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Posts posted by liger05

  1. I think no android realise anytime soon is a mistake.


    Android is a huge market and how old will the game be once it hits Google play.


    I'm glad they went with the pricing model they did.


    The wild wild West where people seem to think they deserve games for free on mobile needs to stop.


    Just reading the comments in the reviews on the appstore is hilarious. People think they are owed something for nothing.


    Do Nintendo care that people are complaining that it's actually £8, because if they won't spend £8 on Mario for their phone, they're probably not going to spend £40 for Mario on their console.


    The funny thing is the same people who were calling for Nintendo to go mobile didn't just want to be able to play Mario without having to buy Nintendo hardware they wanted to play Mario for free because every other game is handed to them for "free".


    Luckily Nintendo can play by there own rules.

  2. Where are you guys even seeing this jailbreak info? Assuming you're specifically talking about jailbreak (iOS) and not rooting (Android). The reason I ask is that it works on my device and I never did anything special, although do already have a tweak that helps for other apps. If you jailbreak, I'm surprised if you're bothered by this as opposed to just grabbing a free tweak and bypassing it....


    Yes talking about jailbreak. My iPad was jailbroken but I flashed ios back onto to it due to sky q app not working. Even though it's no longer jailbroken Mario run crashes when trying to boot.


    I have nothing to bypass as the device isn't jailbroken.


    There's no doubt that Nintendo have made the one off payment model to maintain their integrity and not stoop as low as other IAP heavy games, but they've definitely left a huge amount of money on the table. I have to admit I sort of wish they'd gone with the Pokemon Go model, at least for their own good, if not ours, or at the very least, just charged 99p for the full game, just to get it in as many people's hands as possible.


    99p. That's devaluing the IP.


    Yeah, how dare they not endorse piracy etc


    Lol jailbreaking or rooting ones android device does not mean piracy.


    One can get pirated apps without even doing the above so yes what Nintendo is doing is nothing but a dick move.

  3. Eh, it's about as dull as I expected.

    That menu music is very un-Mario which is kinda funny.

    I kept thinking to myself, "I'd rather be playing New Super Mario Bros. DS."


    Also, why has this game got more new remixes than NSMB U?


    Makes you wonder why people want Nintendo to ditch handhelds and just go mobile. The mobile software serves its purpose but could never replicate the charm and quality of games they produce for there own hardware.

  4. Pokémon was the big winner in November.


    “Pokémon Sun and Pokémon: Moon had the strongest launch in the history of the franchise, selling 8 percent more units than the previous best-selling combo of Pokémon: White and Pokémon: Black despite having 19 fewer days in market during the month,” said Naji.


    After Pokémon Go hit mobile in the summer and reenergized that fan base, many dormant Poképlayers went out and bought 3DS handhelds specifically to purchase Sun and Moon. Nintendo even confirmed that it was its fastest-selling game ever in the franchise’s near 20-year history, and now the NPD is illustrating just how huge a spike Pikachu is seeing.




    Incredible sales. 19 fewer days in the market yet still beat Black & White.


    “Nintendo 3DS experienced its highest monthly physical software spending in the history of the platform,” said Naji. “They were 1 percent higher than the previous high in December 2014.”


    The Pokemon fad is never ending. Priority for Pokémon stars next November I think.

  5. I tried it out on my Mum's iPad but I don't think it's suited to playing on such a big screen, so won't be able to play through it properly until it's out on Android. Seems good though and there seems to be plenty to do in it, lots of collectables. It's a shame about the little niggles like not working on jailbroken phones and having to do a second install after the initial tutorial level, but it seems like a nice package.


    Taking a look at the hashtag on Twitter yields a mixed response, a lot of people are furious at Nintendo for charging, saying that they've been misled into believing the game was free before being asked to pay to unlock the rest of the game after 3 levels. There are a lot of people saying they'll never play beyond those first levels or will never install it because of 'in app purchases', I even saw one guy who thought the cost was $10 per level, which I think says more about peoples perceptions of in app purchases than Nintendo's mixed messaging. People seem to be enjoying it when they are playing it though, but a lot of people are disappointed with the amount that is available for free.


    Why would anyone think it's free. They never once said that.


    Mobile software seriously is just a race to the bottom.

  6. This is really good so far. The connection requirement is already super annoying when commuting but at least the game pauses to display the error and reconnects when a service is available again.


    Crazy news about the jailbreak thing. Do any other big name apps take that sort of approach? How does the app even know if your device has been jailbroken after a total clean install?


    Sky Q app doesn't work on jailbroken devices but once you remove the jailbreak it does work. I've never had any app not work on the device no longer jailbroken.


    First time I have seen this but noticed people say it was the same with Miitomo

  7. Checking if your phone is online is a ping, a handshake, shouldn't be more than a few bytes. Uploading data like scoreboards, save configurations etc, might be a few dozen kilobytes. Only if there's some kind of asset upload like videos, images is there likely to be more than a megabyte of data.


    The amount it uses isn't really the issue it's things like the underground where you can't get a reception or buildings with dead spots

  8. Another third party game.


    The Brazil Advisory Rating Board has rated Rime, the formerly Sony-owned PlayStation 4-exclusive from Tequila Works, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.


    When we last heard from Rime, Tequila Works had announced that it partnered with Greybox and Six Foot to publish the game in 2017. More details are due out in early 2017.



  9. But that's just it - sold well to the small install base. Probably highly dedicated Nintendo fans.


    Given a lot of the fans bought the game already on Wii U, many will not buy the same game again. So will the fact the games are now portable bring in new customers who are not such dedicated Nintendo fans, who did not buy the relatively affordable Wii U first time around to play these games?


    Who says they won't? Did people who bought uncharted games on PS3 not buy the PS4 release? Did last of us not sell on PS4. Tomb Raider pS4/xb1 etc etc. They don't need to sell gangbusters to be worthwhile.


    As I said I don't think the ports alone are going to sell the switch but they will certainly help the platform having other games one can go and buy.


    A platform with just wii u ports would be a problem but I don't think the switch will be that.

  10. If Wii U games didn't make a success of the console the first time around, will they when ported? Is portability enough to make these appealing?


    The games were good. Highly rated and sold very well considering the small install base. The wii u was toxic however and no games were going to save it. The ports will still sell well.

  11. 'The Switch is basically a handheld after all.' You're forgetting that once it's docked it's running at full power; it handheld mode it's not running at 100%. Given what we know and given that NVidia are going to provide a lot of development support for the console, we can probably expect to see the Switch get close to XBO levels of power when it's docked.


    It shouldn't be too surprising to see the Wii U version struggle; it's well known just how weak the Wii U CPU is.


    Yes good point about the wii u. The Wii U version really will be DOA. The reviews and marketing will all point towards the definitive switch version.

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