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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. Obviously, I didn't mean it as a tool for revenge, but either for protection, or at least make the criminal think twice before holding up a civilian, who may or may not be armed.


    Also, what about just keeping a gun in your house. That is, if your worried that someone might break in as well.

  2. Shine a Light


    It was a Scorsese film about the Rolling Stones, so it was practically impossible for me to hate this film, so yeah, the 'rock-umentry' was great. The first 15 minutes was just Scorsese and the stones just planning the concert, which was actually one of the best parts, but the greatest moment was when Bud White came to to sing 'Champagne and Reefer', I mean, man, what a voice.


    If I'm being honest though, the old footage parts that occasionally inter-cut the gig bored me a little, and I would have liked to have them play 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' or 'Let it Loose', but still...



  3. Guns don't kill people, people do.




    I know this is a very old and over-used argument, but it's very true. I never heard of a case where a gun just got up and shot someone, but I heard of many cases where people have used them, and may I add, they could just as well of done the job with several other weapons


    I think it makes them feel safer or bigger.


    Which is only slightly ironic, because guns have ended more good lives then they've saved.


    I don't really see how you came to this conclusion. I mean, do you have statistic where a gun has saved a life, including everything from direct involvement, to the sheer fact of having the gun shit some people and scared

    them off?

    Anyone can pull a trigger. Stabbing someone is different.


    Not quite. A stabbing, any stabbing, has a chance of being fatal fatal. Even a jerk stab. And as for the "anyone can pull a trigger" argument, I'd like to see you get a head shot from 50 yrds


    I wonder why there's so many school killings in the US? - Guns.


    Actually, it's because schools are easy targets for psychopaths, because there is no-one with a gun to shoot back.


    I wonder why the murder rate is so high in the Us? - Guns.


    That's very, very short sighted. murder rate is so high in the united states for many reasons, from prison gangs to back-lash effect of slavery


    I wanted to slap the senator woman who legalised the carrying of arms on campus in some US state. You can tell in an arguement, it'll get heated, and someone'll dive into their bag, and the other person will grab their gun and shoot instinctively, without realising the now dead person wasn't even reaching for a gun.


    correct me if I'm wrong, but in most states, you are allowed to carry a gun anyway, and it's up to the uni/college/whatever to ban guns on campus, and that worked well at V-tech (wait!).




    Guns are tools for killing. If you say "But people would find other ways to kill people!"m, stfu. A knife-wielding person holding up a class is hardly going to do much damage/any at all, if played right, but a gun allows the person to walk in, killing anyone he/she wants at their own leisure.


    Though you are right, your point is invalid. There is no culture in the world where there are absolutely no guns what-so-ever. Even in countries where guns are illegal, you should be able to arm yourself. So yes, the only way to hold up a room is with a gun, but if guns are illegal, then it doesn't mean it's not going to happen.


    Gun crime in the UK is out of control atm. There's so many guns floating around North London that it actually got me pretty worried at times. The Government are blatantly not taking enough precautions to stop them getting imported facilitating gang warfare. It sucks balls.


    well, to those who have read my post, it shouldn't be hard to guess where I stand on this argument, and I just want to say that I don't want to come off biased when I ask this question, but would you feel safer if, say, you had a gun yourself? By that, I mean legally, of course.




    Seriously if it wasn't guns, it would be swords, axes, lances and black magic. Humanity always made weapons, unfortunately they are for the most part horribly controlled and lead to unwanted side effects, but saying that guns shouldn't exist at all is just stupid.


    Precisely. Changing how a weapon is used is not going to stop people from using them.

  4. In the not so distant future mankind has been separated into two different classes of society, genetically modified humans and the non-modified underclass minority. Also "space suits" are the sort of thing you get out of Marks and Spencer. Unwilling to accept his lot in life, Ethan Hawke sets out to beat the system with the help of reclusive and disabled swimming champion Jude Law. It's generally just a great film, with subtle twists and complex relationships between the characters.


    My advice: Watch it at least twice.


    Yeah. I couldn't have put it better myself.


    The guy who directed it also directed Lord of War, which is also a great film. I suppose it's quite similar is a very vague way as well.

  5. Good film, Gattaca. It's sort of a true sci-fi film, as in it is a 'what if?' scenario, which I think is quite rare these days, and executes it perfectly. The ending was quite emotional as well.


    Anyway, I watched Die Hard again today. Excellent stuff. I don't think I really need to add any more. Yippie-Ki Ay motherfucker! 9/10

  6. Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, the Euro in the UK is inevitable.


    The pound sterling is so strong that it has gotten to a point that it is too expensive to trade with British industries, so there are going to be less and less customers for British product. No customers means no money, meaning our economy will eventually dwindle. Adopting the Euro will at the very least open our market up to an extra 250 million people, and could give us a break on international trade.


    As for the coins themselves, they look OK, but I'm not that bothered about what they look like. I think they should get rid on the coppers, though.

  7. I'm going to give Blade Runner another go soon, as I didn't really enjoy it last time and I'm a fan of both Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott. Probably watched the worst cut from the 20 or so that are out there. :shakehead


    Most people tend not to like Blade Runner the first time they watch it. I suppose because people expect a lot more action from it. Definitely give it another go; it'll be one of the most rewarding cinematic experiences you'll ever have.



    The Final Cut version. I think I'll watch the workprint version next. That's supposed to be the oddest one


    Never saw the final cut. In fact I've only seen the director's cut, though I heard the difference between the DC and the FC are very thin.


    I might have a look at this work print version, too.

  8. Blade Runner


    Great movie with loads of fantastic scenes.




    I'll probably watch one of the other versions sometime soon.

    Out of interest, which version did you watch?



    In other news, I watched both volumes of Kill Bill again the other night, but this is the first time I watch them back to back. Together (because it's one film, dammit!) I'd say it's amongst the best films in the last decade or so.


    Volume I: 9/10

    Volume II: 10/10

    As one film: 19/10

  9. Because nurses frankly do a bigger job than they do as do fireman and get jack shit whereas footballers kick a ball for the amusement of others and get thousands/millions of pounds.


    I just don't think its right to class amusement over life-saving..:indeed:



    But the thing is, Footballers are payed by the club, who have the right to pay as much as they want for a player, and they have endless reasons to do so.

  10. Shit. I didn't notice that.




    here goes...


    - The Newton Boys (1998)

    - It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books (1988)

    - Bad News Bears (2005)

    - Fast Food Nation (2006)

    - SubUrbia (1996)

    - Slacker (1991)

    - Live from Shiva's Dance Floor (2003)

    - A Scanner Darkly (2006)

    - Tape (2001)

    - The School of Rock (2003)

    - Dazed and Confused (1993)

    - Waking Life (2001)

    - Before Sunrise (1995)

    - Before Sunset (2004)


    5. List Richard Linklater's films, from worst to best (yes there is a correct answer)




    If the correct answer is imdb's user ranking, then it would be...


    - Before Sunset (2004)

    - Before Sunrise (1995)

    - Waking Life (2001)

    - Dazed and Confused (1993)

    - The School of Rock (2003)

    - Tape (2001)

    - A Scanner Darkly (2006)

    - Live from Shiva's Dance Floor (2003)

    - Slacker (1991)

    - SubUrbia (1996)

    - Fast Food Nation (2006)

    - Bad News Bears (2005)

    - It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books (1988)

    - The Newton Boys (1998)


    ...best at top, worst at bottom.

  12. I already posted something like this in the politics thread...

    The budget, IMO, seems quite fair, but I have to agree with Cameron on this one. Britain's economy is falling. House prices keep dropping, mortgages are rising, banks are not getting enough customers and ultimately, people are spending less and less; and adding on taxes like Darling did certainly isn't helping.


    It's not exactly an easy problem to get around. I just think the government should really get there areses into gear and have a big think about this.

  13. Just to add to theCrash debate, I watched for the first time last night, and I couldn't believe how underdeveloped the script was, including the story, the characters and the themes. It all ended too fast, with really very little character resloutions, and the underlying racism message fell flat.


    I didn't hate it, though. Hell, I'd give it about 5 or maybe 6 out of 10. I like the acting and photography, and I also liked how Haggis tried to reach different areas in the films overall theme, e.g. whether racism is unavoidable, responsibilities for your own actions, affirmative action etc. If Paul Haggis just nailed one or two of these, I perhaps would have liked it more.


    Also, I really hated the score.









    I'm in the mood for a long review now, so bear with me.


    I suppose the common theme in Michael Mann's films is people who are good at what they do and their toll. Ali is the bets example, which is the hardships the worlds greatest boxer had to go through; and also Heat, where the two main characters fell from grace due to their dedication. Collateral is no different. A skilled taxi driver (Max) picks up a seemingly invincible hit-man(Vincent), and because of his skill, Vincent holds Max hostage to carry out his hits 'because he's good'. I suppose similarly, Vincent found his mission more difficult than usual because he convinced Max too much about the Darwinian adaption to the surroundings, pitting himself against Max.


    I won't spoil much, but this leads to an overall exciting movie. Well built characters, a plot, helped with an well written screenplay, where you don't know where exactly it is going (but in a good way, if that makes sense), and all this leads up to a well executed climax, which is, again, tense, due to the direction, in particular Mann's use of light and space (something else which is common throughout his films). A couple of things harboured the experience for me though. For example, there were too many daft decisions made by characters to move the plot along. I mean, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not only run away from a hit-man with his briefcase, but to throw it onto the fucking highway. Surely just trying to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible should be the only thing on your mind. Also, the soundtrack. I might just be me, but I felt that the songs used were just placed in random places with no particular significnace.


    I know these are just nit picks, but I still find them rather distracting. Having said that, it's still a great film. I would recommend it, and I might even watch it again in future months.



  14. A politics thread, eh? I would have though that each political story would warrant it's own thread, but I'll bite. I like talking about this stuff anyway.


    The budget, IMO, seems quite fair, but I have to agree with Cameron on this one. Britain's economy is quite quickly falling. House prices keep dropping, mortgages are rising, banks are not getting enough customers and ultimately, people are spending less and less; and adding on taxes like Darling did certainly isn't helping.


    It's not exactly an easy problem to get around. I just think the government should really get there areses into gear and have a big think about it.


    As for the Democratic primaries, it's not going to get resolved until the Pennsylvania primary. If Obama wins there, he has the nomination locked, but if Clinton wins, it'll go down to the super-delegates, which I think Clinton might just edge.


    Obama is ahead in Pennsylvania, though.

  15. <--- was disappointed, but had such a bad teacher in yr 11


    I feel your pain. I had an awful teacher from History as well. Incomprehensible, couldn't be arsed attitude, and he kept losing our exercise books (especially mine). I still managed a B though.


    Anyway, I can't be bothered with the whole list, but I got an A in Maths (which I was pretty proud of at the time) and B's for everything else, apart from French, which I got a C.
