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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Do my Penguin for me

    Yeh you're correct. Decided I'd do Dover as my historic one in the end as wanted a decent backdrop which would be a good focal point. Just done an all-nighter, and only just got back from handing the assignment in. I could've prob made a thread in the creative boards, but it's usually dead over there, so I'll post my final image here. So berluddy glad I've finished the assignment now, although there are quite a few things I'm not happy about in that image which I could have improved if I had the time. Hopefully the documentation I handed in with it will be good enough for a decent mark.
  2. Do my Penguin for me

    Cheers man. I've actually finished my modern one which is Barcalona, but I think it's cack. With the historic one I used a 3d base for perspective, but not on Barca. If I get time I may redo that one.
  3. Love?

    Haha. A love thread with Jordans comments was surely going to bring out the jar comment from someone.
  4. The latest South Park episode

    So South Park, Lost and a new ep of the OC tonight/this morning. Then the 1UP show on Friday nite. Great stuff.
  5. Do my Penguin for me

    I know it's not show your homework, but this is what I'm currently working on. Got to get two concept art pieces in for Friday, one being a historic street scene and the other being contemporary. Here's my historic one so far.
  6. The latest South Park episode

    The next one's up tonight isn't it?
  7. Love?

    Pretty much the reason why I avoid this stuff nowdays. I screwed up with a certain someone saying stupid things, when I should have just waited and it would have all come together. And I'm talking like a good few years back, and now I just take it as it comes. If you go out looking for it then you'll just get depressed I think when you get nowhere.
  8. European Wii Preorders

    Just to let people know, that if you haven't pre-ordered then Virgin is definetly the place to go on launch day. I don't work there anymore, but my mate has told me that they weren't actually doing pre-orders. But then again, I spoke to him a few weeks back. Like with the PSP launch and 360, they will def have extra left over on that day. I've not bothered to pre-order because of this really.
  9. Sonic And The Secret Rings

    More of this please.
  10. The evolution of this forum

    Someone could call it dogsdick, but the posting won't change at all in there. Some stuff in that thread could easily warrant discussions, even if alot of the stuff is pointless. I think it's def had an influence on the threads in gen-chat.
  11. Wii games that might not be all that!

    Yep, only game I'm worried about. Apart from the usuals, the rest is just shovelware so not alot is really expected anyway off of them.
  12. Bonfire night!

    Sitting in my room at halls, and fireworks have been going off around the blocks since 4pm or so non-stop. I expect firealarms and stuff at around the middle of the nite. So I've seen enough of fireworks, so just going to go out and have a dance up with some drink.
  13. The evolution of this forum

    One highlight of this place was the evening of the musical instrument threads. Stuff like that reminds me about the old days for some reason..........spam and silly threads are still needed I feel.
  14. The evolution of this forum

    Yep, I also agree with the downhill thing. Only person who's actually making any worthy discussion take place in the Wii board is Dante with his news posting. I used to post a lot more on the old boards, but now I just seem to skim the topics and not bother posting as there really isn't much to say. Maybe it's because I have less time nowadays to spend posting on here, and with neogaf really being the no.1 place for games news and for actually laughing at quite a few threads I don't see much reason to frequent this place as much as I used to.
  15. Nintendo World 2006

    I think that's really the only thing people are waiting for..............I don't expect much else apart from that.
  16. ExciteTruck

    Someone's confirmed it at IGN. You can play mp3's off SD cards in the Wii interface, so it would make sense for seeing SD card mentioned there in the music menu.
  17. ExciteTruck

    Custom soundtracks baby!!!! No ones mentioned it with the Wii, but games should make use of this feature if it's possible.
  18. MS Windows Vista Box Shot

    I'm going to leave the upgrade until nearer the end of next year. And with that I'll also make the move to 64bit, as most of my daily apps are now compatible. I don't think the price they are asking for is too much considering it's an OS you'll be using for the next 4 years +. But then again, I've never bought Windows before either. I can just see them being alot tighter on piracy from the get go, and I don't want to have the worry of having to re-install every few months with a new torrent download because MS have fixed security loop holes.. Very nice box though.
  19. Wii Invite You to Play

    Come on Nintendo. Contact us with the secret information. People should be hearing stuff tomorrow hopefully.
  20. Wasn't that excited for Wii, and I've been avoiding everything Zelda. But after watching them two vids I'm so damn hyped. Got goosebumps watching them............so berluddy good.
  21. Wii Invite You to Play

    It best not be like only ten people get picked or something, or they'll have alot of pist people. It is definitely a good idea on their part though. Suppose this is their way of doing the thing which they did with the DS vip packs. For some reason, I re-read this post and it just seems to me that my english is pretty bad. I'm crap with words.

    Sometimes it can't even get that far. Waggle waggle will keep it going though.

    Well it's pretty much a repeat of what we knew months ago. Plus NOE only does localisations, and I also cannot understand why a games tester would be handed a spec sheet. Also these things are all apparently gold now. That includes all hardware and launch games.

    Didn't we do the whole specs thing like 6 months ago.
  25. I need a new graphics cars. I'm confused.

    Yeh, I saw that. But then I thought it may be out of his budget considering he doesn't want to change his mobo. Only problem with the 7600GS's is that they use DDR2. But for the price, it's decent. Think there is actually a 7600GS on there for £80-£90.