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  1. no i havent played it i will have a look at it though;-) i myself get very bored very quick with gta i prefer zelda and medal of honour and to my suprise animal crossing is quite cool lol.
  2. lol iv started something here, yeah i now know that gta will never see the light of day on the cube..................but have you noticed all the games you see advertise on tv now days look at the bottom and gamecube is nowhere to be seen only ps2 and xbox and cdrom and all the shops round me have taken all nintendo products from there shop and replaced it with psp i had to do alot of serching just to buy a gc game what do you lot rekon?
  3. after more searchin iv come to belive that GTA coming to the cube is all rumors and is not going to happen at least not untill they have bled as much money from the game as possible,
  4. http://www.gamecubicle.com/news-nintendo_gamecube_grand_theft_auto.htm i maybee wrong dont shoot me just because iv said something that maybe wrong
  5. I THOUGHT THIS IS WHAT IT SAID. Believe it or not... GTA 3 is going to be released on the GameCube! The game that was supposed to be an exclusive for the PS2, has broken his chains and is on the run to the GameCube! The latest issue of Game Informer magazine includes a very exciting tidbit that makes it look like Cube owners will soon be able to go on the crime spree for themselves: “Rockstar's amazing success with Grand Theft Auto III is going to the company's head. Ideas are already being dreamt up an even worked on for Grand Theft Auto IV as we speak. In the meantime, all you Gamecube owners can rest easy, as Rockstar is working on GTA III for you guys which should be out before this fall.â€
  6. lol its all down to ones taste aint it really i like alot of games even mario party it depends what mood im in, and anyway i think true crime stands a little ground to GTA. what do you lot think of true crime?
  7. lol why do people say its a kiddie console it has some awsome games need for speed medal of honor series, just because it dont have gta people slate nintendo and it lets them down ALOT i think. lmao but i do agree with you in one aspect they do alot of kiddy games and need to break free from it.
  8. ok thanx for your answers it was just that in the news section and on various web sites it states that gta 3 and gts vc will be out for gc this year, oh well zelda kicks ass anyway so im gonna get a cube in the next few days;)
  9. sorry i dont know how to delete it
  10. ok i guess you have heard this loads of times here but i have a question, is gta coming out for the cube or not i have a new slimline ps2 at the moment but i have to admit i like the cube more but the only thing stoping me from getting one is the loss of gta, can someone fill me in???? thankyou.
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