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About astroturf

  • Birthday 09/29/1982


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  1. I read in some previews that you can't actually die which might explain the part about lacking any sense of danger. I also read that you don't have any weapons at all so I'm imagining a lot of running away at the scary bits. I find that a lot of so called scary games aren't scary at all. I recently played through Dead Space Extraction (bought it because this game was delayed) and wasn't scared in the slightest (still loved it though), but my gf completed it the other night and she was scared the whole way through. I think a lot of people rate scary games just on how many times the game makes you jump. Personally I find a dark atmosphere and creepy storyline far more scary than the games that keep on trying the make you jump tactic. I'm really looking forward to this Silent Hill remake because I haven't played the other ones at all so the story will be all new to me. I have seen the film though.
  2. Anyone have the confirmed release date for this game? Shopto had it listed for release yesterday but when I got home from work and went to order it the release date said 05/03/2010* ???? That can't be right can it? I was so excited too.
  3. He was going on about stress and winding down and stuff. This will just be something like "Wii Relaxation Spa" where it monitors your heart rate and all that jazz while showing videos of open fireplaces and aquariums. Maybe something like endless ocean.
  4. Hello people. This is my first post on the forums. I would like to ask your opinions on the best story in a wii game. So far I haven't really been engaged in any story lines on a wii title, apart from resi 4 but that doesn't count because I already knew the story from when I had it on the cube. So my question is what games have a decent story to tell?
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