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Posts posted by Gentleben

  1. Are those pokemon games EUR or USA versions? sorry for the random question :indeed: and mind posting a clearer pic of them?


    Think they are a combination of both. Red, blue and yellow are europe copies and gold/silver, crystal are USA.


    Will double check and post clearer pictures tomorrow for you.

  2. Exactly the same! I received Katie from Gentleben so I had no Joan today. I was travelling on the train so couldn't get on wifi to even see if someone could take my Katie. Really silly that you can't have both Joan and Katie at the same time!



    Oops Sorry about that, hate that Katie that cat.


    I did see Joan today, but because I was too busy playing for medals last night I never bothered to beetle hunt for cash. So I could only buy 150,000 worth of Turnips this morning.

  3. Got my T&T upgraded to a TIY. Bit irked that THAT now opens at 10am too instead of 9...guess no more early morning ACing for me :(


    Yeah I noticed the same thing as well, but I don't wanna get rid of Bell Boom in favour or either Early Bird or Night Owl.

  4. Finally got my Dream Address:



    Can anyone that uses it let me know if Katrina's tent is at the Plaza? As she was in town today.

    Also, be sure to check out my other character homes, 9-Volt (Nintendo stuff) and Jimmy T. (competition for Club LOL :heh:).


    : peace:


    Finally, will be dreaming of your town right now.



    Edit No Katrina and your house is a crowded mess. Wish I had Police Station :(


    Edit: Like your Music Room

  5. Be careful with that one - it sounds like the sort of thing that might devalue your town. Do you not get a new suggestion every day? You just have to walk past a villager and they'll stop you to suggest something.



    This is the first suggestion in over a week, already fully funded now.

  6. This is only going to work if the eshop discount is greater than the cheapest online retail or in store price. People will always go for the cheapest deal and until Nintendo wake up to that fact then digital download is going to be a slow uptake.


    I'd like to see some promotions where the game is cheaper to buy if you already own and have registered another game in the same series.


    For example:


    you purchased and registered


    Pikmin 1 and 2- so you get 20% off the retail price of Pikmin 3.



    Or you purchased and registered every game in the Pokemon Series and get Pokemon X or Y for free.:yay:

  7. Uhh, too many to count! Today's hats were:


    Olimar from Pikmin Hat

    UFO Hat

    Rupee Hat

    Treasure Box Hat


    ..Leaving me at 2 hat tickets left out of the 40 or so I've gotten through the achievements.


    Not hats, I meant full body costumes.


    Donkey Kong Outfit

    Luigi Costume

    Mario Costume

    Zelda Costume.


    Got all the above hats myself, plus Tom Nook, Goomba Hat, Lakitu, and countless others as well. Think I need another 63 at last count.

  8. I'm actually loving all of the games, including the plant one. It's beautifully simple, but the complexity it offers is pretty astounding, it's a good shake to my initial impressions.


    But as for favourites, it's gotta be Battle (my army is well over 200,000 , though I've met people with just under a million AND the largest empire I've heard through others is maxed out at 9,999,999 soliders) and Squad (which I've just finished the final battle of).


    I've got a significant amount of hats now, but I'm starting to reach the point where hat tickets aren't coming as fast as they once did and tomorrow will probably be the first time I haven't been able to afford all 4 daily hats.



    Loving all for games as well, think Streetpass Mansion is my fav and Battle coming a close second.


    Have you unlocked many Costumes yet? Got 4 myself :)
