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    Videogames, Anime, Eurovision.


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  1. That song was performed be Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan. It's one of my favourites too, the lyrics rocked. "...We were the rock'n'roll kids. Rock'n'roll was all we did and listenin to those songs on the radio. I was yours and you were mine, but that was once upon a time. Now we never seem to rock'n'roll anymore..." Well, Sweden is one of the big Favs this year, so is Belgium. Finland can also be a suprise. About the "neighbour voting" it does exist, but it's really not enough to lead a country to victory. It can decide who passes from the semi-final though, but the winning country has to have a "kick ass" song (with a strong performance) that recieves points from most of the countries (and not only from neighbours).
  2. Yes, the original text was better... and more insulting: (translated) My song, super cool, no nineties crap It's cool, okay, it's not gay I've come here to stay And the other bitches are covered in pimples But I'm more tender You love me, you worship me (Pretty) But still somehow so lame Haha, I actually like UK's song this year (i don't remember the last time i did). Go Daz!
  3. Ok, I got the idea of making this thread after noticing all the different nationallities of this board's users. So I created it in order to discuss (or make fun of...) the world's most "tacky" song competition! This year, as usual, the quality of the songs has reached it's lowest mark ever ! Between freaks, madonna wannabes, porn stars and cowboys their's a wide selection suitable for every imaginable taste. Now, here is what I think we can do: each user hears their country's song, and gives it a score on a scale from 1 to 10. Try to put your musical tastes aside and keep in mind that this show is watched by millions, so don't be so harsh with your country's song. You can hear/watch the song here www(dot)eurovision(dot)tv: (click on multimedia lounge ---> Video). I'll start: Portugal - This year Portugal tries their luck with a girlsband called Nonstop (formed in a reality show called Popstars). They know how to sing, and the voices are nice... but the song is not very "portuguese" and really sounds like an ABBA song. It's not very original and I'm afraid another 80's song won't get us far, still the chorus is pretty catchy so I'll give it 7/10. Ok, now i want to hear what you think about your songs Mean while, Hellfire presents you with this years biggest freaks of the contest.
  4. That was a very enjoyable AMV, considering it's your first try. To begin with, I really liked the intro. The bouncing ball was nicely synced to the music, and the kid in the forest helped with the peaceful atmosphere. Maybe next time you should name your amv. Once the song got "heavier", the amv scenes completely changed, and it became mostly an action amv, which is actually what suits this song. As required of an amv of this type, there was some nice syncing to the beats (like at 1:53 and 2:31), though little effects and transitions (which isn't necessary a bad thing). The chorus was well done, and it reached it's "momentum" with the last "pushing me away". I'm not sure about this, but did you attempt to lip sync? There was some parts that actually worked well, but others it was a little out of beat. (but it probably wasn't intentional). The subs were kind of disappointing, on your next amv try to select scenes without subs (although it's not always possible, i know), or maybe try cropping them. I was expecting a video made in Movie Maker since it was your first, luckily you seem to already handle a more advanced editor, which gives you plenty of room to improve on your next amv. Still, you did a very good job on this Prince of Tennis amv :wink: .
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