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Everything posted by Colin

  1. help me build a workstation ...please

    Well by the sounds of it, cash isn't a worry for you..........which is ideal when you're needing a really powerful rig. Having 4GB worth of ram would increase your render times a hell of alot (although I think XP can only register 3GB of it, with 64bit Windows being able to use over 8GB or something). What's your primary 3D program that you're using? As I just hear people being more pleased with the Quadro's over ATI's FireGL cards. And CGtalks response to you asking for some answers kind of shocks me, as usually people don't mind helping people with hardware problems.............but they've proberly just got sick of people asking over and over again now.
  2. help me build a workstation ...please

    To be honest, as you're a 3d/animation guy you should know better as to what hardware you require and what's what. Or you would know of certain CG forums to ask these questions at. Peoples responses here though should help you quite abit (or confuse you even more). :wink:
  3. Nintendo Annual Picknick

    Picknick??? A few decent photoshops there, but not up to the usual standards.
  4. help me build a workstation ...please

    Abit AW8D LGA775 - £150 Intel Pentium D 805 Dual Core 2 x 2.66 GHz - £81 Corsair 1GB DDR2 533MHz - £59 each Gainwood 7900GTX 512MB - £320 Seagate 200GB Hard Drive (x 2 if you really need it) - £53 each 20in Viewsonic Monitor - £285 Total - £1009 (with 2GB of ram) That is a kick arse system for just over a grand. Alot of people don't know about the Pentium D 805's little secret. With certain motherboards it can be overclocked to about 3.6GHz per core on just air, and Tom's Hardware have had it up to 4.1GHz per core aswell in their tests. This chip overclocked even beats the AMD FX chips on bench marks. **Tom's Hardware article on it** Then later on change the chip over to a Conroe when they come down in price a little later on.
  5. F-Zero DS box art Mock-up

    Looks good. But the GX screenshots go abit too far. Change them for Fzero X ones and I probably wouldn't complain about any of it.............except for the game isn't actually being made to our knowledge yet.
  6. It's good to see that alternative scripts actually do surface for all our eyes to see. I've not read the Romero Resi script yet, but I do plan to at some stage.......but by the sounds of the comments here it looks like it was a missed opportunity. The original Resident Evil film wasn't that bad, but it could have been so much better, and also could of stuck to the games ideas alot more.
  7. The R-E insomniac thread

    Finished college lastweek, which has always pretty much been my reasoning for my late nights staying up..............but it looks like it'll be real hard to sort out my sleeping patterns. Typically been sitting in bed playing my DS till like 3-4am because of not being able to sleep with this hot weather. Hmmm, oh well.
  8. New Sadness Info soon, new art inside

    This was sarcasm right wasn't it? Or you just being stupid. I'm just wondering how Nibris are paying their staff............as people only work for free for a certain amount of time!
  9. Job Hunting Woes

    Just updated my CV and sent it out to three admin/data entry positions. I really do hope they get back to me, as all of them look really ideal for me. I found them through www.totaljobs.com, and I found the site alot better to use than both reed.co.uk and monster.
  10. A Scanner Darkly (Trailer)

    Holy fuck..............where the hell did this film come from! :shock: :shock: :shock:
  11. Muse - Super Massive Black Hole

    Tickets went on sale today for UK dates. Anyone get them? A mate of mine sorted me and my brother out standing tickets for the Wembley date, which is where I saw them a few years back and that was in seating. Were £35 per ticket.............quite a bit, but definitly worth it.
  12. Job Hunting Woes

    Yep, totally agree. And it's usually the ones who act like this who actually get promoted in anyway.............while the supervisors who are just normal down to earth people (the rare ones) who actually respect people and don't just piss over anyone below them usually stay in the same job position. Retail seriously is not a nice job, and it sucks that it is really the only opportunity that students have got to get by money wise. I cannot see how people can cope with working full-time in retail either.
  13. Job Hunting Woes

    All you lot looking for jobs really contradicts my current position. Probably getting the sack from my job on Saturday. And the reason because of the final disciplinery is because I took a day off at the last minute to complete my college work or I would have wasted 4 years. For some reason they couldn't see that as a valid reason. IMO any supervisors/management in retail are a bunch of ***** and power just goes to their heads because they are now earning 13k instead of 11k per year which normal customer service monkeys earn. Surely they should be happy for me that I've finally been able to finish college..........but nah, they can't see it was more important and couldn't be avoided. I'm so pist off at the mo with them. So I suppose I do need to look for a new job, as got two months before uni to get alittle money together. I haven't had to look for a job since I got this one originally..........but hopefully my Dad will be able to sort me out with something. Sorry to rant! But if you read this then surely you would understand my point.
  14. The CV/Covering letter thread

    I think the best way to write a CV is to write it in a way that it appeals to the place you're handing it in to. So you wouldn't go hand the same CV into a retail position as to the one you're going to be handing into an office admin job.
  15. I was under the impression that SK would have retained all rights to Eternal Darkness. I really can't see it being on the Wii............although it could depend on if Too Human flops big time when it gets released for the 360. Still, any sequal would be years away from now.
  16. Got a college assignment due in tomorrow, and we are ment to produce something weird of some sort. I initially was going to put content from films togther in a weird way, but I haven't got time. So if anyone at all can provide me with high quality Electroplankton videos, as its a pretty weird game, so I'll just chuck a minutes worth of footage together and the assignment will be done. If anyone at all can do this, then I will repay you greatly somehow soonish in some way (except for sexual favours). I know it's late, but it's URGENT! Mods can delete this thread tomorrow if it's stupid having it here.
  17. Yeh, I checked them out, and google vid aswell. But isn't perfect for what I need. Dabookerman is being a saint, and helping me out at the mo, but cheers for posting up Eevil.
  18. That quality would be perfect. If you could record Volvoice by anychance with you just saying hello clearly, then going through each plankton saying it, then that would be wicked. Suppose capturing the top screen would be the best idea as can see each one in detail. The sound would also be important. If that's possible, then I would be eternally grateful. Add me up on msn if you want at [email protected]. I would def need to sort you out big time after the sweepstakes thing n all. haha. Because it needs to be a video content of some sort.
  19. Whats the sickest thing you ever done?

    I've always had the impression it means to go out and have sex with random people in dogging spots where people flash their headlights at cars sitting idle aswell. What you said above sounds like the sorta thing weirdos would do (then again doggings weird I suppose). Some of these stories have made me laugh though.............I'm sure I've got some, but at the mo nothing's really coming into my mind.
  20. Develop: Brighton Conference

    Nah, I decided to opt out of Teesside because of distance and all that, and also because Hertfordshire left a very good impression on me after I visited. Overall though it was the distance thing............I think I would just feel alot more comfortable being an hr or so away from home instead of 4-5hrs with Tees. But I'll be studying 3d games art there, and they also use Max, so now got to drop Maya and re-learn new interface and all that over the summer. One of my friends has got into Teesside though, and is definitely going.............so if you see a black man called Ashley there then you can use the subject of me as an icebreaker I suppose! Will you be going to the Develop exhibiton then at all? Sega UK have got something going happening on one of the evenings with free drinks and all that apparently, so if you go, then it may be worth checking that out.
  21. Great video blog I have to say. And you've got that eyetoy working a treat. When I ever use it as a webcam it's usually quite low quality video wise. Prob need to tweak them settings. I commented on the vid aswell for ya!
  22. I can't see it being sold for above £150...........and I will be struggling to find the cash if it's around the £200 mark (although student loan may come in handy there).
  23. What a sad end for the great one.

    He's still a genius in my eyes, and a legend. But it was a moment of madness. I think it would of been better of him to just keep his cool after the comment was made from the Italian player to him, and instead just go play so well in the last 10mins and create a goal for France. Surely that would have been payback enough. Still, like I said, he'll always be a legend in my eyes.

    At the beginning I didn't believe they could win it at all and neither France for that matter........funny how things turn out. And yeh, I owe ya! You can have my team in Euro 08 then I suppose! :wink: Someone crown me then for being the sweepstakes winner! :awesome: IMO though, France played alot better, and deserved to win. And well done again for Italy beating their history of bad luck with penalties...............now we just need England to do the same. I'm not going to say alot about Zidane.........but just purely dissapointment in him. Let his whole team down when it mattered.