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Posts posted by Deathjam

  1. I want another pop at Oryx HM Challenge this evening (7.30), but we'll have to be 311+, sorry if that excludes anyone but we were getting nowhere on Friday.


    @Zell can sit in for Sheikah - anyone else free? (Open to all but priority to those who did the rest of the run last week)



    Travelling to London at 6. Will probably be home at 10 so unless anyone is still keen then, don't think i can make it unfortunately.

  2. Then let's start a signup for another challenge mode run next Wednesday, 7:30-8PM start time, since I know you can do Wednesdays. Who else is with me?!









    I won't be able to make 8. Earliest I can do is 9 if I'm lucky now. Any chance it can be change to today or Thursday? Doubt it but asking anyways


    All I really want is the helmet so and shader so I wouldn't mind just dropping it at oryx if that's an option

  3. Okay, lets try this again....


    @Shorty @Sheikah @Zell @Deathjam @DriftKaiser


    We have three more nights left to finish the raid before the reset, can you guys do it and when. I have no plans so can do tonight, tomorrow or Monday?


    If not I'll see if others want to fill the spaces for a few bits of loot/hard mode practice.



    Can't do Sunday but can do today and Monday.


    @Daft @Deathjam are either of you up for some Trials this weekend?




    @Eddage if you're struggling for players I can help. I could sure use the loot and practice... especially the latter! I'm nowhere near as good at PvE than I am with PvP :)



    I'm free Milagi but I'm trying to get SRL stuff done first at least on one character to get some upgrade loot. It's actually a lot of fun for me!

    I would suggest we all party up and try it too.

  4. Then let's start a signup for another challenge mode run next Wednesday, 7:30-8PM start time, since I know you can do Wednesdays. Who else is with me?!

















    Count me in. I'll be off work till the new year then

  5. I'm going to go ahead and start another raid signup for Wednesday. I'm assuming that another challenge mode boss will trigger (but if not, we can just run the raid anyway). It will be hard mode and given there's likely going to be a challenge, trickier than normal.


    Let's say between 7:30-8 PM (will aim for 7:30 though).










    If there is still a space, I'm up for this.

  6. The health regeneration is what pisses me off with the hammer. Can't remember who said it, but they made a good point about gunslingers not having that same luxury.






    @DriftKaiser Can't raid tonight, not around.



    It's not only that, increased armour enabling tanking of golden gun, hammers that can track targets, overshields and the sheer duration of the super and the amount of hammers that can be thrown. I love it but I'm not blind and could easily see how infuriating that can be to fight against.


    I think this iron banner made it clear as day and as such, apparently bungie have stated that there will be class balancing in next patch. Ridiculous how long it takes

  7. Do anyone want a raid tonight?



    Yeah drift I do.


    I didn't really get anything worth mentioning but grats on all that gear! Wish I'd have been able to stay on a bit later to attempt to get some decent loot.




    I got the handcannon and machine gun as drops (both 280ish) and a 310 ghost shell, which was higher than what I had (308).


    Got a 312 helmet, but that's about it!




    I did learn one thing... I'm atrocious on my Titan!! haha



    I was playing terribly but I got better, topping the scoreboard in the last few matches.

    I must say, the score just depends on how many Titans you have popping their supers at the right time.

    I fear to see what the nerf hammer brings this coming December.

  8. Anyone find that there's an ebb and flow to the quality of the Trials competition?


    Friday night – Pretty much what I expect. Run into a few tougher-than-I'd-expect-teams early on but still manageable.

    Saturday – A little tougher than Friday toward the end but a little easy during the first few matches.

    Sunday – This is my prime Lighthouse day. The cream of the crop don't seem to pop up too much and the crap teams are a plenty.

    Monday Night – ...





    Typical. The one day I can't play is the best day to play. God we had some beast teams yesterday.

  9. Cheers man. :D




    Can't believe we went there twice on two tickets yesterday. I really enjoyed the level by the end of it, such a fun level to snipe on. I got the auto rifle at 317 and the pulse rifle at 312. The pulse rifle seems pretty decent - has hidden hand, stability perks, similar loadout to Nirwen's (although no fast reload/third eye). Not sure it will be better than Nirwen's but still good all the same.



    Pulse rifle hits like a truck.

  10. Of those of you who've upgrade your PS4's hard drive - is there anything I should be wary of? Not something I'm gonna do quite yet but starting to contemplate it. However given the increasingly cheaper prices on external hard drives, I'm thinking of buying a large one and swapping the drives - am I correct in thinking the PS4 is 2.5inch? Are there any limits on the other physical dimensions of the drive also?



    Personally I would buy the drive (yes it's a 2.5 laptop drive) separately and buy a hard drive enclosure to fit the old drive in. Beware, the drive needs to be formatted to fat32 (I think it is which is a bit tricky to do in Windows 7+) to work with a ps4.


    If you are going to do so, do it sooner rather than later to save yourself more time in time in the long run with updates, installs and downloading saves.


    Other important bits are make sure you download the right file to install the os. I ended up wasting time with the update file rather than the full install thanks to the confusing ps website.

  11. Hard mode raid this Wednesday, 8PM


    Any takers? I know some people can never do Tuesdays so thought Wednesday for a change.










    Me please.
