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Everything posted by Colin

  1. This HDTV anygood?

    That TV is only at that price today apparently. Looks quite nice though, and if the people over at the AV forums say it's quite good, then you have nothing to worry about.
  2. I'm going out to see Dirty Sanchez Live at my uni. Should be a fun nite, then also may attend the ferret racing while sipping beer. I also saw Hell Is For Heroes the other night..........makes me think Herts U has got the entertainment quite sorted here for freshers week. I hope everyone has a good night though.
  3. My custom build

    Change that Mobo for sure. Get either a 965 or 975 chipset, as these are the only ones that support the conroe chips at the mo. You'll be able to pick one of those up for easily the same price as that Intel mobo. I would also change that P4 to a Pentium D. Price wise again you'll get it for around the price of that P4, but with the added dual core. You could also get slightly faster ram for that price. Like either 533 or the 667 stuff. As that memory there is only clocked at 400MHz.
  4. That's what I've always thought. Just analogue sound instead of digital.
  5. Universitay!

    I thought I'd bump this up abit, as alot of people are leaving today or tomorrow if they haven't already left. Just wana wish everyone good luck and that, and I hope everyone settles in well if it's your first year. I left all my packing till the lastmin, as reason why I'm still up now. No net access for a week most likely aswell, but I'll be back as soon as I can. :wink: I hope to hear some crazy freshers stories over the next week or two! I've got no idea personally, but it can only be a good thing. Second week doesn't look all that good compared to the first though. I suppose they had to make cutbacks somewhere.
  6. Thinking about widescreen

    Moria - There is a great mini-review on the Hanns-G in this thread at overclockers, and some great photos of the monitor running aswell. As for PC widescreen gaming, then check out this link below for either fixes for games or the best way to get them running in WS. http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/wiki/index.php?title=Master_Games_List_-_A
  7. Thinking about widescreen

    You need one of these cables. http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11273&mid=327032 Are you using your 360 on a SD tv then at the mo?
  8. Thinking about widescreen

    Yep, that's exactly the one I've got. After many people at overclockers bought it and started rep'n it up, I researched it alittle more, and for the price this is easily the best 19" widescreen around. The 360 will work fine with it, and I think you'll just need to set the aspect ratio to 16.10 and to the res you need in the dashboard. But the Wii is what matters mostly at the mo. With quite a few people strapped for space, or being at uni without a TV, then hooking up to a PC monitor of this size is a great idea. Problem is that Nintendo have announced nothing about a VGA adaptor, and some people are even having doubts that the Wii will even support 480p in euro land. They have mentioned a VGA adaptor in the past, but I'm expecting the worst considering it's Nintendo afterall. Anyone want to chuck some emails at NOE about this? But yeh, great monitor, and I plan to get another at somepoint for dual screens, as I'm really missing having that set-up. Only crits I have against it are that the stand is alittle cheap (but does the job), and the built in speakers aren't even worth using, although most monitors with built in speakers are shit for sound. That also looks like a great monitor, and price wise for a 20" is superb.
  9. Dumped :(

    Rules of Attraction styleee. (American version) Best way to think I'd say aswell.
  10. Thinking about widescreen

    If the monitor has 1.1 pixel scaling then any 4.3 games only will have borders on the left and right of the image. These ones are usually the more expensive widescreens. But now most games have WS support. I got a 19" widescreen the other week for my new rig, and I think I'll stick to WS monitors from now on. I bought the Hanns-G one that is very well priced at £129.99 most places (amazon were doing them for £105 not so long ago). This monitor uses the same panel as the well respected Samsung and Dell monitors. Got DVI & VGA, 8ms response, and decent viewing angles. Recommended. What monitor were you thinking of getting anyway?
  11. Official Wii Boxart Thread

    Looks like they've changed the name to X Redsteel now. Quite off-putting.
  12. Sengoku Musou Wave

    Video here at this link. Second game into the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM82YAk33oY&eurl= Some new screens went up of Farcry today aswell, and they look shit n all.
  13. Sengoku Musou Wave

    Looks terrible. Also has one of the most boring colour palettes I've seen in a while. Is this a Japanese launch title then? I suppose the controls can always save it if they really do something new.
  14. Sengoku Musou Wave

    Lazy image posting ftl........ Isn't this made by the Dynasty Warriors team (think it was that name of the title). Can't see shit, so cannot tell.
  15. Wing Island

    Yeh, just checked. I am corrected.
  16. Wing Island

    I believe Hudson were actually the ones who made that demo at the last E3.
  17. 1ups Wii test (they were disappointed)

    An exec. did state some time ago that Nintendo themselves would have 5-6 of the 20 titles which were ready for launch. Can't be arsed to dig it up, but it was definitely said.
  18. 1ups Wii test (they were disappointed)

    The vid is well worth watching though for the Wii footage. If you can, also check out last weeks show............which had extensive HL2: Episode 2 coverage, and Resistance for the PS3. Both of these look amazing (especially HL:Ep2)
  19. 1ups Wii test (they were disappointed)

    Considering that all of them except one had had extensive play time with the console at E3, then it makes sense for them to come out with these comments. Software wise though (except Zelda), it looks really weak for must-haves at launch.
  20. Y'arr, it be Mike Zim's Day

    Happy Birthday man!
  21. Cheers guys. And Happy Birthday to The Villan, Fatrox and Link64uk. Got in lastnite from a bbq at a friends house to celebrate my bday and for my last weekend before uni, and once I had got in I totally forgot I had just turned 21. I've only just woken up really, and I've yet to go downstairs and see if any nice people put some money in cards for me. Hopefully that will be the case though. And LukeLee, we'll have to sort out some MK this week if you're about.
  22. Tim Henman and Greg Rusedski talk Wii

    Nice video I thought. And I agree with this comment here that if such adverts were to be made with these two then it would be extremely positive from an advertising point of view. But have NOE really changed since their shoddy ad's. They seem to be doing it all right with the DS, and if that continues then hopefully Wii may be up there with the DS's success. But yeh, would be great if these two actually were part of the TV advertising aswell for Wii Sports.
  23. Super Mario Galaxy

    A discussion about that doesn't need to take place. But it does look amazing for hardware which is slightly upgraded from the cube. It's Mario, so must buy on that straight away.
  24. Super Mario Galaxy

    OK then. Art style is fantastic, but saying it looks better graphically than any 360/ps3 game is going abit too far. No AA straight away puts it behind visually.