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I've just thought of this idea since nothing is becoming of it on the DS. WiiSpeak. In conjunction with this Wii camera, WiiSpeak plugs into the nunchuk slot and you hold it in front of you so it can see your face, and you can speak to people on your list of numbers that Nintendo mentioned at E3. There could be an option to have it like DSpeak in which your voice is said by Mario (the difference being you could have your WiiSports character speaking) or you could switch to a mode where it is you that appears on the screen. 1Emulation seem to have snagged this domain strangely... I think this would be a good idea and would be better than DSpeak.


Also, the name is like We Speak.

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I think it would be better to release a camera that could be used for many things, not just holding in your hand pointing at your face. More like the Eye-Toy it could sit in your TV and take a picture of you and your friends.

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Nice idea, but I doubt I'd use it much, considering I have a phone.

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