, really great.


    Open world games are one of my favourite genres and this is definitely one of the best. It's like a blend of Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Witcher 3, Far Cry Primal and The Last of Us. And barring the latter I'm not normally that bothered with video game stories - but this one is actually interesting.


    The combat is great, though can get messy in close quarters with bigger machines.


    I don't want it to end. I already want a sequel.


    Oh, and yeah, it's one of the most beautiful games I've ever played.

  11. One thing that's slightly annoying: You have to have a quest marked as active in order to complete it...wanted to do the Trip Wire Tutorial (make 3 enemies trip) while doing a sidequest...but everytime an enemy fell into the trap it didn't count because I had the sidequest active and not the Tutorial mission.


    I had that problem, but only for those tutorial quests, nothing else.


    It is indeed a gorgeous game, especially once you get out of the first valley.
