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About Kristian

  • Birthday 06/05/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
    Kvitsund, Norway


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Nintendo DS, GBA, GBC
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. That dog is named Wanker. No, it's probably Wankle ("wan" is a childish name for dog, also the name for the sound of barking). But I'd rather it was Wanker...
  2. I love to relax. I can relax for hours, doing nothing but staring into a wall and thinking...
  3. And they wouldn't have used Mario in something as general as that. What if someone doesn't like Mario, but would still have bought a Revolution, if it hadn't been a mario in the interface? Hypothetically.
  4. 3/5 Nice pictures, a bit strange animation, and not very much customization. But nevertheless quite nice. My avatar is just some random stuff I got when toying around with filters in Photoshop. I have another one which I consider as a better avatar, but it is too big for this forum.
  5. Black, no doubt. The black one is sexually attractive.
  6. Yay, he hates me! "The contrary to love is not hate, it is indifference." Er, it's like, the other side of the world. And, like, Nintendoland. That's like, cool.
  7. Hellooo, I said I lived half my life in Japan, why won't anyone comment! Gee...
  8. Okay, now I need some backstory... Who is Offerman? What kind of perverted things did he do? And, most importantly, why?
  9. Oh, and I forgot, I've lived half my life in Japan. So that's why I am all Nintendo'ed. Okay, correct sex, almost correct age, and correct feelings towards me... Mumblemumble. Welcome to the Club of Those I Like, dukkadukka!
  10. I'm an extremely self-centered person. And I'm new here. So what else, than making this excellent thread. Now I know, most you will probably think I'm totally jerk and silly and many other things. Maybe. I'm young, inexperienced, not highly educated, and most of all, maybe a bitch. But now I suddenly think, why not let everyone just sit down, relax, take a coffee, and discuss... ME! Whatever. Ørnen flyr høyt, as I sometimes say to my friend.
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