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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. You think the Americans have alot of holidays? Spain has something like 16 per year! Anyways, I'm all for it. Britain isn't as bad as everyone thinks, and I could do with another day off, which will probably be pissed away doing coursework anyway, but still, yay.
  2. Oh my ****ing God

    Nutter .....................................
  3. Funeral Song

    I'd like to have the imperial march played, myself. During the eulogies, I'd like to play the start of the imperial march (the 'don-didily-don-don' part), and have that looped, then when the coffin itself is going down, the infamous orchestral part plays. Call me old fashioned, but I'dlike to go out with a bang, myself.
  4. Non-game Nintendo stuff you have

    Had a Mario Bros. eggcup. My Mom threw it out. Apparently it was rare. Ah well, shit happens.
  5. Favouite films thread (its so original!)

    5. Jacobs Ladder - Like Donnie Darko but about a Vietnam veteran, and superior in every way imho. 4. The Usual Suspects - Rather good romp. Nice twist at the end. 3. 12 Angry Men - Gripping drama. Nearly 50 years old, but still worth seeing 2. Pulp Fiction - Awesome and original film. Hell, you know what I'm talking about. 1. Goldfinger - Well, any Connery Bond film, really, but Goldfinger just blows everything away, from the Girl in Gold, to the convenient '007' at the end. Best film ever. Honourable mentions to: Donnie Darko Back to the Future Dog Day Afternoon Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill vol. 1.
  6. Scrunch or Fold

    I also scrunch. On a related note, stand up wipers should be lined up and shot.
  7. Keep the 'Nintendo Revolution' codename.

    I too move for a name different to Nintendo Revolution Either the infamous 'N5', or 'Nintendo Really Really Good'
  8. Melted Cheese on Toast

    Saying melted cheese on toast is very nice is like saying the holocaust was a bit over the top. It's so great, it doesn't really need mentioning, but it has, so I'll talk some more. Used to love it with kilos of the stuff on, but it's nice with just a little anyway. Also liked it with ham. Never had it with Worcester sauce though; is that any good? Haven't had it in years, now I you made me have a massive hankering for it. death to thee.
  9. Addictions

    I have to admit, I have a teeny, weeny addiction to fizzy drinks as well. I drink about 2 or 3 cans a day. One in school, and one or two at home. I've tried to quit many times, and failed. The best I can do now is cut down, which I have done in a way, as I used to drink much more. I also starting to have a small addiction to music. Seriously, I listen to it too much these days.
  10. Adverts that dont blow 2006

    Now that you mention it, I am liking the Nationwide adverts, with that fat banker running a typical bank. Also, the Mint 'clever-dumb balance thingy'. Rather witty
  11. Cats or Dogs?

    Dogs. Not that I like them alot, its just that cats suck. All they ever do is eat sleep, and in the case of my mom's two, try and trip you up. They also don't eat all their food, making my garage smell, and giving me the pleasure of cleaning out their bowl almost everyday. I like dogs though. They're playful and fluffy.
  12. 100 greatest movie quotes

    I think we all know the winner... "PENIS! BIG FUCKING ERECT PENIS!"
  13. New Year's Resolutions

    Get a muthafuckin' job. Not just try and do half arsed attempts like last year, but get off my arse and look for one. If I don't have one by the end of the year, then I may have to join the TA, for money, credit (for CV's) and generally something to do.
  14. So How's 2006?

    Well, I stud bored for 12 hours while the two guys I were with played Half-Life 2. The night of my life.
  15. Your 5 personal highlights of 2005

    1. GCSE results. 2. Starting 6th form. 3. Holiday in Turkey- rather good. Went scuba-diving and all. 4. Liverpool winning the Champions League, and Tranmere almost get into the championship. 5. Probably getting a life and going out more, finally. All in all, a bit not that much really.
  16. Adverts that blow 2006

    I see your PC World ads, and raise you the recent Hallmark ad, or some occasion card. Basically, this guy gets this card for his Mom for getting this new job, and it all gets mushy and all. I mean, it's so painful to watch. People don't want to watch that in advert breaks, and neither the cringe-worthy line "nice to talk like this, with me and the door." Also, why do they need to advertise cards. Surely that's one of the few things where advertising does not have an affect, for example, when was the last time you were looking for a card and said, "This is pretty nice, but its not made by Hallmark, so no." They might be advertising a shop full of their cards, but I've yet to see that on the street. And also by the look of the controller, the kid is playing a Gamecube. Surely he knows gamecubes are for kids. (I kid, I kid).
  17. what have you bought in the sales?

    Films: The Warriors Dog Day Afternoon Both recommended Albums: Foo Fighters- One by One Kings of Leon- A-Ha Shake Heartbreak Again, both recommended. Been looking for a harmonica aswell, but no such luck.
  18. What did you get for christmas?

    The Godfather trilogy, both Kill Bill's, and Gun, so a pretty damn violent christmas for me. Got stuff like a chocolate orange etc. Pretty good christmas, really.
  19. Which side of your mouth do you use?

    And the award for most random poll goes to... But anyway, right side, to answer your question.
  20. Favourite Christmas Track

    Being the sad git I am, I devised a top 10 ages ago, so, enjoy... 1.Greg Lake- I Believe in Father Christmas 2.John Lennon and Yoko Ono- Happy Xmas (War is Over) 3.Band Aid- Do They Know it's Xmas 4.Wizzard- I Wish it Could be Christmas Evertyday 5.The Pogues- Fairytale of New York 6.Slade- Merry Xmas Everybody 7.Jona Lewy- Stop the Cavalry 8.Mud- Lonley this Christmas 9.Bo' Selecta- Proper Crimbo (No seriously!) 10.David Bowie and Bing Crosby- Peace on Earth
  21. game shops poll

    There's a place down near the market in town which sells games around the same price as the usual online stores like Amazon. Needless to say, that's where I go.
  22. If you had to put a celebrity into Room 101?

    Didier Drogba Seriously. He is the biggest prick in sport. Generally shouting at fans and over-reacting to every foul against him, and thats just a few things about him that I hate. Also, Michael Winner. He's another MF I'd like to chin.
  23. Christmas Parties!

    23rd, going to some sleep over/ massive game-fest. 24th, might go down the pub, and try and buy beer Christmas Day, fuck all Boxing Day, fuck all New years eve, some party All in all, not bad.
  24. Tonight, i throw myself into...

    Ah, I was wondering where you were. Welcome back, buddy.
  25. Recommend me some films, bitches!

    Bond? What about Bond? Can't go wrong with Bond! You may also want to check out: The Usual Suspects 12 Angry Men Silverstreak They're aa few classics I've been watching recently.