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About Yvonne

  • Birthday 07/11/1986


  • Gender
    my own

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  1. Yeah, as I've also said I have no ill-feeling towards you and I like how opinionated you are and everything. Sometimes I do just feel like you do it to people and it really throws them off because it's nothing to do with what they meant.


    Nothing against you or anything but can you please stop jumping on people whenever they mention the word 'woman'? I understand you're highly opinionated on the subject but please really just let some things pass?


    Does that really read the same to you as 'shut your big woman mouth'? I really didn't mean anything more than simply 'please let some things slide sometimes' because happenstance was just assuming you were a woman based on your name (a woman's name). I don't think your response was justified in that instance. When I said 'I understand that you're highly opinionated' I really did mean just that but maybe it would've been clearer if I'd said 'I respect that you're opinionated'? Because I do respect you for it.

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