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Posts posted by Flayl

  1. I still did that thing where you just down-A Donkey Kong from Melee to get rid of oponents. Works quite well and 100 man melee was done in just over 3 minutes for me.


    The conveyer belts need to be longer on that vid as well so if you knock the bags further back they still stay on the course.


    Down tilt with Snake solves (just one option)

  2. PIT and IKE are already annoying me, in my brother's hands at least. I hate how Pit's side-B move is endless and sometimes you can't escape (he racked up 100hp with one attack) and the fact IKE is ridiculously over-powered.


    Hold the control-stick (later on when you're more comfortable replace that with tapping the control stick) in the direction opposite of pit

  3. Yeah, after all the hype and speculation and possibilities, character roster is nothing spectacular.


    :confused: Were you expecting Geno or something? It really doesn't get more complete than Brawl. I can admit I was a bit disappointed with the clone FSes, TL and a third star fox rep over say another metroid rep, but it's as good as it gets.

  4. LOL, it took me a few days to feel that way. Just disappointed by hour tedious the single player is, and although I love the online, I'm not happy with the simple modes. Would it have been so hard to add a mario Strikers-eque ladder table? Meh, spilt milk etc etc moving on.


    Character roster is also a buzz kill. The Wii is revolutionary, I guess I was expecting the same from it's games.


    The character roster is a buzz kill?

  5. Thanks Sherlock. :heh: Everyone knows that, but the update will eventually be forced on us by new games with auto-updates.


    the freeloader blocks those


    what i'm saying it doesn't "suck for those who imported brawl early" at all

  6. Try reading my post you tard.


    "putting the wii strengths to use" why would you need that for a two dimensional fighter game


    Sorry if i sounded like a douche earlier but I want to play this game and I don't want, for the lack of better terms, stupid logic like "it doesn't play like other wii games" to stop it from being developed.

  7. this is true but it would probably be more trouble than it's worth. Wii gamers would benifit from either a brand new game(maybe a new alpha who knows) or something else..


    Something which puts the wii and it's strengths into use.. As it stands though street fighter iv is almost Everything the wii is against.

    It's too complex for even the wiimote and nunchuck.. it NEEDS classic controller or gamecube which not everybody has.


    ok you go play your waggle mini-game collections while I wait for developers to finally see the wii isn't just a gimmick console

  8. Classic controller and gamecube would work fine, and who plays street fighter for the graphics? Honestly look at the trailer they're using a cartoonish style I don't know what amazing graphics you're both expecting but I'm sure they're something the wii can handle.
