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Posts posted by somme

  1. 27 minutes ago, Julius Caesar said:

    I just gave this thread a quick scroll and, surprisingly, didn't see any takes on whether or not Luke is Rey's father. 

    So, what is everyone's take on Rey being Luke's daughter, or do you think she's related to someone else we've already met? Or is she just Rey Random?

    I hope she's not Rey-Random. I do want her to be Luke's daughter. Gives her father issues just like him, and Kylo and, well, I'm sure Anakin had some issues too. 

    Also, it is about the Skywalker family. Fucking up the galaxy one episode at a time. Haha.

    Though I do like one far-flung theory that Rey is Anakin. He was born of the force when needed and maybe she was too. Could explain why the lightsaber went to her, not Kylo. But whoever she is, I just hope she's not Obi Wan's, nor a nobody. 

  2. I'm hoping they've just thrown all the action bits into the trailer, as I do prefer Trek's slower parts with social commentary or at least something more to say than "explosion".

    Either way, I'm still cautiously optimistic and will watch it all as I don't want this to be the last Trek show for another decade. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    I'm doing the second training mission and I have to say that I'm starting to loathe this game already. Say what you want about No Man's Sky, but at least it made the tedious things about space a non-issue. I'm trying to dock in the station in the second training mission and the combination of the tedious task plus poor controls means that it is a chore. I actually timed out of my docking request and had to request it again because it was taking so long.

    They certainly didn't advertise this in the trailer. A very poor first impression.

    Edit: Just done it. Wow. Not impressed so far at all. Hope the game starts to become interesting at some point.

    There's a very steep learning curve, Took me about a day to get used to it. It does get more fun! But No Man's Sky is definitely more accessible. And about to launch a huge update.

  4. I always thought of Dr. Who as a slightly higher budget kids show and the childish reaction from men has done nothing to dissuade that view.

    "But the doctor is MY role model." 

    Unfortunately, if you are a straight, white, male who has issues with stuff like this you're going to have a hard time in the coming years. You're going to have to learn to share. 

    • Like 1

  5. 13 hours ago, Grazza said:

    I just think it's a slice of the continuing gender propaganda that tells boys they're a spare part.


    What are you on about? This is one of the most ludicrous things I've read on here in months.


    Having a female Doctor Who is great, it's science fiction, after all, a genre that has historically been great for female characters. And if you're a man who can;t relate to female characters I think that says more about you than the character.

    Not that I'll be watching any of it because I think Dr. Who is awful.

    • Like 1

  6. On 7/13/2017 at 9:46 PM, V. Amoleo said:

    I finally got around to buying Star Trek Bridge Crew.  I bought it on PSVR because it was cheaper than Steam.  It's a very bare bones game but you can't beat the feeling of captaining a starship.  I've only been playing it with AI and everything works nice and smoothly.

    Impressed by the recently added Watson voice commands.  The crew seemed to pick up everything I was saying accurately.  I might even go as far to say it's the most accurate voice interaction I've come across, Alexa included.

    I'm still having issues with tracking on the PSVR.  The console I'm sitting at in the game seems to drift around whenever I move my head, it starts to become really disorientating after a while.  I was sitting in complete darkness to play it today in attempt to stop it from happening, didn't work though.

    Sometimes reflective surfaces can cause issues with the sensors.

    I had issue with direct sunlight when I first bought the headset, can take a while to figure out what's wrong, but I've had little to no issues since. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Esequiel said:


    It just seems annoying trying to get the speed right out of supercruise to get to a station. And in normal flying, landing on a dock, I see people flying straight in and landing and there I am reversing, thrusting around to try and get through the gap then onto an actual pad!


    i tried the combat, I got destroyed. I'm in a Cobra, I just can't seem to fight anything!

    I've avoided combat for now. Make sure you've got flight assist on or it'll be even harder! 

  8. 13 hours ago, Esequiel said:

    So, after about 8 hours Iv kind of gone off this. It's just not grabbing me and the flying is still so hard! Should I stick with it? Does it get... better?

    Took me about a day to get the flying down. Landing/docking is mega easy now!

    I'm still in the original Sidewinder, though I have improved it a lot. I seem to mostly be doing fetch quests and handing in exploration data. I'm wondering how long it'll take to get to other stuff, and also, what other stuff there is. But I'm still enjoying it. 

  9. Stolen from Gaf :( 



    We just couldn't reach enough players to try the game, even for free, so The Tomorrow Children servers will be shut down in November.

    Thanks everyone for trying it out! There are still three months left so if you haven't tried it or only tried it during the beta or the early days of the launch, then dive in and enjoy the twilight of the Void.



  10. 2 hours ago, drahkon said:

    Is Until Dawn really terrifying? I'm not good with the horror genre in video games. Movies I can tolerate but games...ohhhh fuck no. :laughing:

    It's not the most terrifying game. A few jump scares here and there, but if you're susceptible to horror games..

    • Like 1

  11. Quote

    As am NMS fan I personally feel both it and Elite sit quite nicely next to each other. Obviously, Elite is the more hardcore sim but sometimes I don't want to wait ten minutes before reaching my destination.

    I've only been playing Elite for a few days (bought it for PS4), but I can imagine I'll sink just as much time into it as I have NMS (several hundred hours). 

    As a space lover in general, it doesn't have to be either or. 

    I've noticed a few issues on the PS4Pro, but nothing game breaking. There have been a few times I've come out of supercruise and nothing has happened, but I was guessing that was more down to my awful Internet connection than anything else. 

    Away for a wedding this weekend so can't play until Monday, it's gonna be a long weekend...


    Just a quick repost of something I wrote on Gaf. ^

    It's taken me two days to get to grips with it. I'm still in my first ship, the sidewinder. I bought a hauler but then I found out mining was really arduous in this game, at least in the beginning. Gonna start exploring on my next go. Gotta get my name on those <discovered by> labels! :D

    • Like 2

  12. Doesn't that apply to pretty much every Nintendo console? :p


    True, but I've already played this generations Mario Kart and Smash the previous generation of hardware. As much as I enjoyed those two games there's no reason to shell out on a whole new console to play them again.

  13. Played a few missions on Star Trek: Bridge Crew this evening. I was grinning from ear to ear throughout. We had a Scot on the engineering console, which was a great start :D I played a few rounds on the Helm and at Tactical. I could tell the other players were Trekkies as we all had the lingo down.

  14. Is Thumper an endless runner or does it have a conventional ending? It looks really good but I don't know if I'd enjoy it that much if it is an endless runner.


    It's not an endless runner.
