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Posts posted by Max

  1. totally against diving but there was contact and in this day and modern age, youi will try to garantee to get the decision by "beefing up" the situation ie, dive or fall or act some how to get the attention and help the ref make up his mind should he have any doubts.


    i say we bring on video evidance as a trial for one weekend and see how it turns out. if its good, keep it, if not then scrap it.


    ps, i will break joe cole's ankle if i see him in the street for what he did to ronaldo!

  2. nice played by arsenal

    liverpool really need to start grinding results out if they want to compete but may be rafas rotation pays off later in the season? say 25 games in? just like the "zonal" making system he started with few seasons ago?


    regarding the thread being shite..... well no, its just general football arguments and we have covered alot of ground so far, everything from stadium desgins to financial, fan base, player abiltity, comentators, formations, trophy priority and much more.


    so who wants to start the next topic?


    cant wait for chelsea tomorrow! get in there united, expecting a fully attacking metality with "kick them when they are down" offence. can see a 4-4-2 formation

    VDS, evra, vidic, rio, brown, nani, ronaldo, scholes carrick and roony and saha in attack.


    should win 2-0 or so. might actually end up being a heated game as chelsea may be frustrated and angry/scared at reacent development?

  3. It was no longer about Football on the field it was about money.

    Liverpool are just competing in a changed Field of Play.





    which brings us back to my point, you cant compete on your own thus using/support of "other funds" which you couldnt generate because....1. not enough fan base (or fan base thats been exploited) and 2. not enough entertainment and as you know, football these days is all about entertainment.


    ie, you couldnt do it on your own like united hence further prooving my point that liverpool arnt as big as they think they are.

  4. I really couldn't give too hoots if the way my team played affected the perception of the English Game. The English game is corrupt to shit anyway


    Since when was the Football Played in England one way or another a true perception of the English Game...?


    Regarding how managers do their jobs, it isn't down to wether they where Ex Professionals or Not or at what level they where at.


    I personally think that has very little if anything to do with how a manager does his job.


    It's more down the club circumstance


    The Funds


    Tactical Knowledge


    Opposition Knoweldge


    It's alot more complicated than basing managerial skills on how they where as a player




    Peter Crouch for Michael Owen and £10 Million Please :)




    Them Tactics got him to more European Cup Finals in 3 Years than Sir Alex Ferguson did in 20....


    and yet you moan why they many people arnt entertained by liverpool? if winning all that counts, then how do you expect to win a large fan base with boring football (or more correctly, Tactical football).


    good football get you fans, you tend to lean to the team that plays the nice football and tries rather than come do the job and kill the show.


    ps. remember how every one was on chelseas back (especially liverpool fans) for trying to buy their way into success in the modern game, arnt liverpool doint the same? trying to buy success purely coz they couldnt compete on their own and niether had the funds (due to limited fan base and interest) and stadium? oh the irony!

  5. Didn't say I disagreed just saying that the Liverpool fans are now going to spend 2 pages MINIMUM saying that its exciting football because they support them and the thrill of winning is all that matters.


    yeah but dont you also enjoy (not as much) other teams play? i have to say that i find many teams quite a joy to watch while other are just just put me to sleep (so far only liverpool and al-hillal (saudi team) have managed this).

  6. Well if they want the exciting games, why do they only have Arsenal on once or twice between the beginning of the season and the end of November where Man U and Chelsea have been on almost every single week?


    i agree, arsenal are one of the best teams to watch, not gonna argue against that, iv seen them play quite alot, them and spurs and west ham are nice teams to watch. for me however, liverpool really do kill me


    (liverpool V Barca 4 seasons, liverpool V juventus, liverpool chelsea in europe, liverpool V roma)

  7. arsenal are very good flowing side as they showed today, but that might be their weakness? i mean against really solid/tight opposition, attackingly they can keep the pressure but how well can they handle the opponenets? looking forward for the game against bashictaash (sp? and are they the turkish team? i hear they are very physical)

  8. Does it matter really matter if they don't have as many fans as someone else?


    Does that mean they are not allowed to be successful based purely on the number of fans?


    well if your a "Big" club and you cant get your stadium filled then thats a problem (im finding it difficult to get tickets to old trafford CL game in 2 weeks time due to high demand. clearly its an indicator of either a problem with the club or its fans.


    regarding the word "Brand", replace with "internationally successfull club known worldwide"

  9. nice debate on talk sport about chelsea, apparently they had 17,000 empty seats and lead to a conclusion that either football is too expensive or chelsea dont actually have enough die hard fans that attend no matter what.


    you never see that many empty seats with arsenal, utd and liverpool along with teams like charlton and west ham


    what do you think? chelsea can never be a worldwide brand no matter how much they spend? they cant even get enough fans in england.

  10. You would be a fool to think Reading can push for Europe this season. They have not added to their squad at all and defensively look near Derby in the weak stakes... Coppell is a good coach, but in this league you will be punished if you dont replace members who lose your team or add in departments that are needed. To me, I would be very suprised if Reading didnt get relegated - time will tell though


    i wasnt talking about making it to europe, but they will be the team that points get dropped against, much like pompy at fratton park. the same goes to newcastle and villa but those 2 actually will push for europe.


    regarding arsenal, all are still relatively young with the exception of a few. almunia- not enough fist team football

    cesc- class act, nothing to prove but how will he deal with the big boys (milan, barca ect.)

    rosicky- not enough CL experiance (you got him from dourtmond didnt you?)

    Eduardo- first season in prem is always hard for a player.

    flamini- not enough experiance

    clishy (sp?)- not enough experiance

    diabi/ednilson- not enough exeriance


    nothing against the rest like toure, gilberto, van persi, hleb, lehman.

  11. Jesus Mary Joseph.........

    ourselves and United, Chelsea even can pin point where it has gone "wrong" for them this season, but let this be known this is going to be the closest season yet in the PL I'd be suprised if the Champions Got Anymore than 80 Points.....Pompey, Blackburn, Man City, Dare I say Everton? Are going to be pushing the said Top 4 and points are going to be taken on a regular basis.


    probably the only thing we can agree on :)


    id say newcastle and villa should be on that list as well along with reading(purely due to Mr. coppells tactical ability and management despite a bad start).


    i also have a feeling the top teams will avarage them selfs out in points ie. everyone will be getting points of the other between liverpool, united, chelsea and possibly arsenal to an extent.


    i still have my doubts (arsenal) with regards to their ability to challange for both fronts (europe and EPL) purely due to lack of experiance but they have an advantage in that they have blended well together of past 3 years.

  12. Im sorry but whenever you speak on United, the word glory supporter comes to mind! Liverpool have had a fantastic start to the season, drawing at Fratton Park was a good result for them, your speaking like there season is already a disaster or something...


    im not saying that the start they had was bad, its just not as good as they made it look. united camp on the other hand were in the gloom after what is concidered a bad start by united standerds (loss at city, draw at pompy and bearly getting points against everton, spurs and sunderland). just goes to show that even though you dont play as good as expected, points is all that matters and you dont need 6-0 wins *cough* to show how great you are and fly over the moon with it.
