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Everything posted by edza

  1. Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )

    I wasn't sure that option was in the game but cheers for the heads up. Going to be playing this Sunday night, here's my friend code: 3DS Code: 2921-9074-7598 Just added yours there so might chat then.
  2. Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )

    Been playing the demo since it came out and loving it so far. Deffo purchase next weekend for me. Is it just me or is the level in question randomly generated in some way every time?
  3. Ain't Got No Job Satisfaction

    I suppose I can say that I do love my job. I'm a bit of a workaholic though and regularly do around ten extra hours a week compared to what I'm paid for. My job has it's frustrations like any job...putting up with slackers, playing politics with people that shouldn't really be in charge of a paper bag etc, but ultimately, I wouldn't want to change jobs again for a few years at least. I'm an ethical hacker/performance engineer for a large Irish company and my day usually entails trying to break the website in as many different ways as possible and mitigating against customers doing that. I used to be a sysadmin in a previous job but I've had to learn a lot of other stuff for this one (a few different computer languages, cisco stuff, DB admin, web development etc). There is hardly a month that goes by that I'm not learning something new (part of the job really) so it stays fresh every morning at least. My previous jobs have been far from ideal but at 36, I think I'm in my dream job now.
  4. Didn't actually realise you could show it in a web portal....sweet! http://colorslive.com/details/84995-Alien_by_edza_IRL.php
  5. Spent an hour on this last night and really enjoyed it. I'm nowhere near as talented as some of the guys and gals in the gallery but I'm going to persevere. Tried doing a Giger Alien and it's a bit ropey but was enough to get me used to the software. Oh and my name in the gallery is edza-IRL if anyone comes across it. One thing I was surprised at was how quick I got a comment on the pic Not like everything else on Nintendo devices where you wait ages for an update (looking at you there Letterbox!)
  6. Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )

    Hang on...you can chat to your online party of four?! ... :awesome:
  7. Letterbox

    Can someone send me the monster hunter one? Think I have all the others. Nice one, cheers!
  8. Resident Evil Revelations 3DS

    Right..I'm at level 45 on the 18th stage of raid (Abyss hardness) and I have a feeling I've found a bug. I can't get past the level on my own but when I recruit others for the fight online, I get to the bit with the shield carrying electrician followed by having to turn a valve to turn off the steam. Only thing is, when this is turned off, I can walk through but my accomplice tries to walk past a non-existent steam, they get hurt as if it is still there.....anyone else experience that?
  9. 3DS Console Codes

    Added you too @Ike.
  10. 3DS Console Codes

    Added you too dude, my code is in my sig.
  11. Resident Evil Revelations 3DS

    Loving this so far but my poxy ISP has broken my internet connection in upgrading my line. Nearly finished the main campaign and level 6 in Raid Mode. Just cannot use the CCP though so I've gone back to classic RE4 controls and it feels much better.
  12. Resident Evil Revelations 3DS

    I just bought it in a shop too...I'm must be an old fuddy duddy! Got a copy for my brother as well (he's heading off to Canada for a few months tomorrow morning) and having thought that the CPP itself was a xavi exclusive, was pleasently surprised to see them in the shop. So I came out with 2 games and 2 CPPs....a good days shopping if you ask me! Stuck in work now and won't get to play it much when I get home but tomorrow...oh tomorrow!
  13. 3DS Console Codes

    Added you too dude. Hit me back
  14. Which part of UCD are you heading to? I'm in the belfield corporate park out beside the football/rugby pitches.
  15. I'll be around UCD today if that's at all handy? (I work right beside it...)
  16. 3DS Console Codes

    Added @Hero\-of\-Time and.... @Dyson
  17. 3DS Console Codes

    Added: @Jimbob @WackerJr @Mike1988uk Still waiting on: @ReZourceman @Cube @Aneres11 @Dav.dak @Gentleben
  18. Funny Stuff Thread

    HypnoToad says:
  19. Gaelic Games - Coming to Sky Sports

    Used to play hurling meself back in school. It was a great sport back then to give a kid confidence in himself. The training books basically told you to use the hurl as you would a sword and if your shins or head weren't bleeding at the end of a competitive match, you mustn't have had a good match. Love the game to this day and the All Ireland Hurling Final day is something to be looked forward to all year. With regard to Gaelic Football, just as an historical aside; it was created in its current guise, by the GAA (ruling association) to fight back against the growing popularity of Rugby in the country. Foreign sports were frowned upon and seen as "durty protestant games" by the majority catholics so they invented Gaelic Football as a "good catholic game" for the youths too crap at hurling to play. It's true that there was a very old version that could have anything from 25 to 100 people per team that was played in the areas between towns for hundreds of years previously but the one you see on the tv now was the attempt at stopping Rugby from being popular. It's a crap game though. Hurling is way better and has been played on this island since before christianity by pagan warriors of different clans.
  20. 3DS Console Codes

    @Mike_Haward You have friend mail
  21. 3DS Console Codes

    Added you now, cheers! Added you too @Caris, mine is below:
  22. Letterbox

    Kinda thankfully, he hasn't added me back yet I think....
  23. Letterbox

    @daftada - added you there now dude.
  24. 3DS Console Codes

    @Ollie @ShavenWolf Added you both lads... mine is 2921-9074-7598