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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. Firstly, many Americans are sick of immigration, they're sick of people going to America for free health care and benefits and not even learning to speak the language.


    Secondly, unchecked immigration into any first world country would be catastrophic in terms of jobs, health care, social services, overpopulation and other social reasons such as crime and poverty.


    You do know McCain's and Obama's stance on immigration isn't vastly different. I n fact, I think McCain is more liberal on immigration than Obama.

  2. Something worth thinking about, though; what are the best and worst remakes? Scarface is surely sauntering around in the Good Pile, but it's all I can really think of.


    Interesting fact about Scarface. It was originally supposed to be a frame-by-frame remake of the original, but due to nudget problems, they couldn't set it in the 30's so they decided to film it in modern day Miami; so they kept changing things around until the final product, which was cmpletely different to Shame of a Nation.


    But to answer your question, The Thing and The Departed.



    Utterly dismayed. Watching the Star Wars universe in the cinema is supposed to be something you remember forever. Not something you forget instantly. So much promise...So much uncharted teritory left as blank as before.


    As much as the universe is as brilliantly sharp and realised as previous, (with some nice little nods for the fans,) the feeling of emptyness is what shocked me the most. No care for returning to Tatooine? No original voice actors?


    No love.


    It just came across as a cash cow starting to grind its gears...Even though the massive Star Wars fan in me screams "it's going to get better".


    Lovely art direction though ;)


    5/10. The force is NOT strong with this one.


    I'm not gonna bother with The Clone Wars. Wasn't the idea of it originally is to let whatever happens during the wars to the audiances imagination?


    If Lucas is going to milk this franchise, he could at least given us a SW story in a different part of the universe with original characters, seeing as he's always on about how vast the SW universe is.







    But anyway, what i've seen recently...


    ...And Justice for All- 7/10


    Pacino was great as usual, but aside from that, pretty much meh.


    Ed Wood- 9/10


    Now this was a memorable film. Quirky, but didn't stray too far from a traditional biopic. An amazing cast as well might I add; Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Bill Murray, Patricia Arquette etc.


    Armageddon- 2/10


    Wouldn't it be easier to train astronauts to be drillers, rather than the other way around?

  4. A Town Called Fucking Malice. I like The Jam and all, but how many fucking times do I need to hear this fucking song in a fucking day. It's probably the one of worst fucking song I've ever heard from The Jam, though, despite that, it's not a terrible song, it gets played too many fucking times. Sheeh.


    Also, Don't Stop Believing by Journey. How I loathe that song!

  5. I take it that The Machanist is worth a watch then?


    The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada


    I think the non-linear structure in the first half of the film didn't really do it any favours. I can't see any need for it, apart from effectively making it a little more confusing. Otherwise, it's a decent film. It's sort of a modern day western as well as a dark comedy, and it was sort of a parable as well, though that didn't really come off all that well. Still a good film though; and I never realised how good n actor Tommy Lee Jones was before I saw this.



  6. You failed to establish a recognised power to attack and the UN does not consider sexual frustration a strong enough reason to justify an invasion, not to mention the amount of casualties it would cause. I'm afraid to say, Mr. ReZourceman, that such a war would be illegal.

  7. I've died a few times in my dreams and actually seen myself (3rd person) looking at my face staring into the sky. (Always with the sky).



    I went off a cliff on a motorbike into the sea and my whole life flashed before my eyes before I was stood on the clifftops looking at my floating body in the ocean with my eyes staring upwards. Truly scared me senseless.


    I continue to occasionally have dreams of such a nature. The most memorable ones include:


    Eaten by mythical lion

    Running headlong into a tree

    Shot by cowboys

    Fallen out of a plane

    Plane falling on top of me

    Unsuccessful infiltration of some kind of mysterious office



    The total destruction of Earth by meteor

    The total destruction of Earth by nuclear weapons




    Well...that settles that then.


    Though, Tapedeck, you mention you ream in 3rd person. Didn't know tht happened, TBH.

  8. Question: Is t true hat if you die in a dream, you die in real life? I've never died in a dream, so I don't know. Has anyone died in a dream per chance?


    I sometimes dream, but I never remember more than a mere few glimpses of it. I remember one dream very vividly, though, when I was a kid, being kidnapped in a Sainsbury's car park. Very nasty.
