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Everything posted by somme

  1. Your film diary 2017

    It thought it was a bit rubbish actually haha. There were some gorgeous shots but the story was a mishmash of other stories and plots all put into one. It wasn't the worst movie I've seen in a while, just very average. I also have no idea why it's an 18.
  2. Alien: Covenant

    It looks like a flashy retelling of the original movie. Seems pointless so far.
  3. The 'Other' Switch Thread

    Only because they'd be dead.
  4. Your film diary 2017

    Just decided to go and see this. I had already heard a few good things but yours tipped me over the edge!
  5. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    As long as it's USB 3.0 it should be fine.
  6. Over a certain amount of time, I'm sure humans would evolve to live on the dark side. Ultimately I imagine if we colonised a tidally locked planet we'd live in the "twilight" strip. Tidally locked planets may also suffer from a lot of seismic activity. Will be really interesting to find out what they're atmosphere's are made of in a few years time.
  7. Stardew Valley

    Get a horse. And fishing gets easier.
  8. Virtual Reality

    The PS4 doesn't make even a hint of a noise for one. The graphics are indeed much nicer. Resident Evil seems to have gone up a console generation in fidelity. Not all games have been improved, but a lot have. The console also turns on in about a second from sleep mode now, rather than 10-20. Overall I'm pleased with the purchase.
  9. Why? Would it have made that many people buy a Switch? It certainly wouldn't have convinced me. I'd either have waited or not bothered at all.
  10. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Already sunk 60 hours into it. It is indeed glorious.
  11. You can have Netflix and a fast OS. It's already been done.
  12. The 'Other' Switch Thread

    I got a PS4 Pro the other day and couldn't be happier and I don't even have a 4K TV yet! Reading another thread on here I noticed the Switch was still in stock. I went looking and them quickly remembered it wasn't 200 quid but 280 and swiftly changed my mind about buying one. Like you, I'm just not interested in any of the games. I have either got, or can get, any of them on the WiiU. (Except Splatoon2, but I'm really not that bothered.)
  13. New TV

    That TV looks great. Just got a PS4 Pro myself so really looking into getting a 4K TV.
  14. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Thanks people!
  15. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Cheers. I thought it involved at least one of the Links.
  16. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Who was it on here that had two PS4's and managed to somehow play the same games on both consoles? Something to do with accounts?
  17. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Yeah I expanded my original PS4's hard drive to 2Tb. Had no need for external HDD support.
  18. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Yeah I'm going to. I've sunk about 60 hours into it already. Great title. She'll love it! She'll keep the Wii for Dr. Mario but there are more than enough puzzlers on the PS4 for her to play. And she really missed a working BBC iPlayer/Netflix, etc.
  19. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    I mainly got one for the increased PSVR resolution and for when I eventually get a 4K TV. And my mother also wanted my old PS4, after five years she;s finally tiring of playing Animal Crossing (Wii) everyday. Also:
  20. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    I bought a PS4 Pro the other day, picking it up tomorrow!
  21. You must have forgotten the N64 era. That was by far the most expensive generation. Games were way more expensive then, than they are now.
  22. I've found VR the most social gaming hardware since the Gamecube. I've had people over almost weekly for VR gaming sessions - taking turns or playing local multiplayer titles. That also solves the comfort issue for most people as we swap every 30 minutes or so. Though once you get acclimatised to VR most people can play for hours at a time anyway. But I don't see them be able to utilise VR with the current Switch. Not only is the screen too low a resolution, the device simply isn't powerful enough. The regular PS4 can barely manage. Don't get me wrong I'd love some Nintendo VR titles. There's a short VR platformer level in the Playstation Playroom VR. It's like Mario 64 in VR - very cool.
  23. Conflict With Neighbours?

    Nuke the whole complex from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  24. Resident Evil VII

    Nah, there are nicer moments - even in VR. The music and sound work wonders at letting you know when you can feel at ease. It's much like the originals - when you're in a puzzle section you know you're mostly safe... mostly. Those parts are definitely welcomed in VR. I'd say my favourite Resi's are 1, 2, 4 and now 7.