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About ryand

  • Birthday 04/04/1985


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Yeah I know about the 480p thing, but anything is better than what comes as standard right? I have heard that severe jaggies show on HD TVs through the Wii, but whatever. How much does the Mad Catz cables set you back? I assume component cables do have a difference of quality then? HDMI ones are digital signals so it either works or doesn't I guess. Do you know anything about this issue with widescreen? Does playing through component cables put the borders on the side? Been playing Luigis Mansion and it stretches the picture, doesn't really bother me that much though to be honest.
  2. Hey guys, I was wondering if some of you can help me out. I am looking to buy a component cable for my Nintendo Wii, up until recently I was playing using a standard def TV and am using the cables that came bundled with the Wii itself. I was wondering if there is any difference between the cables? The official ones by Nintendo are a lot more expensive than other ones when I look around. On ebay they can be bought for about £2 and in Game they have third party ones for £10, does anyone have any advice about what to buy? I set the Wii to display in widescreen using the standard cables and the picture looks a little odd, as though it has cropped parts of the picture of. Is there something else I need to adjust? My TV has the ability to display upto 1080i if that makes any sort of difference here. Thanks!
  3. I am not sure if US memory cards worked on the UK Cube, I only ever had UK ones. Japanese games are able to be saved to UK memory cards though so that is what made me think the region may not matter. I have been looking on Play but they have been out of stock for awhile now. So the only way to play NTSC games is going to be buying importing an American Wii? That sucks. I doubt Nintendo will supply Datel with a Wii dev kit since Nintendo can be lax in releasing games over here. Oh well, I am sure someone will work something out at some point.
  4. Hi guys, I have two questions that I need a hand with. I know they have both been the subject of discussion in the past but I don't know the definitive answer to both so I would appreciate it if people can help me out. 1. Does American GameCube memory cards work with UK Nintendo Wii consoles? I ask since I only have un-official GameCube memory cards and have read that some of them are prone to jamming in the Wii, I don't want to risk it and would like to pack my GameCube away for good but I can't until I am able to get an official memory card. I am asking about an American one because I am unable to find one in the UK, all the shops gave up on the GameCube along time ago, some have un-official ones kicking around though. I have been trying eBay also, but they are primarily being sold by bulk sellers so I don't trust it since they likely haven't been tested. Failing that does anyone know a site where I can order a UK memory card from? Preferably a 251block card. 2. Does the Wii have a working freeloader for import Wii games yet? I know that the GameCube freeloader no longer works with the Wii, well so I read, I haven't tryed it with my Cube freeloader so I am going by what I read. I ask this since Manhunt 2 now has a secured USA release while over here it is still uncertain, I just want to play it safe and know if there is a way to play NTSC games on a PAL system. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me out!
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