Hi guys, I have two questions that I need a hand with. I know they have both been the subject of discussion in the past but I don't know the definitive answer to both so I would appreciate it if people can help me out.
1. Does American GameCube memory cards work with UK Nintendo Wii consoles? I ask since I only have un-official GameCube memory cards and have read that some of them are prone to jamming in the Wii, I don't want to risk it and would like to pack my GameCube away for good but I can't until I am able to get an official memory card. I am asking about an American one because I am unable to find one in the UK, all the shops gave up on the GameCube along time ago, some have un-official ones kicking around though. I have been trying eBay also, but they are primarily being sold by bulk sellers so I don't trust it since they likely haven't been tested. Failing that does anyone know a site where I can order a UK memory card from? Preferably a 251block card.
2. Does the Wii have a working freeloader for import Wii games yet? I know that the GameCube freeloader no longer works with the Wii, well so I read, I haven't tryed it with my Cube freeloader so I am going by what I read. I ask this since Manhunt 2 now has a secured USA release while over here it is still uncertain, I just want to play it safe and know if there is a way to play NTSC games on a PAL system.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me out!