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Captain Falcon

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About Captain Falcon

  • Rank
    N-Europe Forum Aficionado
  • Birthday 09/09/83


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  1. I thripped it, while Mokong was writing his lengthy reply. The argument was sustained, then the thrip was realised, then people took offense to the thrip - people who were not involved in the thrip. People who took offense for reasons they won't clarify beyond what I presume to be that they are fearful of their freedom on this forum.


    My reasoning was, and is, that mokong is an experienced admin of this site, one who has gladly shared his entire life so far on the forums with vids and pics. He is not the sort of person who is worried that something he has posted on an internet forum available for the whole world to see will suddenly be moved to... the same internet forum available for the whole world to see. He is a logical enough person to see that the context is not lost at all, and as an admin he would understand why the posts may need to be moved.
