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Everything posted by somme

  1. So I pre-ordered Zelda... on WiiU! Don't even care if it's gimped graphically or in scope - not that I've heard it is. I'm not paying £340 to play Zelda on the Switch and the nothing until Mario in December. I find it odd that people are comparing the motion controls here to the use of motion controls in VR. VR motion controls work brilliantly because in VR they allow you to move around in those virtual worlds as if you were really there - they are an extension of your arms. They don't feel tacked on or gimmicky, they're essential. I'm not ruling out buying a Switch one day but so far there is absolutely nothing positive I feel towards it. And at the moment I could easily afford to get one - I just really don't want to.
  2. $40? That's absolutely crazy. I liked Street Fighter 2, but not that much.
  3. And if it doesn't do well at launch, won't third party support disappear and it'll end up exactly like the WiiU?
  4. On the price and launch line-up alone, it's a no from me. I don't mind paying for online services but there have to be online games I want to play, and one "free-ish" NES game? Feels like more of an insult. Luckily I've still got my WiiU in the loft for Zelda.
  5. Virtual Reality

    Depends on how well the developers have incorporated it into their games. Several PSVR titles have perfect tracking.
  6. Virtual Reality

    Yeah, PSVR can't sell any more at the moment because the second batch of visors isn't being released until later in the month. It's been sold out since very shortly after launch. And there are "no impressive looking games on the horizon" for you.
  7. Virtual Reality

    This is untrue. And those who own VR understand that you don't need fully-fledged "killer apps" to have fun in VR. Shorter, more affordable titles are certainly the way to go at the moment. Even the most mundane 2D game, is amazing in VR.
  8. He didn't say it was a selling point, but rather couldn't have been done on a less powerful console. And if you've got a game set in bustling city, you will want a crowd there to make the whole thing believable.
  9. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    I love the idea of Dreams. Being able to create short animated movies with relative ease is right up my alley. I've watched all of the videos on MM's Youtube channel regarding Dreams and it actually looks like it'll be really easy to use.
  10. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    Most of your issues will be fixed on rewatches - if you're anything like me anyway. Went out of the cinema on NYE humming some of the music from the last act. I didn't think must of the supporting characters on my first watch either but I really like them now. Chirrut and Baze's companionship is very touching.
  11. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    You're one of very few people who think it's rubbish so..
  12. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    They didn't do the same with Mon Mothma as they just used the same actress from Episode 3, though I do believe her scenes were cut or shortened in the end. My sister recognised the voice of Tarkin, though I didn't. I was pretty impressed with how he emulated Cushing's voice.
  13. Carrie Fisher passes away, aged 60

    Normally I would watch Star Wars to cheer me up, but that's not going to work this time.
  14. Playstation Plus Free Games

    Glad I didn't buy Day of the Tentacle a few months ago!
  15. Carrie Fisher passes away, aged 60

    Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia have been in my life longer than most of my close friends have. Today has been a sad day. We'll get to see Leia one last time next year. Episode VIII is certainly going to be emotional.
  16. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    I normally manage to get about a gb an hour over PSN - but that is mainly due to my abysmal internet speed.
  17. Virtual Reality

    Don't let Rigs define how much you can handle in VR. Rigs still makes me a bit queasy but I can cope with all the other PSVR games I've tried (most released thus far.) Rigs is one of the worst for nausea, alongside Scavenger's Odyssey on VR Worlds.
  18. Playstation VR Worlds

    Couldn't see another thread for this and thought now PSVR was actually out we needn't lump everything in the VR thread. Anyways. My copy of this and the VR headset arrived this morning. Ocean Descent Tried out the shark game, was pretty impressed. The shark attacking made me flinch and squeal! It was a really good introduction to VR but not something you'd go back to very often. The London Heist This was something I didn't expect to like that much. Not really into gangster/mafia stuff. However, I bloody loved it. It really showcases the kind of gaming and storytelling VR can do, and this is just the beginning! The main "side-kick" is very London, very butch, just what you'd expect. If there were a normal game I would be bored by the cliché of it all but you're living it! Even though the dialogue was tired I didn't mind and I actually cared for this other character. It's hard to explain really! Luge This one's alright. You're basically going down a busy mountain road at 90mph whilst on your back. Nothing too special. EDIT: I just remembered that I did actually think it was pretty cool. But I played London Heist afterwards, and it was so good I had to race on here to say how much I enjoyed it! Scavenger's Odyssey A sci-fi shooter! Sci-fi is where I really think the game will take off but perhaps not like this. I would probably enjoy it if it didn't make me feel sick. This is the first game that's done it (not tried a whole lot yet) and hope it's not a common occurrence! Danger Ball This is basically VR pong - sounds dull but it's quite addictive. You use your head to flip/hit the ball back at the opponent. Feels like a futuristic sport!
  19. Playstation VR Worlds

    I think I've remember reading somewhere that the next batch are being sent out in January. Just in time for Resident Evil 7, though I'm not sure how long I'll last playing that in VR!
  20. PlayStation/Xbox/PC Bargains

    Thumper is amazing in VR - a real 'out of this world' experience. Haven't played it normally.
  21. General Movie Thread

    I saw it twice at the cinema and enjoyed it just as much the second time.
  22. But ideally you'd want a vending machine that serves all three.
  23. Well, yes. You always say the PS4 only had shooters. You're absolutely and categorically wrong and no matter how many times you state it, you'll never be right.
  24. We've had this genre argument so many times. Just like we did with the PS4's "lack of colour" we proved just how diverse the PS4's library is, with pictures! And that was over a year ago and it's had hundreds of games released since. Ronnie ignores any rebuttal and then uses the same argument a few months down the line.
  25. Netflix

    I really enjoyed The OA. And personally I liked the lack of answers/ambiguity. I enjoy stories that ask the audience to think and make up their own minds as to what they think happened.