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Captain Falcon

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About Captain Falcon

  • Rank
    N-Europe Forum Aficionado
  • Birthday 09/09/83


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  1. [4 of 4]

    If you have a personal issue with the way I mod then please say so. The fact is that the majority of my modding is unknown. If you are just looking for something to complain about then feel free. I'm frankly a little pissed off in general at how people fly off the handle about things, especially when it's things that genuinely have nothing to do with them, and when all parties actually directly involved are totally fine with it.


    If the title was "argument moved from other thread because it was going Off Topic," would there have been a problem? Genuine question.


    This is a message to you because, again, the thread is going off topic and you refused to take my advice and take it to PMs so I thought I'd take it to plublic message myself.
