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  1. Cool thanks =D ive just put files on so im gonna go and have myself so listen to some music... oh and i now have a vendetta against microsoft since my 360 broke once (hardware problem) nd they fixed it for free and its broke again (hardware still faulty) and they say it'll cost £85.... sorry just had to get that out in the open its really frustrating
  2. I was storing files like music and videos on my SD card and I noticed when you click wii then titles there were loads of files and I didnt know what any of them actually DID =S So a few questions 1. Does it matter where files are put on the SD card? 2. Can you store music and music videos on it and then watch them on your wii? 3. What are the USB's for on the wii? They don't accept mp3s or anything similar =S
  3. 1.Legend Of Zelda: Orcarina Of Time 2.Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask 3.Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker 4.Resident Evil 4 5.Animal Crossing
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