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Everything posted by madeinbeats

  1. Netflix available in the UK & Ireland

    Just spotted this deal on Top Cash Back: http://www.topcashback.co.uk/netflix/ They pay you £12.12 to take up the 30 day free trial. Money shows in your TCB account in 5 days... If you've already signed up, there is probably a good chance you can still get this by signing up again with a different email address and use a different credit card. Done deal!!
  2. The Last Story Official Topic

    Having this conversation with someone who openly admits they "f**ked off" to an HD console because of better graphics is like trying to explain modesty to Victoria Beckham. I can only imagine you peruse these forums looking for antagonistic conflicts as an outlet for your autistic obsessions. So can you drop it now and not turn this thread into an irrelevance farce; your technical prowess is totally lost on my feeble grandparent mind.
  3. The Last Story Official Topic

    I'm getting the impression you would argue the sky was green until you were orange in the facepalm. You seem to be clasping onto a very specific and pedantic point. Everyone here agrees that the PS360 outputs a more detailed picture, how can we not, but what we are saying is the picture on the Wii on an HDTV looks most agreeable to us and nothing like how you're trying to make it sound. My HDTV has a Game Mode, and a PC mode which calibrates the picture accordingly... I can pass on the name of my TV supplier you're looking to upgrade :p
  4. The Last Story Official Topic

    For the record, I haven't got access to the Thanks button.
  5. The Last Story Official Topic

    I think you're confusing picture quality with texture resolutions and number of scanlines. By your assessment, DVD's on HD TVs look blury too, which is not true; Blu-Ray just contains more detail as do PS360 games. "Perfectly crisp implies high resolution" Does it?!? Says you
  6. The Last Story Official Topic

    I don't need to be pointed out the difference in SD & HD. There's a massive difference as you say because the PS3 outputs in HD. As far as the Wii and its SD output goes, they are perfectly clear and crisp for me, not blured. You ever tried playing a PS3 with a scart lead? I did with COD and it was horrifying.
  7. The Last Story Official Topic

    She's basically resorted to saying neither of us are wrong, it's her job to express her thoughts in her own fashion. I just don't have that problem mate on my 32" 1080p HD TV with components. Your settings must be wrong!?!
  8. The Last Story Official Topic

    Thanks for your opinions guys. Currently involved in a debate with the IGN reviewer on her method of scoring. According to her no Wii game should be credited with more than 7.5 for graphics. Very odd, but she isn't budging Sorry to interrupt you all anyway.
  9. The Last Story Official Topic

    A little off topic and ignore the question if you like, but how would you rate the effort of the graphics: art direction and style on this game -- out of 10.? The IGN review, written by some drunken trollop, gave them 7.5, implying.. no, actually saying they are nothing like HD graphics on the PS360... No shit Sherlock... From what I've seen, the environments and characters look stunning. Looks like a lot of effort went into them.
  10. Game Boy Photoshop Project

    Hope it's OK to post this here. Not so much creative as flexing some Photoshop skills and instruction following!! Project was for a realistic looking Game Boy. Took me a few minutes over 4 hours from start to finish. [ATTACH]3621[/ATTACH] But now it's all in layers, you can create your own limited editions and avatars: [ATTACH]3622[/ATTACH] Or: [ATTACH]3623[/ATTACH] This was the tutorial I followed BTW: http://www.minervity.com/features/photoshop/how-to-create-a-realistic-game-boy/
  11. Netflix available in the UK & Ireland

    What about the quality on PC, does that trump them all? Anyone know? I'm in two minds whether to sign up. There was an interesting story about their UK launch on the BBC program, Click... may still be on the iPlayer. Apparently Sony pulled their films off Netflix after they went over their agreed user numbers.
  12. The Android Thread

    I love my Orange San Fran which I got for £70 from Very with a £30 off first time customer code about 12 months back. Rocking a 2.3 custom ROM on it from modaco. Lots of work happing to get ICS running on it too... Love my San Fran considering how much it cost...