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Everything posted by somme

  1. No Man's Sky

    Yeah it seems as though you my just have been unlucky. Although, just so you know I've warped over 200 times. Granted I didn't always set foot on a planet. Here's some pictures on an irradiated, boiling planet that I was on for ages. So many photo opportunities:
  2. World of Warcraft: Legion

    Kinda glad I no longer have a laptop that will play WoW. Otherwise I'd never leave the house.
  3. The 'Other' Switch Thread

    Not really. I saw the latest E3 trailer and then refrained from watching anything more. I'm not sure whether it's to keep the final game a surprise or whether I'm just not that bothered. After playing games like The Witcher 3, with a huge open world and intricate story, I'm just not sure whether the new Zelda can best it. Which is something I never thought I'd say. I'll definitely get the WiiU version, cos: Zelda. But I've got no expectations and won't be pre-ordering unless I've got a lot of superfluous funds.
  4. The 'Other' Switch Thread

    The worst thing for me regarding NX is that I don't really care. Don't get me wrong. I'm mildly curious, but that's only because I'm here. I grew up with Nintendo. I'm 30 and have had a Nintendo console since I was 4. But I'm just so ambivalent these days, which some say is worse that hating/loving. I'm not a handheld gamer. I like the big screen. So that doesn't help. And yeah, there are rumours it can be streamed to the big screen but until I know more I would consider myself NX-curious, and nothing more. Which unsettles me slightly.
  5. No Man's Sky

    I've seen the first two. Like with the real universe, you have to explore to find the really good stuff. I understand not everyone has the time nor the will. But if they gave everything to you on your 10th planet, there'd be no reason to keep exploring. I would love giant graboids though - of which I've seen some aquatic versions, though nothing to the degree of that early trailer. But for me, as a sci-fi fanatic, every planet or moon is a possibility. And as I said, and reiterate, I'm still seeing new stuff.
  6. No Man's Sky

    I won't be getting bored anytime soon
  7. The 'Other' Switch Thread

    I think it's clear to anyone with eyes that this wasn't your fault. We all know who the issues lie with.
  8. No Man's Sky

    You really don't have to do that much to be able to explore pretty much anywhere you want.
  9. No Man's Sky

    Never seen quite so many flying eels at once before:
  10. No Man's Sky

    The same could be said about peoples disappointment with end of the Atlas Path and other things. What were people expecting? 20 million units? A slightly bigger ship? And grinding Transmission Towers for a bigger ship, for hours, does sound boring. But, you only have yourself to blame. If you want to play the game in a boring way, then you reap was you sow. And animal interactions differ. I've seen some weird stuff, and some rather moving behaviour I never expected to see.
  11. No Man's Sky

    No you won't. After 100 hours I'm still seeing new things. You talk about the grind yet give no specifics of what you suggest that entail There are several ways to play the game. Get bored of mining? Go shoot some pirates/traders. Get bored of that, go explore that far off planet and explore it's oceans and seek out new life.
  12. No Man's Sky

    You know you don't have to grind anything, right?
  13. No Man's Sky

    I do find it odd that you only seem to come into this thread to post something negative. Especially considering you freely admit to having never played it.
  14. No Man's Sky

    Now, whilst I do believe the game could be improved (but then again even the best games could be improved), I really dislike this 'á la mode' penchant for insinuating, or in some cases downright stating, that Sean Murray is some sort of massive liar. Sean said you theoretically could bump into another player. But as I've said before, the people who claimed they were on the same planet also stated one was seeing day and one was seeing night. Seems to me they weren't in the same place and also the servers weren't working when they tried it. The planets do rotate when you're on them - the stars move as do moons. Yes, they don't move through the star system but apparently this is because early testers were confused when leaving the planet so they toned it down for release. Considering a lot of people can't figure out how to change their multitool from mining to weaponry I can well imagine why they toned it down. I would, as would many others, love them to bring back planetary movement, and perhaps they will. The planets do cycle from day to dusk to night to dawn. And it appears different planets have different lengths as well. Ships do control differently. I've been in a space battle with 30+ pirates, freighters and sentinels. The freighters don't move but I'm sure that could change. Not sure if faction wars could be brought in, but I think there are other things people would prefer first. Again I'm not saying the game is perfect, but as I said all along, all I wanted to do was explore the universe. See a star or planet and know I could go there. And I can.
  15. No Man's Sky

    There is actually an old interview, which I can try and find if you want, where Sean explicitly says, "Not all of this will ship with the game" and he goes on to say something about some features coming later with updates. This is for the latest patch:
  16. No Man's Sky

    Everyone knew it wasn't an MMO, yet still some people have flown off the handle. Those two people who apparently tried to meet up on day one have a flimsy story at best and the servers were absolutely broken, so, I'm in doubt it would've worked anyway. It's a shame that things like binary systems, ringed planets and a few other things aren't in yet. But a vast majority of the stuff that people are claiming Sean lied about are actually in the game. People assume they've seen everything after two hours when they quite clearly have barely scratched the surface.
  17. No Man's Sky

    New patch: 671mb. Should sort out the last of the bugs. Scanning flying animals is super easy now apparently (my Internet is slow so haven't finished the download myself). No much notes as of yet, but we may not get any. Mainly seems to be fixing all major issues.
  18. Stranger Things

    Personally it seems like you've purposefully tried to scrutinise the show past the point of enjoyment. It's a 80s show, and stories back then didn't quite have the same need to explain every little thing to the audience. A little bit of mystery was okay back then! Regarding why the upside down was there.. why is anything anywhere? :P They discussed parallel universes but surmised this wasn't really the same thing. It seemed like a "dark" universe a lá 'Link to the Past'. It didn't feel as though the reasons for its existence needed to be explained for the season arc to be told. It was simply there and wasn't a nice place. It was very Silent Hill anyway, which I liked. Your other points could all be explained later down the road but I hope a lot of them aren't.
  19. Stranger Things

    So little was explained at the end? Really? The whole of the first season arc was explained whilst setting up the second season. I had no questions about the main arc left.. Anyways I really enjoyed it. Great cast of kids and I think the world has finally forgiven Winona Ryder for all that thieving she gone and did all those years ago.
  20. General TV Thread

    I only got to the first episode of season 2. Granted I was drunk whilst I watched it but I was very bored.
  21. I'm intrigued to try out motion controls with VR, but with games like Mario Kart/Zelda I'm totally not up for it. I haven't played a "traditional" game where motion controls added anything in a long time.
  22. General TV Thread

    First episode is rubbish compared to the rest. Definitely fills that Futurama sized whole in my life. Whilst also throwing in some parts South Park, other parts American Dad. Love the sentient dog episode and the Mr. MeeSeeks one from the first season.
  23. No Man's Sky

    I think I've got about 16 million at the moment. I would've had near thirty but purchased a ship with more slots for about 11 million. I'm about 80,000 light-years to the centre! Apparently there's one more bug patch to come out this week and then they start rolling out content patches.
  24. Yooka-Laylee

    Yeah I did play those. But it's still the closest thing I'll get to a new Mario64.
  25. Yooka-Laylee

    I didn't back it but will probably buy it. Seems like the closest thing I'll get to a new Mario64.