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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. Wii U General Discussion

    Many games that don't add new elements die quick deaths. I think human nature dictates that we want more and new things. That's why the Mario power up and Zelda items work so well. You can have the same 'template' but it is completely altered by the power-ups/items that augment the mechanics. I guess this ethos runs through the core of every company. Nintendo go so far as to include new 'innovations' in their systems yet just like Zelda/Mario, the innovations aren't going to hit a home run everytime. SONY and Microsoft tend to follow a different route for their systems and, for the most part, their games. They are completely different approaches to the industry but the more approaches the better for the industry and consumers.
  2. Wii U General Discussion

    Would be good to read that Wii Sports Club review... *Awaits Newsstand release*
  3. Wii U General Discussion

    But to focus on the franchise is to skip the notion that much of these franchises have been constantly reinvigorated by imaginative, new mechanics. I guess we were focusing in on graphics yet Nintendo's games tend to offer puzzles, mechanics 'and' the settings that differ from much of what is on offer on any other platform. I've been playing Oceanhorn on iOS this week - a game hyped as 'Zelda' for iOS. Not to take away from the game but it is paint by numbers not offering the imagination in an important area: the puzzles in dungeons. Moving blocks is OK sure, but there is no 'painting' mechanic, no 'ocarina', no 'minish cap', no 'season/weather’ changes. Many gamers call these gimmicks, I would call these imaginative gameplay mechanics that allow Nintendo games to feel different - even if we are using the same character. Perhaps Nintendo use the same characters as when games tend to introduce new characters they can struggle. Okami is a great example of this. If Okami had been a 3D Zelda involving a paintbrush it would have sold far better. However, there is merit in both arguments. I'd prefer more variety/characters/settings in this industry too. So yeah, I think imagination and creativity isn't just about using the same characters and settings but encompasses far more. Interesting debate though. Also: Wii U, 1year old...but feels like it's just getting started!
  4. Wii U General Discussion

    Perhaps it is more that other consoles seem to have more titles that are based within reality - or draw heavily from it. Gritty is indeed a good choice of word. I'm more concerned we have more and more generations of gamers getting into more realistic games, games that are focused on shooting shit tons of random soldiers or killing anything that moves. The line between seeing a dead body in a videogame as opposed to real life will blur the further we take the industry into such a direction. Nintendo do well to stay away from all of this in my opinion. In that GAF thread, the contrast Nintendo have is apparent. A cartoon boy in a colourful world, sailing on a talking boat. Then there's Pikmin which is based within 'reality' but is as surreal as it gets. For now, the vibrant, surreal artistic endeavours available on Wii U are a fine alternative when put next to the PS4/XBone launch games. That Nintendo difference...lots of apathy from long-time gamers, but there is still imagination and variety in spades.
  5. Wii Sports Club

    Backspin always seems to go deep. I have joy when holding the racquet almost vertically and being as minimal with movement as possible. Pain though as sometimes gentle doesn't register. Lobbing is something I haven't fully mastered and is needed for me to improve. Primarily because of multiplayer when playing the star players as many of them spam the net.
  6. Wii Sports Club

    The control system is ridiculously deep. Too much so? I do get instances where M+ freaks out on me. It doesn't let you go past, say 90degrees to the left or right, as when you do, it freaks out and inverts to the other side. I then have to re-calibrate via the Menu as down on the d-pad doesn't work. In regards to the game though: (Note: I'm right-handed) When hitting it in this position, I find turning your wrist clockwise (Like turning a key) adds a lot of swerve to the ball and backspin to the ball, making the ball spin to the right. Turning your wrist anticlockwise (as if you are coming down over the ball) gives a lot of top spin and is great for net play. Timing is also key and is just like in the original Wii Sports but is far more sensitive due to motion plus and your position of the racquet. You also don't need to swing as frantically. When backhanding the ball: Early position is key but again, swerve can be key. A clockwise flick of the wrist will put top spin over the net, anticlockwise swerve backspin to the left. I find it important to look at the racquet position as much as the ball...if not more so as you generally tend to know early where the ball is going to drop. In my opinion positioning of the racquet and making a judgement on which technique to use for your shot is where the skill of this game lies.but yeah...it's still rock solid! Hope this helps someone! : peace: Resulting in...Second platinum of the day.
  7. Wii Sports Club

    Got my first platinum on the mole tennis game. Cannot get to grips with the duck one though. You miss a clock and it's practically game over.
  8. Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)

    And here: http://vimeo.com/79442916
  9. Wii Fit U

    On the he press up and side stand my arms shake like hell. I have terrible arm strength from my back injury. :-( Love the Yoga though. I get a lot out of it. Also, trampoline is great fun.
  10. Wii U General Discussion

    Nice dicussion points from Yoshida. He's right about tablet gaming in regards to it not being the monster presumed and makes great, humble points about gaming in general. Greg on the other hand.... He presents a few too many anecdotal aspects as facts with leading questions seen where he asks Yoshida 'How much you play 'em? (When Yoshida states he has 2 Wii U's)' Anyyway...why ask this question? Is it to establish the preconceived idea that no one is playing their Wii U's? Why ask people 'how often do you play your system?' Is it to make some value judgement? Yoshida is SONY's head honcho. His gaming time will be on a different plane to Greg/Joe Public. It's just a little too smarmy a question to ask. Greg also goes on to say Nintendo made a LOT of mistakes such as the OS, no multi touch, the internet not working, no Ethernet and says he could go on. That comes across as arrogant and elitist, especially as he later contradicts himself saying it's all about the games when trying to show rapport with Yoshida. +1 for SONY -1 for IGN
  11. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

    Yeah, just reminds me of that annoying X-Factor announcer. Why do I ended everything narrating to me?
  12. 3DS Console Discussion

    Yep, we really need to get ownership into double figures at least. Mario3D land is a brilliant game. Perfect for a portable too with so many great little levels. I'm still on the third mansion on Luigi's Mansion 2. Just have no desire to go back to it.
  13. Wii U General Discussion

  14. Wii Sports Club

    I agree in some ways but in others think the whole Nintendo hating thing has gone way over the top. When Nintendo fans are going crazy at each other about a new Mario title 'apparently' lasting only 8hours, I don't think Nintendo are going to waste energy and resources doing anything about such vitriol. The web is a blessing and a curse afterall. Unfortunately no-one comes out and reports about the magical wonder and imagination of Pikmin3 or the wondrous control fidelity seen in Wii Sports Club Tennis or the pure joy garnered from playing Nintendoland or Wii Party U in a social environment with friends and family who normally wouldn't touch a game. Headlines usually focus on aspects like 'Batman on Wii U has texture pop in' instead of 'Wii Party U mini games rock'. The press has a lot to answer for, generally presenting one side of the coin all of the time. And when it comes to reviews we get 'rehash!' And 'that's casual' headlines and everyone falls in line hating on the most minor of things - usually focusing in on what the product doesn't do right instead of what it does well. Look at Ducktales...a game buzzing with love but getting slated by some for its retro approach. It was a REMAKE. Now we have reports that the PS4 takes 30 seconds to start up. Finally! Some bad news! Meanwhile the XBone is getting slammed for games being in 720p BEFORE anyone has even properly played through the games...but that's just what we need. More fuel for the fire! Because heaven forbid it's about the actual games... Ok, I'm being dramatic but it's a constant thorn when reading news/info about the industry. The industry is passionate but when you have a ton of hot headed gamers all fighting against each other for bragging rights the industry seems moronic, immature and complacent.
  15. Wii Sports Club

    Yeah, we'll have to sort one out at some point. Are we Wii U friends? Right now would be awkward though: I'm at work.
  16. Wii Fit U

    Signals heart risk. When you hit exactly six foot under, even Wii fit can't save you.
  17. Wii Sports Club

    I personally dislike competitive online gaming as it seems to bring out the worst in people lol. I enjoy collaboration and comparing high scores though, hence my confusion as to why you weren't all showing up on my friends list of scores. Maybe it's because the trial has ended and you guys haven't purchased the games? I have Londragon/Phube and a couple of others only. I do think the games should have been priced at £5 each though. Maybe people would have said less then as we all tend to associate value with cost. On another note: I spent 40minutes in sheer frustration trying to set up multiplayer games in GTAV with my nephew last night. Drop-outs, full games, lag...Maaaan it was frustrating. Wii sports Club seemed flawless in comparison haha.
  18. Wii Sports Club

    Pretty much my sentiments in my review. Here Anyone else find that their friends don't all show up on the friends list of scores for games? On bowling for instance, there's only four of you guys appearing when displaying best scores.
  19. Wii U General Discussion

    This is a really interesting debate. I believe Nintendo's beliefs operate in a similar vein to apple's. Both have hardware that doesn't use the highest specs available, but the extra cost (in Nintendo's case: software) comes from the value they put, and transfer onto consumers through their design principles and branding. In my opinion it is a smart business approach to adopt as the technology arms race is such a fast-paced, high-cost environment. This is in contrast to new/pre-existing yet effective design principals (when done right) which age much slower than specs do - therefore prices can be controlled or be higher for longer. To uninitiated consumers (huge %) price can cheapen a brand...especially, when it's cheap. There's a reason Coke outsells Tesco value cola lol. A good example here is seeing how Zelda/Mario adventures remain at RRP for long periods of time. Yet as design is so important in this approach, it has to be done well (or the brand is at risk and the house is at risk! - that's probably why Nintendo have put some damaged brands on gardening leave). Steve jobs retuned to Apple and got them to focus on what they originally did. Nintendo haven't lost track that they make games. Thus they are still relevant. However, what I would say is that Nintendo (like Apple) are at risk of confusing the market with their Wii And DS redubs. Ironically, you could argue Apple are in a similar (worse?) predicament with their annual rebrands including iPad2, New iPad, iPad4, iPad Air, iPhone 5c etc. Yet in the end, both will be fine due to brand strength from their design / quality ethos.
  20. Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)

    It's evident isn't it? The best creators don't need the most expensive paint to create a masterpiece.
  21. Nintendo and Online Gaming. What's The Deal?

    It's crazy town but it's all to do with... Their target market are digital natives and many of us older gamers are digital immigrants so, yeah, they are behind the times.
  22. DuckTales Remastered (eShop)

    Cutscene skipping is easier too. When it seems they're headed for the, final curtain Bold deduction never fails, that's for certain...
  23. Wii Sports Club

    Reading this thread I see dat Nintendo expectation striking again...
  24. Wii Fit U

    I was wondering how 95 hours of Wii Fit results in chicken legs...
  25. Wii Fit U

    Forget the chicken suit...95hours!!!