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Everything posted by jarmstrong

  1. I got this at the weekend, I'm a big zombie fan so I've been looking forward to it. It's similarlties to RE4 are obvious in how it plays, and this is probably it's saving grace as the control system makes it fairly easy to get into it. The game shines when you're surrounded, then it gets quite tense as you battle your way out of a crowd, and also you do end up in a crowd which I was really worried about, I assume you'd get a few zombies at a time, but you can get quite a bit more than that to add the pressure. I'm uninterested in the graphics, sure there's better games, but there's worse games too on the Wii. Hell if I wanted graphics, I wouldn't have bought a Wii anyway. But given the large levels, it's ok on the visuals. It's definietly a bit thin for the long-term outlook though unless the gameplay gets some new elements later on (only played it for about an hour and a half. Interesting thread though... best wishes Jody The Nintendo Show Podcast thenintendoshow.co.uk
  2. I got this on Friday, love it, the last one was OK, but i never clicked with it, this one is more open and seems to have a LOT of secrets/easter eggs. Also, my niece and nephew went nuts for it, practically had to scrape my niece off the balance board after four hours. Love Alt Angrio, there's some awesome routes down and you get some massive air (check the lingo!!!), but the resort has it's charm as well, especially the Kangaroo course which is just chock full of ramps, jumps, rails etc. I've set up a blog on blogger for familyskiandsnowboard so if you find anything cool on the slopes PM or mail me and I'll put it up, looks like there's a lot in the game to find (haven't found a yeti yet, but there was one in the fist one somewhere) If you find anything cool on the slopes or want to see what I'm finding, hop on over, I also do a UK based Nintendo podcast too which is on iTunes (the nintendo show) and I'll be covering Family Ski & Snowboard on the next one in a week or so time. Enjoy the slopes! best wishes Jody
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