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About tailfly

  • Birthday 12/16/1985


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  1. Right well after playing again it suddenly works perfectly. I didn't even take the disk out to clean it or anything. This makes me think it might be a problem with the Wii, I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see if the problem returns.
  2. I'll play it again now and post back if I get the error again. The only other games I've got are Wii Sports and Zelda... I tried Zelda briefly and it seemed fine... but then I didn't reach any cutscenes in it (plus I don't know if they will load the same way as the ones on WarioWare... if that makes sense). Is there any easy way to quickly see a cut scene in Zelda?
  3. Hi... I have either a problem with my Wii or a problem with my copy of WarioWare, not sure which. Basically when I try to play WarioWare every time there is a cut scene (first screen after loading, intro before the minigames etc) it freezes every couple of seconds, and you can hear the Wii struggling to read the disk before it starts playing for a couple of seconds more. Every so often the screen goes black and I get an error message. Normally I would just assume this was a problem with the game (which I only received today), but it just so happens that last night we had at least one power cut... so now I'm worried it could be the Wii. Obviously I'll take the game back soon to see if it happens on another copy... but before I do that just thought I would ask to see if anyone thought the disk/console was more likely to be faulty. Thanks.
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