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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

  2. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Wouldn't surprise me but if so just tell us. If VC isn't there day 1 just say so.
  3. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    We have seen glimpses which didn't come from nintendo. Nintendo need to release a video showing the OS in all its glory with UI so we see the functionality and the speed of navigating through menus. Nintendo have history of bad implementation of these kind of things so you can forgive people wanting to see more.
  4. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    The 3DS and Wii U both launched with no VC. Surely not again we will have a third console on the trot that launches without this feature. Secondly its not just about the VC but the OS. We need to see something rather than being in the the dark until the device lands at our a door.
  5. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    This is why I think the switch will have good word of mouth and gain traction out in the wild. http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2017/02/06/nintendo-switch-hands-on-impressions-from-8-ign-staff-members
  6. The 'Other' Switch Thread

    It was defiantly not sold out on Amazon. More than that there was no buzz at all. There were a more games on day 1 but nobody gave a damn.
  7. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Agree with this http://kotaku.com/a-month-before-nintendo-switch-launches-we-really-shou-1792053110
  8. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Amazed that people thought it wouldn't be called Fifa 18. What's more important is the devil in the detail. Does it run on frostbite or is it a PS3/360 version of fifa running on switch?
  9. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    The product was the issue. The fact Nintendo needed to produce this tells you it was a problem.
  10. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    Is it confirmed there are no new tracks in this game? Really disappointing that it seems to be the case.
  11. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    http://time.com/4660705/super-bowl-commercials-2017-best/ The ad made the time Magazine list and came under The One That Makes You Really Want the Thing It's Selling
  12. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Knowing Nintendo they would give one GameCube game every 3 months. Somehow they would mess it up.
  13. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    True although I remember there being very little buzz about the wii u. There was no hype at all.
  14. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I have a horrible feeling Nintendo won't show the OS in action before release.
  15. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I think it's more disgraceful that the same game on PC is cheaper. I see no justification to why console gamers should pay more for the same game.
  16. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    The platform holders could swallow the cost but Xbox live made a lot of money and the others followed suit. There not going to leave all that revenue on the table. Just the way it is.
  17. Indie Games

    Seems third parties didn't get dev kits until last summer which could explain the lack of titles.
  18. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Third parties not had Devkits for long. http://nintendoeverything.com/miyamoto-games-made-with-pc-as-a-base-can-be-ported-to-switch-in-about-a-year/ What is going on here. Nintendo actually has a marketing plan. http://time.com/4653672/nintendo-swi...wl-commercial/
  19. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Kinda leaves people no choice when it's pay or don't play.
  20. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Kimishima quoted as saying he expects the switch to sell as much as the wii. Why say such a thing.
  21. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Indies don't sell a system but it's all good. More games the better. Indies obviously feel there is a market and Nintendo gamers buy indie games.
  22. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Jackbox GamesVerified account ‏@Jackboxgames We're excited to announce that The Jackbox Party Pack 3 is coming soon to Nintendo Switch™!
  23. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Haha. A real shocker. I think the real problem was the product and how to market it? It can't be coincidence that the Wii u marketing never really improved. No marketing guru could come up with a decent marketing campaign.
  24. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Not bad at all. On the adverts how refreshing to see Nintendo actually have commercial where the music isn't noise vomit. Those wii u ads and that techno music were horrific. Guessing any VR is on future iterations of the Switch as currently the resolution is too low.