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Posts posted by Pestneb

  1. but mario maker > mario kart 8 and breath of the wild? I know deluxe has a proper battle mode, but botw, aside from portability has no real difference in the game itself...
    Anyway, I'm pleased to see the original mario kart appear here, in my opinion after MK8 (and MK8:D if you count that separately) the best mario kart produced - it took over a decade to make a version that out shone that original!

  2. 16 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Probably not. To be honest I doubt  it would be anything special. It would probably be full of safe/standard choices and would no doubt annoy you with the inclusion of an old school Pokemon game. :p 

    safe/standard choices are fine though, the more people who put in a top ten the more valid the list is.
    If everyone chose not to put in a top ten because their own list was too safe/standard... we'd probably end up with a top ten looking more like:

    1080 avalanche
    Pikmin 2
    Wii Sports resort
    Starfox Assault
    For the frog the bell tolls
    WarioWare inc microgames
    Mario kart ds
    Mario golf world tour
    Elite beat agents
    LoZ skyward sword

    or just no list at all....

    • Like 1

  3. 35 minutes ago, bob said:

    This page might be helpful to people:


    I don't know how complete it is, but it helped me remember a few that I'd forgotten about.

    I thought about doing that, waiting for other people etc, but if it's forgettable, personally I didn't feel it belonged in my top ten.Having said that, I did include a namco game so perhaps that list would have been useful for me :D

  4. 17 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Yeah looking good, but how come Mario Kart 8 is above Pokemon Red/Blue in the second list but not the first?

    Here's by console:

    Gamecube: 3
    SNES: 2
    N64: 2
    Wii: 1
    Gameboy: 1
    Switch: 1

    (Suspect the Switch would have two if we'd done this list in a couple of months)

    I wondered if that was a mistake myself, but basically it's a quirk of the data. The first list places emphasis on how "deep" N-E loves each series, while the second looks more at the breadth of N-E's Nintendo love.

  5. So basically we have something like....


    Super Mario World
    Metroid Prime
    Super Smash bros Melee
    Super Mario 64
    Pokemon Red/Blue
    Super Metroid
    Super Mario Galaxy

    Looks fairly uncontroversial to me...
    if we restrict to one title from each series:


    Super Mario World
    Metroid Prime
    Super Smash bros Melee
    Mario Kart 8
    Pokemon Red/Blue
    Animal Crossing
    Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door
    Pokemon Mystery dungeon:explorers of sky

    (just my interpretation of peoples submissions so far!)

    I think both lists look excellent, if I was locked in a room with just those games (from either list) I'd be reasonably happy with the selection (though probably not with being locked in a room :/) Actually I'd be super happy with the second list, Paper Mario TYD is one I want to get round to playing!!


  6. Even with MK8, my no.1 improvement would be to add a proper battle mode, which MK8 Deluxe addresses so it is a conundrum. Personally I would be inclined to have MK8 + MK8 Deluxe combined and then name which ever of the two gained the most points. Maybe at a push have the "other" title as a subscript, or have a note to clarify that the result was the combined MK8+MK8 deluxe. Either way probably best for people to be as precise as they can be. For example, BotW, switch or Wii U, more so with twilight princess, GC, Wii or HD?

  7. It is a better version, but the base and core is the same. Splitting votes would be a bit like splitting pokemon red/blue, it makes a fair difference to the result. For example, right now if deluxe and MK8 are together, they take the top spot, while if that is split I assume Deluxe sits far below MK8 (as deluxe was only specified once I believe)
    So from 1st position to MK8 sitting in fourth and deluxe way down like 15th or something like that. Again with pokemon which is 2nd placed, red would sit alongside MK8 with blue sitting down in the twenties...

  8. 20 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    I'm gonna ignore bob's number 1 pick for a moment...

    This is legitimately hard, I know my first two picks, but after that, it gets messy. I'm gonna need a day or two to figure this out. I'll be back.

    I also thought it was his number one choice, but it looks like it's actually his number 10 pick... maybe we should stipulate that we have to have played the games we pick though. I o have to agree with bob though... maybe we could do a top ten on games we want to play but haven't gotten round to yet...

  9. 1 hour ago, dazzybee said:

    Sunshine has always been my worst ever main line Mario game (until NSMB 2 on 3DS) even when it came out I didn't;t love it.


    1 hour ago, nekunando said:

    When I played Super Mario Sunshine last year, it cemented it as my least favourite of the 3D Mario titles and I don't think it holds up particularly well, unfortunately :hmm:

    Interesting - what is it that doesn't work for you guys? I think my favourite part is the controls, I'm hoping that odyssey feels like sunshine did in regards to controlling mario. I liked the mechanic of the increasing light as a tangible consequence of your progress, the under island system with exploring, the FLUDD was perhaps a little less attractive as a "power up" than traditional mario style power-ups, but it was still an interesting mechanic. I also wish Yoshi could swim - I suspect there was a technical reason that he couldn't. The Yoshi vomit was perhaps a little questionable as well :D by no means is it a perfect game but for me it's still solid and if I was forced to only ever play one mario ever again in my life... well it would be between this and odyssey.

  10. Whoops on ToS, I kept doing that, can't believe I made such an obvious mistake.

    This list is for Nintendo games I played, so no, I'm not voting it as the best Nintendo game of all time. Those are Nintendo (and 1 namco I believe.. whoops ><) games from my game library. If someone told me I could only keep 10 Nintendo published/developed games and never replace them, those would be my 10 (-Tos)

    There are a couple of titles I would love to try some day and I suspect they would come higher up on my list, but I can't exactly put a game on my top ten if I have never played it!

    As for justifying my list... everyone looks for something slightly different in games, I'm happy with having splatoon up at the top for my nomination, I'm not going to go crazy at someone who would rank it outside even their top 50, because as I said, everyone has different criteria against which they measure up games. Will splatoon be there if I write up another top ten list in a few years time? that depends on the online aspect and how quickly it dries up or gets removed altogether. But I doubt I have sunk as many hours into any other game... the controls, tactics, even getting "splatted" is almost satisfying (so long as it doesn't happy too often and your team isn't confined to the spawn point!)

    Again, Sports resort really worked well for me, I'm a lot more into local multiplayer and I got a lot of fun out of that game! Obviously as a single player experience it's not as compelling but then I wouldn't fire it up on those occasions.

    With Tos I guess I loved the game so much I forgot for a second about the Nintendo thing... I've removed it from the list :D  (and will try to think of a no.10 for Nintendo!)

    • Like 1

  11. I'm just going to give a list! if we go for one game only, mine is the first game, otherwise if it's top ten, in the following order:



    Given the hours I sank in this game it should sit fairly high! The gameplay really got me in this game. When you're on fire the game just sings, swimming through the ink ambushing inklings, painting the whole stage. Highlights for me were N-E teams and playing matches with are! The main issue has been my net connection, which independently of splatoon caused huge connection issues, effectively retiring this game from my collection prematurely :( the connection has since improved, and I still play the occasional match - aiming with motion controls is the best shooter experience I have ever had on a console, about on par as a keyboard + mouse setup personally.

    Mario Kart 8

    Mainly as a game I play online against my best mate from time to time. Mario kart has always been a favourite series, but this is the first one since the original where I felt the controls were nailed! lag can be an issue, but due to the fairly random nature of play I don't find it to be a problem. If only there was voice chat in race and a proper battle mode! Lots of classic moments, now I am looking forward to MK9 which will hopefully take mario kart ot the next level!


    Smash bros Brawl

     While the two earlier games, melee in particular, were great games, for me brawl just edges it. The roster was huge, but with a thoughtfully crafted single player mode it was fun getting to grips with all the fighters, learning how to fight with them. Having seen how I am with smash 4, I really appreciate how the character specific stages in single player modes really encouraged me to explore all the characters and get the most out of the game, so not only was the roster large, but I got to be proficient with each fighter.


    Breath of the wild

    Maybe not classic Zelda in some ways, but I really enjoyed the feeling of progression as link grew stronger! I haven't gotten round to completing the game yet, but so far in I have really enjoyed the exploration aspects, building up my armour and just playing in the sandbox. A slightly stronger storyline could have pushed this game closer to perfection, but even as it is I find the game great fun and really compelling - I'm still stumbling across areas that are new, discovering new nuances in the gameplay. Fantastic game!

    Pokemon Red

    I wanted yellow, but red is what I got. My Charizard was a legend. I had a magicarp who was in the high 90's in my team just to troll people with, along with a persian to get me plenty of $. a game I sank countless hours into, all enhanced by a group of friends who were also into the game.

    Super Mario Sunshine

    The controls, the gameplay, I just found this game really fun. I suspect that everything I loved about sunshine will come out in odyssey but until I've played that, sunshine is my favourite mario game!

    Metroid fusion

    This was the first 2-d metroid I ever played, and I loved it. everything seemed perfect, pacing of the game, lay out of the map, exploration, combat, the art style and the music. It was too short, but it was a marvellous game nonetheless!


    1080 avalanche

    The controls are good, graphics for the time were great, I just wish they'd release a new game in the series! I loved the build up to just before a race, the music track (not so sure I'd appreciate it as much now) and the fact that for the most part I could relax and enjoy the game. The avalanches were quite neat, and I can only imagine what this game could be with an updated game engine.


    Wario ware inc mega party games

    Not a single player thing, but this really was a great game to play with a group, the balance on everything was just perfect. It was really random but if people could get past that, it's a good fun game!


    Wii Sports resort

    Mainly I loved flying around the island - I think I'd probably like a pilotwings game but I have yet to do so, perhaps something to add to my "to buy list"
    Aside from flying, plenty of little games, I spent a good amount of time on the table tennis with one flat mate in particular, this was another good sociable game from Nintendo



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  12. How about we get ten games, with one by each new poster. Once that list is made have people state they're in (kinda like the MK league) and then an order be established for adding/swapping games? That way we can continue the thread as it started... (The Veto panel could be made out of staff members within the first ten suggestions... so far it's Nick and Mark who voted, Nick being N-E staff would be on the panel. And then maybe have "guests" if the resulting panel is too small. The panel basically being responsible for veto-ing entries... Any panel member can propose a veto, but the veto has to be proposed within 24 hours of the entry concerned... other members of the panel then have 24 hours to pass the veto or over rule it...?
    Also.. when is the list deemed to have been completed? (I haven't watched that video to the end, sorry!)
