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1P Vs. 2P #5: Girls in Gaming


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Can every girl in gaming be a poor damsel in distress or stuck with a disproportionate chest? 1P and 2P debate once more...


1P: No, no, no, no, no, NO!


2P: But yes!


1P: Stop saying that!


2P: Lucario sucks, Pikachu FTW.


1P: This is blasphemy!


2P: There’s only one way to solve this: We must Brawl!


1P: Er.. well, I already told you, my Wi-Fi is broken! The dog chewed through the cable!


2P: It's wireless.


1P: Heh.. well.. We both agree that Samus owns, right?


2P: Yeah, all she has to do is belly-flop with her impossibly large norks.


1P: Oh here we go… If I hadn’t met you, I’d suspect you were a girl.


2P: There are no girls in gaming, at least no real ones.


1P: Er… Lara Croft? Orchid? Yuna?


2P: Let me rephrase: there are no girls in gaming who are like girls in reality. They're fantasies created by male gamers, for male gamers.


1P: Could say the same for movies.


2P: Some, true. But many not. What girl wouldn't want to aspire to be one of the strong female leads that isn't running around in an impossibly tight t-shirt at the same time?


1P: Dude, games are the same. They are the ultimate immersive experience! You can become the character and lose yourself in the alternate reality.


2P: I wish we could lose you in an alternate reality.



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