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Posts posted by dazzybee

  1. Well, of course there are some extreme reactions, its a pretty extreme change in control. Personally, the shock has worn off and now I am as excited as ever, especially that a 'normal' controller has been announced too for the 3rd party games.


    I cant wait, going to import if theres more than a couple of months difference between launches. Slightly concnerned at how some games are going to play - Pro Evo to name one!! But im sure it will be fab. Im pretty confident we'll look back in a few years when this control is the norm.


    Fact is, Nintendo helped create this industry and is the ONLY company that tries to evolve the industry, thats why I (and probably everyone else) loves them!! Ive said it beofre and this confirms it - they are about the games, thats what they truly care about!!
