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Everything posted by arab_freak

  1. What Have You Bought?

    As far as I know there's one website where you can exchange keys, but I am yet to try it, and doubt anyone would have any interest in the keys I have for the other games I got from that bundle. I still have that extra Far Cry 3 key from Origin that I can't seem to get rid of. http://www.steamgifts.com/
  2. What Have You Bought?

    I also bought the Humble Bundle. I'm only interested in Arkham City though. No idea what I can trade the other keys for yet.
  3. What Have You Bought?

    Would one of you post a link for it? Also, is it a textured print, or does it actually show some sort of a reflection similar to a hologram sticker? Edit: found a link, but it still didn't answer my question https://www.qwertee.com/checkout/31530?x=147&y=36
  4. What Have You Bought?

    $10 from the e-shop. Had to delete everything off my SD card for it to fit though.
  5. Last minute Halloween costume ideas.

    Grammar Nazi. You don't even need a full uniform, just wear a black shirt on black pants and print out a red armband with a G instead of a swastika on thick paper and wrap it around your arm. If all else fails...
  6. What Have You Bought?

    The demo on the e-shop was very entertaining, so I recommend you try that at least.
  7. Prostitution- sexploitation?

    Like drugs, I think legalizing prostitution will fix a lot of the problems currently appropriated to the profession. But I think the problem with saying "prostitution should be allowed if the women involved aren't doing it out of coercion or desperation" is that you can't always tell whether or not the women who actively engage in the profession under their own free will are doing so whilst fully comprehending what that kind of job can do to their lives; or what the consequences might be like to the people they care about. They could argue that they've taken it up because they feel it doesn't degrade them in any way, or that they like the money, but I fear that a lot of the time they could have just been brought up to think that way without considering a more fulfilling job.
  8. Funny Stuff Thread

  9. What Have You Bought?

    If this guy can eat them so easily, then they're probably not that bad. (You should totally try this puzzle challenge with some friends when you decide to eat them) I've had my share of exotic peppers before, but I fail to remember most of their names. I think there's something wrong with my taste buds because everything I eat just doesn't taste as hot as people claim they would be.
  10. Awesome stuff thread

    More on the McGurk effect: http://www.cracked.com/article_20391_5-mind-blowing-ways-your-senses-lie-to-you-every-day.html
  11. I'd tell you, but after years of mingling with the plebeians I learned that if you have to ask, then you can't afford it.
  12. I was going to buy these, but I just didn't feel like they were worth it. Oh well.
  13. Photos from Childhood

    I'm an Arab. That's kinda the point.
  14. Photos from Childhood

    "You were such a nice little boy. What the hell happened to you?"
  15. Funny Stuff Thread

  16. What Have You Bought?

    That depends on what it's being used for. When I built my new rig a few months ago a close friend strongly urged me to wait until Haswell came out, but I needed a computer so I could start working and I bought a 3770K. When Haswell launched what I basically saw it do was accomplish a 10% performance improvement over Ivy-Bridge and better power-efficiency (which is useful for tablets and laptops, but not desktops). I'm only against it because the way customs are applied here in the Middle East make new technology obscenely expensive, even though the difference in price between a Haswell and its Ivy-Bridge equivalent isn't that big if bought in a Western country. In countries like the US or UK you'd be more tempted to buy a Haswell CPU and MB because for a little extra money you'll get your money's worth in performance boost. The exaggerated price difference over here however makes it completely out of the question.
  17. Awesome stuff thread

    http://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/irrational-service-compulsory-national-service-bill-to-hit-parliament-in-2014-8805449.html So, basically your parents.