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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Spent ages moving my Nintendo items down to the basement yesterday and arranged them for good feng shui, without realising that the HHA doesn't judge basements! :shakehead Went from 133000 points down to 98000! Another swap around today, then, and again once I finally manage to hit 150000 points...

  2. Finally got 150,000 points in the HHA yesterday! Is that good, or did everyone else get that ages ago? :heh: I've got three complete sets, but am going for a "trendy" house with Sleek, Modern, Minimalist, Stripe and Astro furniture.)


    Three months in, and I still haven't reached it! 130,000 at the last check, I think, although to be honest, I've not tried too hard to complete full furniture sets aside from the modern wood.

  3. Nah, not him. I meant Gulliver who is apparently a Seagull, not a Pelican. Must have gotten then mixed up, but I meant the one that ends up washed up on your beach.


    Ah right. I think I've only seen him three or four days in the past three months, and I've checked most days!

  4. Nope, never seen her. I mostly seem to get the Pelican dude most often.


    Stupid question time: How do you use the crystals? Thought they were used with item customisation but never get the option to use them.


    Pete the pelican appears every day at 9am and 5pm - no wonder you're seeing him so much! I never liked the look of the crystal furniture, so can't help you there unfortunately. [EDIT: Beaten to it by RedShell!]


    Oh, and for anyone interested in having a read, NEO Magazine put the review I wrote for New Leaf a few months ago online today. I only had a 600 word limit, so couldn't say everything I wanted to, unfortunately! Here it is, though.

  5. These are Redd's prizes:


    Boxed Figurine

    Love tester

    Lovely phone

    Miniature car

    Ten Billion Barrel

    Ultra Hand

    Ultra Machine

    Ultra Scope


    So mostly retro Nintendo toys, which is pretty cool. Also the lovely phone gives you your fortune every day.

  6. Yeah, everyone has fireworks tonight - it's every Sunday in August. Spent about 18,000 Bells to get all the possible gifts from Redd, along with a lot of extras in case anyone wants to trade / buy.


    I also spent the most I ever have on turnips today - 180,000 Bells. I know that's not a lot by many people's standards, but I've never really tried them before! Here's hoping for a tidy profit...

  7. I guess I never really expected it to happen but liked the idea of the map right beside my TV. It's a bit of a frustration that you have to almost choose between the benefits of pointer control with the Wii Remote and the interactive possibilites of the map oon the Gamepad :hmm: Sure.. you can have both, but it doesn't seem entirely convenient!


    I've had no problem juggling the remote and GamePad, which I've had sitting on my lap. As soon as you do anything with it the game pauses anyway, so it's not like ZombiU where you have to keep an eye on both screens at once. A really neat use of the dual-screen setup.

  8. I'm going for a 100% play through, and I don't think I'm too far from the end, and I'm at something like 16 or 17 hours. It definitely feels a lot shorter than Pikmin 2.

  9. I'm a bit further behind - just reached the final area. Will probably try to round up any uncollected bits of fruit before exploring the new place, though. Just had some friends over - one of whom is a Wii U naysayer - and he admitted that he was very impressed with the graphics. Should've been around ten minutes earlier, as he'd have seen a very impressive boss fight.

  10. All I can say is what they skimped on grass textures, they've certainly made up on the fruit, which look incredible. At the end of each level you can take a closer look at what you've collected, and I always spend ages rotating around it - so well designed! Anyway, game-progress wise, I've still only found three of the five Pikmin types, although I think I'm on the verge of the fourth, but I'm pleased there's still quite a way to go.

  11. Post? Strange. I had the impression that Nintendo just gave out download codes to reviewers now (makes sense I guess as it's cheaper to distribute and it prevents review copies from being sold, but oh well, so much for that!).


    Since Autumn, the 3DS games I've had have been download codes, but I think this is actually the first Wii U game they've sent me - they did offer the launch games, but again, only on disc and only 'on loan', so I just bought them myself. I expect I'll end up buying this once it's out too, as I won't complete it in two weeks.


    EDIT: I've now reached a point where I'm totally stuck! Been wandering in circles for a few days' worth of gameplay, with no idea how I'm supposed to get to where I'm meant to go.. And no walkthrough or (far enough) video online either...

  12. I got a review copy of this through the post today (just on loan for 2 weeks, though :(), and I've played 9 days so far. It's absolutely fantastic so far - just what I would have hoped for in a Pikmin sequel. It also means new signature and avatar time!

  13. New month means new bugs and fish! Only two fish, though, I think: the sweet fish and arapaima, which I managed to catch before going to sleep last night, along with the fairly common cicada shell. Most of the other new insects are types of cicada, only out during the daytime, as well as the scorpion (wasn't able to find one last night), the walking leaf and one of the trickier bugs from the old games: the banded dragonfly.
